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Zabuza High Inquisitor Application- Denied


Should I become High Inquisitor?  

11 members have voted

  1. 1. Should I become High Inquisitor?

    • Yes
    • No

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What is your current IGN? ( In Game Name)

Zabuza ( Vice Sovereign Ved Kennede)

2) Why do you want to become the position of High Inquisitor?

There are many reasons why I wish to become the High Inquisitor. To begin, ever since I became the SHGL in the Royal Guard I have had my eyes set on reaching a position in which I could benefit the server. When I reached the rank of SHGL that was when I knew I wanted to dedicate as much time as I could to gaming light and see how far I could go. My first goal was to become the Vice Sovereign which I have managed to do and I believe it is a position in which I have been successful. 

SHG had started to decline and eventually it was just me as the SHGL and no one else but after hard work and assistance, SHG was able to thrive once more and be on its way to a full command team before I became the Vice Sovereign. During my time as the Vice Sovereign, I have been maintaining activity and going behind with my SIM count to make sure that the Royal Guard will have something to do at all times. As of recently, the Royal Guard has been doing very well with a lot of new CDTs and promising talent. 

Because of this I believe I’m ready to further communicate and interact with IQ and Purge more and ultimately include every battalion within the Inquisitorous with SIMs and better the relationship each command team has and make IQ the best branch it can be. As a command member, I was expected to keep the battalion afloat and improve it when I could as well as maintain stable communication with the overseer and other command. I have spent many hours updating the roster and communicating with the other Royal Guard about suggestions and ways to improve the battalion. I can bring many skills to each command team I assist with such as unbiased opinions and expanded ideas. For example, if someone makes a suggestion I can quickly think about the positives and negatives that it could contain and provide solutions and ways to implement it. This will benefit the battalion I oversee because I will be able to make a quick detailed response to the situation and advise the command team on what to do next.

3) What is the biggest thing you could bring to Inquisitorius High Command?

I would be able to bring dedication, hard work, activity and suggestions for improvement. I believe I have shown this to IQHC during my time as a low command member. I have luckily been able to work with every position of IQHC. I have never caused any issues with IQHC without a valid reason and when I did do it with a valid reason it would usually be a disagreement on an idea in which I would give my opinion and commonly propose an improvement on the suggestion or a different one related to it. I have dedicated the vast majority of my playtime on GMOD to this server and I plan on keeping it that way. I am a hard worker. This is shown in the fact that I have never failed to meet my quota and have always gone beyond it. When I was promoted to Vice Sovereign I managed to do 15 logs in the short period I had for the month. Every month since then I have consistently gotten 30+ logs and I plan on yet again completing 30 logs. I will bring my dedication and hard work if I get High Inquisitor and use it to help out all battalions when possible.

I will attempt to ensure that all command under my watch does more than what’s expected of them and have them do the same for their officers and NCOs ultimately helping the branch and improving the battalion at stake. 


4) What is the purpose of a High Inquisitor?

The role itself is of great importance and responsibility however the purpose of the High Inquisitor is to assist the command teams of each battalion in becoming better command members and improving their battalion in the best way possible. However, I believe the High Inquisitor has 4 main roles to play : 

 The High Inquisitor should ensure that all command are constantly logging SIMs to prevent the experience of the battalion from becoming stale. If the command does this it keeps the members entertained. This leads to a more active and healthy battalion which allows for a happy community. A command member is not the only role that needs to do SIMs however their SIMs have more impact than an NCO for example. If the command is actively logging this will encourage the officers to follow in their footsteps and not fall behind which overall makes sure the battalion is always doing something which will benefit the server and branch as a whole.

Command activity is of great importance since they’re the ones commonly coming up with plans and ideas to improve their battalion. I will not only ensure that the battalion I oversee has an active command team but the branch as a whole. I have had the experience of witnessing a command team that had neglected their activity. Some officers wanted to jump ship or resign because of this if I am to receive the position of High Inquisitor I will ensure that this never happens and that the workload is spread out equally for the command team.

Unbiased decisions are always important in officer choices but it is even direr when it comes to command positions as biased decisions can lead to the downfall of battalions and their impact on the community. I will make sure that I consider each applicant evenly and make a decision based on facts and not my personal opinion. If they had issues in the past I would only consider what they have done in the present.

Finally, I would make decisions with command teams that have a long-lasting effect on the battalion's activity and role within the server. This is a very important role that the High Inquisitor must do if they wish for the battalion to keep improving and bringing in more members.

5) Why should we trust you to be Inquisitorius High Command?

