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Felix/SN04 - M36 Application


Does SN04 deserve to be Unit TI-23's M36?  

7 members have voted

  1. 1. Does SN04 deserve to be Unit TI-23's M36?

    • Yes (+support, please state why)
    • No (-support, please state why)

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[In-Game Name]







Second Lieutenant


[Which lore squad member are you applying for] 



[Why do you believe you deserve this position]  

I believe I deserve this position because I believe this is the perfect environment in DT for me. One of the hardest things about being a medical is that you have to keep up with overwhelming circumstances, having to give ammo, stim shots, and HP with the bacta injector in a short amount of time, whilst under immense pressure from the enemy. However, the ABSOLUTE hardest element of being M36 would be prioritization, which requires knowing WHO to heal and WHEN to heal, as well as knowing proper placement for squad shields and when to use those as well. I think I would be perfect for this, as I have previous experience in medical regiments in different servers and also in GL itself, and I can hyper-focus on the status of my teammates and VIP easily. 


In addition to this, I think I could be of use with many serious-RP scenarios, like field-medical operations. I’m majoring in Biology+Health sciences in college so this is something up my alley. While I’m still new to some of the RP scenarios in-game which involve mixing Star Wars with actual medical procedures, I know for a fact that I can catch on quickly and this would not be an issue, I would excel in it soon enough, not to mention that I’m currently on medical on my second life and can absolutely learn from the experiences I obtain there as well. 


I’m also an extremely active member of this server. As of writing this, I had gotten 32 tryouts done and 6 trainings done in a week. People on the server know me in-game, and I’d say I have a really good reputation within DT and other regiments, I get along well with others and this would be an important part of being a medic, as people would listen to me and I could get them healed up and on their way, as well as perform well in team-oriented combat and VIP protection, which is what Unit TI-23 focuses around. 


I also adapt very quickly to new situations, which is a very important trait for a Unit TI-23 member. For example, there was recently a mega-event for May the 4th. During this event, the now SC01 was leading initially, but then asked me to lead, which meant I had two seekers under me and I know I had immense pressure to perform well and to bring us to victory, as we were on our own, away from the bridge and the other DT members. In this small-member setting, I quickly assigned positions in courtyard, TL, or MHB rafters to fit the situation as needed and we were an unstoppable force on the ship. In the event, I killed 3-4 rebel elites and overall we killed about 8 of them and provided superior defense and also overwatch in rafters when it was needed. While credit is definitely deserved to my other current seeker members, this is a scenario that I was thrown into and had to adapt, and we came out on top. I remember DT LO2, who was an event character for that mega, stated something along the lines of “Whenever I would try to get into courtyard I couldn’t even get close.”


By the same token, M36 still has to be superior in combat, as all Unit TI-23 members must be regardless of specialty. I believe I have shown that I am capable of being a force to be reckoned with in combat. On my recent Officer application, I got the comments “swift with weaponry,” “good in combat,” and “combat skills are great.” Actions speak louder than words, and in addition to the comments left by fellow DT, I’ve won multiple combat tournaments for this battalion. Some of those comments stuck in my head, like “Of course the DT won.” I loved it, because I know I was upholding DT’s superior combat standards and firmly believe this will continue into the future. My medical specialty and combat skills would provide immense value to VIP protection, direct combat, and always completing the objective.


[Why do you want to be a part of Unit TI-23]  

I want to be a part of Unit TI-23 because it allows me to provide a specific role that I can’t fulfill anywhere else. I want to become the absolute best DT I can be, and believe that this specialty, M36, would allow me to do just that. I’ve been in this battalion for over a month now and feel like overall I have performed greatly, but being the medic would fit me so well. In addition to this, being in a team-oriented group would be an amazing experience for me as I’ve already started to do this in Seeker Company, but feel like I could perform even better as the medic as I think it’s where my true capabilities are. RP experiences are very fun when coupled with actual gameplay, so I’d love the position of M36 in Unit TI-23.


Members in DT go through some of the hardest, if not the hardest combat experiences that can be faced. I believe with the role M36 in Unit TI-23 I would be an extremely valuable asset not just to my sub-branch and the VIP, but all DT members when they need heals, armor, and ammo.


Lastly, I just want to leave a little note here, it’s a bit cheesy. I can’t tell you how happy I was to see “Medical Specialist” in the roster when I was still an enlisted DT and checked the sub-branch section for the first time, I had an uncontrollable smile go across my face. I was already loving DT but after seeing that I knew I would stay for good. I firmly believe this is where I belong in DT, and I would wait months just to reapply for this specific specialty again. M36 would be my proudest and most cherished achievement in DT.


