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Travar's Event Team ApplicationDenied


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In-Game Name: Travar

SteamID: STEAM_0:0:62467440

What is your ULX Rank?: Platinum

What is your time played on the SCPRP server?: 8 Weeks in Tab Menu, I have been here since June of last year. (Took breaks here and there.)

What is your RP Rank (MTF,SEC,CI, Etc)?: Delta 5 Colonel, E11 Private.

What is your timezone?: CST

How would you rate your knowledge of the SCP world?: 9.

Do you have any experience as a Gamemaster or Event Planner?: Former ETL for GL SCP,  Former GM/ET for a few other servers as well.

How Active are you?: 7.75/10 (Mainly more active during the week than weekends.)

How many warns do you have?: Link to Warns I have two warns. The first one is from July of 2020, and it was from a player report spanning over a couple of Nu7. I didn't wait my NLR and I was warned for it. The second one was from November of 2020, I cuffed Security as Dr. Bright and I honestly didn't know I couldn't. Which led to me finding out that Bright wasn't able to do something like that.

Why should we allow you to be an Event Team Member (150+ Words)?: I should be allowed to become an Event Team Member because I bring prior experience, on the spot thinking, helpful advice, and creativity to the table. I think starting from the bottom will be quite fun, and I will be able to help share my experience with others more as I am working with them. I have experience with big events that have been requested or overseen by SMT+. I understand the ET Rules and other factors that come with being ET quite well, considering a majority of my time spent within ET was as either a Senior ET, or as one of the ET Leaders. I believe my creativity, as well as my ability to adapt to unforeseen situations would come quite in handy for being ET. In the past, these skills have helped me, and others, quite immensely. For example, the huge holiday mega events are quite chaotic and require a lot of adapting. You may have a set plan, but I usually never called it a concrete plan because something always happens to make it go off track. Whenever this happened, on the spot improvisation was required. I believe my prior experience as ETL and SET qualify me to be allowed to become ET once again. I also believe starting from the bottom would give me more motivation, and to be more fun making events without my former SET+ powers. I personally want to break my current events hosted amount by double, and to hopefully break the current event hosted record. (Which I think is over 220 around there, mine being 117.)

Describe an event you could create: An event I would create would be the following:

I would create a mega event that would not require much SMT involvement or too much permissions. This event is quite do-able by a Member, with a few other people helping. The event would be a mega event on surface consisting of all of MTF, Gensec and CI. MTF and CI would be mixed up, then put into 2 Teams. The game would be Capture the Flag, TDM,  and possibly Domination. Most of surface would be blocked off for this event, consisting of buildings/foliage being made to largen the field of play. Each team would be given the same equipment / HP / armor. As well as a Leader, and 3 Officers (Not Branch officers, Officers refer to people that would help organize the team.) would be assigned to each team. There would be multiple rounds, the first being Domination because it would require the most set up time (This allows us to set it up before then just get it started ASAP). The second would be Capture the flag, then the third would be TDM, and the final round being FFA to finish it off with a bang. HP/Armor/Weapons/Equipment would be decided depending on how much people show up, as well as how much time we have to do said event. I believe this would be a very fun event and would promote branch relations. 

Notes: I know having all those MTF/Gensec away from the Foundation would have Site immediately fallen, however not all members join these events. Some officers or NCOs stay purposely to help to improve their own reputation. As well as some people get on after it starts and rush to their positions. Even then, MTF/Gensec can always run back to their posts after the event is over. 

Have you read the Event Team Guidelines?: Yes I have.

What is your favorite SCP? Why?: I do not really have a favorite SCP, each SCP is unique in its own way. It is too hard to decide when there are always fascinating ones popping up each day. I could say I have a favorite type of SCP, which would be the ones that would give nightmares if actually real. Such SCPs like SCP 610 or SCP 4666. I also like the more dark side SCPs, which horror story type backstories. Those SCPs have more interesting backgrounds and flavors. Also SCPs with a generally cool background story or concept tend to pop up on my radar.


 Former D5 VCMDR Travar | Former Event Team Leader ||  Former Admin || Former Nu7 HSU Commissar Requiem || Former RRH 

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+Great reasons for wanting to be ET again

+Positive and funny guy

-support pretty standard ET event although a fun one.

  • Thanks 1

Ranks: Security SM Greg | RRH Guardian Whiskey 11

Security Logo Designer | Premiere Club | #FreeMe 

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14 minutes ago, Some Weeb said:

Didn't you just leave ET?

I kinda feel that you should wait a bit after leaving cause you might miss it know then get sick of it again in like 2 weeks.

I wasn't active enough due to real life things and being Senior ET while dealing with those things at the same time didn't work out. I told GlaDos I'll be back in around a month once I got all my shit straight, and starting from the bottom as a Trainee would be less stressful than it was being SET. As well as I brought my activity up and now I can keep up with the quota as well. If you want to know anymore about this, feel free to DM me. However, I did not just apply just cause I miss it or for the hell of it, I want to come back and start out fresh in ET to help, as well as to make events again.

  • Gaminglight Love 1

 Former D5 VCMDR Travar | Former Event Team Leader ||  Former Admin || Former Nu7 HSU Commissar Requiem || Former RRH 

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12 minutes ago, Travar said:

I wasn't active enough due to real life things and being Senior ET while dealing with those things at the same time didn't work out. I told GlaDos I'll be back in around a month once I got all my shit straight, and starting from the bottom as a Trainee would be less stressful than it was being SET. As well as I brought my activity up and now I can keep up with the quota as well. If you want to know anymore about this, feel free to DM me. However, I did not just apply just cause I miss it or for the hell of it, I want to come back and start out fresh in ET to help, as well as to make events again.

Nah nah I trust you 


travar is a good guy and I understand why he did what he did and I actually think it was another example to add to why he such a great person. 

  • Thanks 1

SCP-RP - Former: Moderator/ETSecurity SFTO SM, Research Researcher, MTF Alpha-1 Sgt, MTF Alpha-1 "Alpha-6", Noob-7 CplD5 RCT, R&D SIN, T-2 Blackjack, HFR, DHBI and E-11 DoFTO HCE SM | Current: CI Military DHLS SFTO SM 

Imperial-RP - Former - ModeratorRoyal Guard Senior Guard, Shadow Guard Lead, Stormtrooper 2LT, 501st MSG

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  • Previous ETL & Experience
  • App shows a strong desire to come back with the amount of effort put into it
  • Though we haven't had a whole lot of contact you seem like a decent person from the times we have spoke
  • Thanks 1

United States Reserve General / Retired 1944 US GOA 

Rho 36 CO Occult Operative/ MTF Epsilon Eleven Commander Danny

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1 hour ago, Clistro said:


  • Previous ETL & Experience
  • App shows a strong desire to come back with the amount of effort put into it
  • Though we haven't had a whole lot of contact you seem like a decent person from the times we have spoke


  • Thanks 1


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18 hours ago, CyClone said:


Well known / Has been ETL before

may has crashed the server couple time :trol: 

But Travar deserves to be et again.


  • Thanks 1

EX Head Of Staff SCP-RP | CI will forever be in my heart. 1/15/21 - 8/1/22 (CI CMDR Cosmic ITLY)

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20 hours ago, Train Overlord said:

+ Plenty of hours.
+ Previous ET and apart of its senior team.
+ Community support
+ Seen around 
+ Good answers.
+ Good event idea.

- Having both Gaminggoat and Travar as ETs may increase the server crash by 200%

Overall, +Support


+ Support

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