I Should be trusted as an IQHC because at the start of my journey I was known as a minge within RG and Purge to now being the Vice Sovereign of the Royal Guard. I have taken every position like SHGL, SHGO, and MAJ+ seriously when the time was needed. Ever since I received the position of Vice Sovereign I have been trusted with all the expectations of a low command member and I believe I have exceeded every expectation bestowed upon me and I will continue to do so as long as I'm here on the server.

Whenever I receive a complaint from any other battalion or member, I handle it with an open mind, respect both sides of the story, and ensure that punishments are handled correctly to the accusation. If I am not on to receive a complaint I’m always active on discord and if I miss the chance to handle the situation at that very moment I make sure that I am well informed before I make a choice.

I have made a few documents on my own with the permission of IQHC which serve to only benefit the Royal Guard experience. These documents consisted of the return of the Royal Guard language, and the Royal Guard lore quiz which allowed the Royal Guard to learn important details about the battalion's history in lore. If I was not a trusted member of low command I highly doubt that I would have been allowed to make such documents.

With Fennec/ Dragon unfortunately leaving I decided I wanted to become the High Inquisitor to assist the people I hold the most respect for Name, Vertigo I am very lucky to have worked with such HC so I am very excited to have the chance to work with them even more and lighten the load they have currently. I would like to add to the extensive skills that IQHC already possesses so that the branch can get better and better. I wish to make sure that the Inquisitorius branch is playing its part in the server's battlemetrics by ensuring that flag ups and prizes are awarded to all for their good work so that activity increases and the servers rank as well.

I have a few ideas of what I plan on doing with each battalion.


More Flag ups daily to have more activity all around the clock so that Purge can be represented at all times. Have officers and NCOs work on professionalism in the battalion for the lower ranks.

More training and SIMs for the purge to participate in for example Inquisitors and Royal Guard do SIMs with Purge so there’s more variety of hosts and types of training. More passive RP to take part in as I do see Purge standing around tired of doing the same thing. More missions for Purge to take part in and scenario training for the Purge to practise skills which they will be using during events.

More tryouts are being hosted if possible 1 every hour at least to boost numbers since Purge is the only battalion that isn’t a donator to get to the skill machine. I'm positive that this will only benefit Purge. More Tryout pings happening because I only see very few constantly doing this. This also benefits the server as more people get on to attend the tryouts if they know they’re going to happen.

Have Purge advertise their battalion more for example if an ST wants to get to the machine you can simply tell them that if they join purge they can go back there whenever they want. Furthermore, have purge go out of checkpoint to find STs and attempt to get them to attend a tryout.


Have passive RP options as after a while sitting in IQ bunks can get boring and it is always for a better RP experience and cross battalion relations. For example, do medical checkups and weapon and armour checks with regimental engineers which also gives the engineers more purpose than just guarding Engine Core.

Rewards for dedication and SIM count goals. Also applies to Purge.

Set a SIM count goal for all NCOs and officers and reward them for the increase they do for example quota is 5 SIMs a month for example if they do 6 Sims you reward them with 100k per SIM they do over their quota and if they reach a larger number for example 20 SIMs they receive a hilt and more GC.

More Saber discipline SIMs are being done as well as giving the duel wielders a chance to practice not hitting each other when teaming up on Jedi.

Royal Guard

A larger variety of SIMs being done not just duelling SIMs for example VIP protection or Assassination SIMs. During the VIP protection, SIMs have them follow the SOP aka 2 highest ignite SHG chase or 2 highest rest cover the VIP and use reflect or absorb.

More dedication from the NCOs since Royal Guard has always struggled with NCO activity and SIM count so similarly rewarding them like IQ would help

Maturity in TS, it's our only form of communication since we follow the oath of silence so having conversations that break MOTD will not be tolerated.

More punishments for those who break the MOTD and Royal Guard SOP.


Have  MAJ+in all battalions have more responsibility and be involved in major decisions which allows the command team to gather ideas and opinions on if a major change would be accepted or not.

At the end of the day, the High Inquisitor will be expected to maintain communication with all command in the branch to discuss changes, recommendations and what I see as the most important part let the command team make decisions on their own unless it could have a major negative impact.

My success within the Royal Guard. I was able to bring back its only sub-branch from almost extinction into a stable state in which it can be improved upon. Have the Royal Guard become a more active battalion as there are more reasons to get on thanks to the officer core. I have attempted to get Purge and IQ included in the SIMs we host as a battalion so that we can have better cross battalion relations. Shadow Guard has been able to remain as an active sub-branch within Inquisitorius. I have had the honour of talking to many past Sovereigns and ultimately finding out what worked and what didn’t as well as what type of attitude each Royal Guard had at these times of success. I hope to improve every battalion with a mindset that benefits the battalion and each member's time on the server.