[What does Unit TI-23 do]  

Unit TI-23, “The Undying,” is a highly classified squad-based lore unit (5 members total with an overseer as well) where each member performs a distinct role that they excel at for the squadron, VIP, and DT overall. Only the finest DT members are selected, and each member of the squadron comes equipped with their own equipment and privileges. While each member has their own specialty, Unit TI-23 still works as one, and puts fellow members before themselves. Unit TI-23, with this in mind, focuses on superior VIP protection and direct combat, where all members except F16 are of equal authority/rank in the sub-branch. F16 mainly focuses on leading and directing Unit TI-23 to victory. L21 focuses on demolitions, and is overall the main engineer for the team. M36 provides the HP and Armor that Unit-23 and the VIP needs to succeed in completing their objectives, as well as overall protection with a squad shield, while still being elite in combat. C37 focuses on CQC and dominates in pushing areas that are otherwise unreachable. V07 is the marksman and provides elite reconnaissance as well as long-range combat for Unit TI-23. Unit TI-23 will undoubtedly face the hardest challenges a DT can, but will prevail through anything.


[How active can you be]  

I am already on almost daily, usually for 3,4, or more hours. This likely will not change anytime soon. I will continue to dedicate myself to DT the best I can, and this involves being active, so you wouldn’t have to worry about inactivity with me.


[Do you understand that if you are accepted into Unit TI-23, you will be on a 1-strike system]

Yes, I absolutely understand. Unit TI-23 are the best of the best, we should 100% be able to uphold basic DT standards and protocols.


-Final note: I could go on much longer about how much I would love this position, however, I wanted to make a succinct application that clearly states my knowledge, abilities, and skills. This is being submitted on the first day of openings, but I’ve been thinking about this application for a longer time than this position has even been open and feel like this is a substantial final product. I truly thank members of Unit TI-23 for giving me the opportunity to apply for this position, as well as other DT members for helping me get to a spot where I can even apply for this. I believe with me as M36, Unit TI-23 would be truly undying.


Second to none,


Edited by Firekirby

Retired GL Member (R DT CPT DM8)

7 Year Forum Account + Long-Standing GL Supporter

Former: Death Trooper Vice Commander (Unit TI-23 Overseer), 501st ARC Chip, Unit TI-23 Medic M36, Seeker Company SGT SN04, 69th SSGT Chip, Admin/GMVII

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+ support

-very good app


-good DT

  • Thanks 1

                                                                          Current: Super Admin Former: Sovereign Protector| |

            DT NCO|SHGL| Agent Kallus | Senior Moderator Clarence | First "Agent Kyle"

                    Nova CPT Former Shock LTCOL |Former shock VCMDR| Former Senior Mod                                                  


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3 hours ago, clarence said:

+ support

-very good app


-good DT


  • Thanks 1

5M: EMS Captain, Sentinel
EX: Rescue Squadron Vice Marshal, Deputy Director, Director of research, medical COL, Shock, ST, Inferno. Starfighters, Naval, LOST MC X2, Mafia, Triad

“Our greatest glory is not in never falling, but in rising every time we fall.”

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3 hours ago, clarence said:

+ support

-very good app


-good DT


  • Thanks 1


30 Second Darth Vader Kio

Stepped down General Kio |  Retired Dupe Builder for Army/Navy High Command | Last Ever Nova Senior Commander | Retired Assistant Head GameMaster | Admin | ST Vice Commander Revenant

Bleach Bankai GIF

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11 hours ago, clarence said:

+ support

-very good app


-good DT


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Current: Shock PVT | Nothing

 Former: Shock VCMDR, Chief Medical Overseer(CMO), Admiral Garrick Versio, ARC JTO 1SGT Nex, Original ArK TrooVA, 
ISB Major General Nex (GM VIII)


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23 hours ago, clarence said:

+ support

-very good app


-good DT

Good Luck!!!

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Former: Pyke Underboss, Shock VCMDR, RG COL/SHG Lead, Agent Kallus, Admin, GMIII.

Current: Lord Kat.

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This individual, though I have been gone for a while has caught my eye on various occasions. From doing well in the regimental PvP tournament, to the dedication on attendance and quota for the regiment. I have heard good things concerning this individuals attitude, adaptability, and personality.

I think this current SN04, would make a great addition to TI-23 as our Medic. Seems to have an interest in an aspect of the role's duties, and understands the teamwork needed to fit the role properly. 

All of this tied together, I personally think DM8 would be a great fit for DT's TI-23.


Edited by SilonMist
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OG DT TI-23 Marksmen V07 (Retired)
FormerSenior Gunnery Officer LX003, Lord I SilonDT 1LT DI3Imperial RP Moderator

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On 5/8/2022 at 4:37 PM, clarence said:

+ support

-very good app


-good DT


  • Thanks 1

| FIRST EVER IMPERIAL GOVERNOR || Former 501st "Vader's Fist" Legion Commander || Former Senior Commander || Former SF Crimson || Former IF Agent Lone Six |
| Former Imperial RP Senior Administrator || Former Senior Forums Diplomat || Former Imperial RP Gamemaster VII || Retired 501st VCMDR |
season 1 duel of the droids GIF by Star Wars

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On 5/8/2022 at 9:37 PM, clarence said:

+ support

-very good app


-good DT


  • Thanks 1

                                                            Current: R RG Senior Guard R DT MAJ TO3, Seeker SH46

                                     Former: Nova COL, MML RG Elder Guard Kir Kanos , SHGDT COL TO3, Seeker SC01


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