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Spice's Rear Admiral Application- Denied


Should I become a Rear Admiral  

11 members have voted

  1. 1. What do you think?

    • Yes
    • No

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1. What is your IGN? (In-Game Name) :


2. What Regiment are you applying for?

Rear Admiral

3. Why do you want to be a Rear Admiral of this branch?

I will keep this short and sweet. As a Rear Admiral, you are taking a step into furthering the battalion as a whole. As well as you are being entrusted with a lot of responsibility. You must be highly dedicated and disciplined to fulfill the duty of Rear admiral to the fullest potential. I would love to be Rear Admiral because I feel that I would be able to not only just fulfill the Rear Admiral to the fullest. I will do it further than this. I will go above and beyond to ensure that the naval battalion is performing at its fullest potential. Ensuring us the best performance of the Naval Battalion. 

4. How much game time do you have on the server?

18 weeks = 3024 hours I believe.

5. What is the Main Purpose of a Commander for a branch? 

As a Commander of said branch, you are what I would like to call one of the Head Honchos. One of the Main Purposes of a Commander in a Branch is to ensure that the Branch is ultimately running at its fullest potential. Now I know you are wondering what I mean by this. Well, I will now dive deeper down into what I mean. When I say “ensure that the branch is ultimately running at its fullest potential”, this means a multitude of things. The first is ensuring that the overall performance of said branch is up to standard and is outstanding. When I say performance I mean the following; Naval Tryouts, sims, training, and performing normal duties as naval. I would be ensuring that these duties are being performed at 110%. Why 110? At 110% YOU are ensuring that the task(s) are completed not to just perfection but to beyond perfection. Secondly, what I mean by “ensure that the branch is ultimately running at its fullest potential” is making sure the battalion's overall morale is high! As you know, a battalion with a low morale is not good. You would essentially be working with people who hate their job and most likely wouldn't like to even be in said battalion anymore. Yes Naval is a serious battalion but at the same time you have to make sure that your Naval personnel are also having a good time. As there can not be a battalion if there are no members. Henceforth as the U.S Marine Corps MARSOC says “ The Strength of the Wolf is the pack and the strength of the pack is the Wolf”... Lastly is being the leader that the battalion needs…. As a Commander you are the Person that 90% of the battalion will be looking up to, as you are most likely going to be said role model. Your job is to overall make sure that your battalion is doing outstanding. At the end of the day, if you look at it….. your battalion represents yourself and your leadership skills. If you want a battalion to strive, prosper and succeed and grow. You need an outstanding Commander and command team. I know I said this already and I sound like a broken record, but I will sum this up in a sentence or two… As a commander of a branch your job is to ensure success, outstanding performance and to ensure that your battalion grows and prospers.

6. Why should we trust you to be a commander? :

There are many reasons why I should be trusted to be a commander; but Ill only list a few to keep things short, sweet and simple. The reasons are as such; I have many recent experience as command and being a VCMDR/CMDR of a branch, I'm extremely dedicated and a high performing person, and I held a form of CMDR Position in real life. Let me explain more in depth… As stated in my first reason, I've held many command/VCMDR/CMDR positions in my past. In which none of them I was removed from, I just decided to transfer from position to position. For the command positions I've been in, I have been a CPT in IC, a LTCOL and COL in DT. I was also the Vice Sov and then soon became a Sov of RG, in which I then transferred to IQ to become the Eighth Brother. The main reason I decided to mention this is to bring up the fact that I do have prior experience and to show that I indeed know what I am doing. Secondly when I say that I am seriously dedicated and a high performing person I mean exactly such. If I am given a task and find it hard, I'm not just going to give up, I'm going to go and complete said task no matter what and as I said before I will complete it to 110% ensuring that it is completed beyond perfection. Lastly to further enhance the fact that I have the experience and I have what it takes to be a CMDR. I've had experience in real life I guess you can say as a Commander. In my high school there is a NJROTC
(Naval junior Reserve Officer Training Corps) in which on my last year I achieved the rank and position of the battalions Commanding Officer meaning I was First in Command of our unit's battalion. The reason why I include all this mainly is to just shows once again that I have the experience and leadership it takes to be a Commander as well as I have the trust to be a commander. As if I was not trusted then how would I have achieved these positions. In which this shows how I am trusted.

7. How often can you be Online? : 

I can be on every day, however I do have school from 9:30 am - 4:20 pm EST

8. Do you have any Warnings? (What for?) :

I have 0 warnings

P.s I just wanted to say that no matter the outcome, I am extremely grateful for having the chance to even apply for this position and I am overall extremely grateful.

Poll should be up if not pls lmn.


Edited by Spice
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2 hours ago, 99 dead raccoons said:

+ Support

- Active

- Great guy

- Trustworthy


Spice is a great guy, when he came out of reserves for DT he always met his standards and contributed greatly. Would love to see him in low command.


-IC CMDR 1138 Boss -Senior Admin  -Senior Gamemaster 


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5 hours ago, 99 dead raccoons said:

+ Support

- Active

- Great guy

- Trustworthy


Spice is a great guy, when he came out of reserves for DT he always met his standards and contributed greatly. Would love to see him in low command.