My experience within the branch. When I first joined the server I became a purge NCO and switched to Royal Guard. These times have been the best I've ever had on the server and GMOD as a whole. I know what it’s like to just start playing on the server and what it’s like to be a Purge Enlisted at a time in which Purge was not as active as it is today. If I am trusted with the position of High Inquisitor I will spread my experience and knowledge to everyone I can and be open to any knowledge others would give to me.


6) How often can you be online?

I can guarantee 4 hours of activity every day unless something IRL interferes during the weekdays and 8 minimum on Friday and Saturday. Furthermore a larger increase in activity during holidays however I’m on discord for more than 6 hours every day.


7) Do you have any Warnings? ( What for?)

I have a clean sheet and I will try my best to keep it that way 

Thank you for reading my application!

  • Gaminglight Love 1

Current: Purge CPT | ST SPC
Former: Grand Inquisitor | Shadow Guard Lead | Sovereign Protector

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                                                                          Current: Super Admin Former: Sovereign Protector| |

            DT NCO|SHGL| Agent Kallus | Senior Moderator Clarence | First "Agent Kyle"

                    Nova CPT Former Shock LTCOL |Former shock VCMDR| Former Senior Mod                                                  


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+ Support
- The only RG Command ive ever seen
- Dedicated
- Nice Guy helped me learn RG personally
- Active
- The list could go on, hes the best fit for High Inquisitor

Former: | Security Director | | ONE AND ONLY Admiral Antonio Motti | 

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A really good example of what a high IQ should be
Great application
Very dedicated and determined

Good Luck -Ked Vennede

Former: Pyke Underboss, Shock VCMDR, RG COL/SHG Lead, Agent Kallus, Admin, GMIII.

Current: Lord Kat.

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You have been in RG as long as I can remember, im sure Jaeger taught you everyyyything you need to know at this point. Goodluck man.

| Ex DT S06/DT CPT DK0 | Ex 501st ARC JTL 3010 COL Gustav | EU 




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11 hours ago, Sauce Chef said:

+ Support
- The only RG Command ive ever seen
- Dedicated
- Nice Guy helped me learn RG personally
- Active
- The list could go on, hes the best fit for High Inquisitor

I love Zabuza! Definitely deserves a chance and should be considered.

Best of luck mate!

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8 hours ago, Katsimaru said:

A really good example of what a high IQ should be
Great application
Very dedicated and determined

Good Luck -Ked Vennede


Ex: RRH Guardian Delta 40 / CI CPT IC Project Ω Overseer VCMDR Fixer Project Ω Squad Lead Niner

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On 5/15/2022 at 7:47 AM, Katsimaru said:

A really good example of what a high IQ should be
Great application
Very dedicated and determined

Good Luck -Ked Vennede

One of the best additions to the RG Command team hes shown dedication through the time hes been in RG and hes always good to talk to and joke with. 

You Got This Harry Potter GIF by Sky

Edited by Kev

juegos fallout GIF

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On 5/14/2022 at 11:17 PM, Sauce Chef said:

+ Support
- The only RG Command ive ever seen
- Dedicated
- Nice Guy helped me learn RG personally
- Active
- The list could go on, hes the best fit for High Inquisitor


Last Real Starfighter Marshall Brand


High Five Tom Cruise GIF by Hollywood Suite


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On 5/15/2022 at 12:35 PM, WanHeda said:


-Great leader

-Detailed App





Senior Moderator  Walker  Death Troopers  HX7  Royal Guard  Shadow Guard  Walker  |   EX : SHGO Lore Senior Guard Walker/Vacander Jax | EX Shock Command  Lieutenant Colonel Mayhem & K2S0 

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On 5/15/2022 at 5:17 AM, Sauce Chef said:

+ Support
- The only RG Command ive ever seen
- Dedicated
- Nice Guy helped me learn RG personally
- Active
- The list could go on, hes the best fit for High Inquisitor


| former Shock 1LT, Shock SGT | | Former IQ CPL | | x3 Former IF Agent| 

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On 5/15/2022 at 1:17 PM, Sauce Chef said:

+ Support
- The only RG Command ive ever seen
- Dedicated
- Nice Guy helped me learn RG personally
- Active
- The list could go on, hes the best fit for High Inquisitor


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