I love Spice!!

| FIRST EVER IMPERIAL GOVERNOR || Former 501st "Vader's Fist" Legion Commander || Former Senior Commander || Former SF Crimson || Former IF Agent Lone Six |
| Former Imperial RP Senior Administrator || Former Senior Forums Diplomat || Former Imperial RP Gamemaster VII || Retired 501st VCMDR |
season 1 duel of the droids GIF by Star Wars

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14 hours ago, 99 dead raccoons said:

+ Support

- Active

- Great guy

- Trustworthy


Spice is a great guy, when he came out of reserves for DT he always met his standards and contributed greatly. Would love to see him in low command.


                                                                          Current: Super Admin Former: Sovereign Protector| |

            DT NCO|SHGL| Agent Kallus | Senior Moderator Clarence | First "Agent Kyle"

                    Nova CPT Former Shock LTCOL |Former shock VCMDR| Former Senior Mod                                                  


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On 5/15/2022 at 10:55 AM, benjacobs034 said:



| Super Admin | Senior Forums Diplomat Support Advisor |
| Chaos Insurgency Staff Sergeant | Epsilon-11 Warrant Officer | 
CC Owned: | 47th Clan | Talon | Darth Jar Jar | Banshee Squadron | Door Technicians | CI Banshee Unit

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Spice is great as a Naval Lieutenant, just think of what he could do as Rear Admiral! Spice has proven to all of us that he is more than capable of holding and maintaining this position. I believe that as a Rear Admiral, Spice will do outstanding work and will always put Naval first!

Last Real Starfighter Marshall Brand


High Five Tom Cruise GIF by Hollywood Suite


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On 5/15/2022 at 10:21 AM, 99 dead raccoons said:

+ Support

- Active

- Great guy

- Trustworthy


Spice is a great guy, when he came out of reserves for DT he always met his standards and contributed greatly. Would love to see him in low command.

-Spice has always been a great and helpful guy in Gaminglight. His application is great too!

Ex Havoc ATL CPT | Ex Lord X / Purge LTCOL | Ex Tenn Graneet | Fortnite Professional and Current Darth Doodoofart (Yes he is a lore character)

Peanut Butter Dancing GIF by Super Simple


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  • Head of Staff
On 5/17/2022 at 10:25 PM, Brand said:


Spice is great as a Naval Lieutenant, just think of what he could do as Rear Admiral! Spice has proven to all of us that he is more than capable of holding and maintaining this position. I believe that as a Rear Admiral, Spice will do outstanding work and will always put Naval first!

i love spice!

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ImperialRP SMT | Head of Staff       

Head Forums Diplomat

Former High Admiral | Former DT Commander | Former State LTCOL | Former SPRT Commander

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*Good recent activity in naval
*Trustworthy through previous SMT experience

-Activity in IC absolutely horrible.

 Keeper of the Turdium Pantaloons 


Former: Marshal Commander, 501st Senior Commander, SF Vice Marshall, 501st "Stinky" HVYL, & Former 501st Fossil.
[ Also really bad at PvP plz no bully. ]

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On 5/15/2022 at 4:21 PM, 99 dead raccoons said:

+ Support

- Active

- Great guy

- Trustworthy


Spice is a great guy, when he came out of reserves for DT he always met his standards and contributed greatly. Would love to see him in low command.


Primary Life:
Pyke Henchman I JSR Matrix
Secondary / Former
Admiral Garrick Versio || Nova MMO SFC || SF GSO TP || Lord IV  || 69th MSGT || IC SSS SGT || Senior Moderator

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On 5/17/2022 at 10:25 PM, Brand said:


Spice is great as a Naval Lieutenant, just think of what he could do as Rear Admiral! Spice has proven to all of us that he is more than capable of holding and maintaining this position. I believe that as a Rear Admiral, Spice will do outstanding work and will always put Naval first!


Former: | Security Director | | ONE AND ONLY Admiral Antonio Motti | 

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On 5/15/2022 at 10:21 AM, 99 dead raccoons said:

+ Support

- Active

- Great guy

- Trustworthy


Spice is a great guy, when he came out of reserves for DT he always met his standards and contributed greatly. Would love to see him in low command.



30 Second Darth Vader Kio

Stepped down General Kio |  Retired Dupe Builder for Army/Navy High Command | Last Ever Nova Senior Commander | Retired Assistant Head GameMaster | Admin | ST Vice Commander Revenant

Bleach Bankai GIF

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On 5/15/2022 at 10:21 AM, 99 dead raccoons said:

+ Support

- Active

- Great guy

- Trustworthy


Spice is a great guy, when he came out of reserves for DT he always met his standards and contributed greatly. Would love to see him in low command.


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On 5/15/2022 at 4:21 PM, 99 dead raccoons said:

+ Support

- Active

- Great guy

- Trustworthy


Spice is a great guy, when he came out of reserves for DT he always met his standards and contributed greatly. Would love to see him in low command.


| former Shock 1LT, Shock SGT | | Former IQ CPL | | x3 Former IF Agent| 

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On 5/16/2022 at 12:21 AM, 99 dead raccoons said:

+ Support

- Active

- Great guy

- Trustworthy


Spice is a great guy, when he came out of reserves for DT he always met his standards and contributed greatly. Would love to see him in low command.


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Thank you for your interest in joining the Navy Command Team.
You may reapply in 2 weeks.

Edited by Bear_

- Advisor Bear -
- = was Darth Vader (fortnite) & killed a lot of people (MRDM)= -
R IC COL 6150 BEAR | R ST COL Barrett 6150

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