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Billy - Staff Report- Accepted


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Your ingame Name: SM Vader 1A49 l Vader

Your SteamID: STEAM_0:1:62299553

Staff member's In-Game Name:  CPL Billy 1D57

What did they do? So we were in a chase with a citizen and he was using a test drive so then we went to car dealer and i cuffed him, then i tried dragging  him to billy's car. Billy then started to Physgun his car 10 meters away me but From the staff handbook it states "You can only Physgun your your car when its stuck somewhere and you cant get it out" And it obviously wasnt stuck as you can see in the clip linked below. Then i talked to him and got the citizen in his car. He came up to me and just kicked him out of the car for no reason. I told him to bring him back in and do PT. The citizen tried fleeing and he just physgunned him and freezed him (which you can see in the second clip) As a Moderator he shouldnt be doing that and it also looks weird just seeing a car floating.. The reason i couldnt PT him is because I had to do IRL stuff btw. 

Evidence (REQUIRED): https://streamable.com/9b0h45 l  https://streamable.com/2gw9w8

What do you think is an acceptable punishment?

Whatever SMT feels like.


Edited by Vader
Forgot to add my name.

UMC l SS Assistant SAIC l SWAT PFC l 


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Physgun guidelines are very clearly defined and gone over during staff training, in which all staff are required to post "read and understood". From what I saw in the video is a violation of these guidelines and should result in a punishment.



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36 minutes ago, Will said:


Physgun guidelines are very clearly defined and gone over during staff training, in which all staff are required to post "read and understood". From what I saw in the video is a violation of these guidelines and should result in a punishment.


In my opinion this is almost grounds for removal because he clearly said that he knows. This isn't something that is taken lightly because he clearly knows what he is doing wrong.

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4 minutes ago, Corky said:

In my opinion this is almost grounds for removal because he clearly said that he knows. This isn't something that is taken lightly because he clearly knows what he is doing wrong.


I agree with corky, he stated that he knew what he did was not allowed

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1 hour ago, Will said:


Physgun guidelines are very clearly defined and gone over during staff training, in which all staff are required to post "read and understood". From what I saw in the video is a violation of these guidelines and should result in a punishment.



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18 minutes ago, Billy S said:


Y'know it got to that hour where everyone was pissing around a bit, I understand what was seen in my eyes as a joke was one of the main rules I broke as staff.

i mean at least your owning up to it and being honest 


$500+ Donator

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5 hours ago, Will said:


Physgun guidelines are very clearly defined and gone over during staff training, in which all staff are required to post "read and understood". From what I saw in the video is a violation of these guidelines and should result in a punishment.


Have to agree with this 

also in the video said "Shhh" so this is on purpose.


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Deliberately did it to avoid roleplay as well, clear evidence this wasn't a mistake

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5 hours ago, Will said:


Physgun guidelines are very clearly defined and gone over during staff training, in which all staff are required to post "read and understood". From what I saw in the video is a violation of these guidelines and should result in a punishment.


8 minutes ago, Cecil Stedmen said:


Deliberately did it to avoid roleplay as well, clear evidence this wasn't a mistake


EX-Star fighter Marshall

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3 hours ago, Billy S said:


Y'know it got to that hour where everyone was pissing around a bit, I understand what was seen in my eyes as a joke was one of the main rules I broke as staff.

Integrity- Doing the right thing when no one  is watching. Even if you were the only person on the server you still should be following staff guidelines.

@Billy S


3 hours ago, Tactical said:

i mean at least your owning up to it and being honest 





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10 hours ago, Corky said:

In my opinion this is almost grounds for removal because he clearly said that he knows. This isn't something that is taken lightly because he clearly knows what he is doing wrong.


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15 hours ago, Will said:


Physgun guidelines are very clearly defined and gone over during staff training, in which all staff are required to post "read and understood". From what I saw in the video is a violation of these guidelines and should result in a punishment.


As stated by will,  it is also usually brought up at every meeting by JMT+ to be aware of not using physgun's off duty unless otherwise stated in the post will link


That bald Aussie Guy

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19 hours ago, King said:


-Clear Evidence

-As a Mod you should know better (Also you could have just gotten in your car and drove away from vader)



                                       Former SCO19 Chief Inspector Sergeant Major                                                                                      


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As staff, you have to follow the rules. I do not think that Billy PURPOSEFULLY intended to break the rules, but knew he did it. I have witnessed the server late at night when no one is RPing, and its just a hell of random shit constantly escalating to more and more rules being broken from all sides of players (and staff. I have enough recordings of staff breaking rules when no one is on to get multiple staff removed).

We all just mean to have a good time at these late hours, so I don't think Billy should be removed. Maybe just a strike? He is a good staff member.

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21 hours ago, Will said:


Physgun guidelines are very clearly defined and gone over during staff training, in which all staff are required to post "read and understood". From what I saw in the video is a violation of these guidelines and should result in a punishment.



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On 9/16/2021 at 7:02 PM, Billy S said:


Y'know it got to that hour where everyone was pissing around a bit, I understand what was seen in my eyes as a joke was one of the main rules I broke as staff.

admitted his mistake, in the future don't do stuff like that at night especially if its related to your staffing powers. a strike or a verbal would work imo

I hope there's a heaven for minges...

Former SRT, FBI, DOC, SS, SWAT, SCU, and PoliceRP Senior Moderator.

"Remember, this is YOUR life, and YOUR time" - Eazy E

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-Clear Evidence

-As a Mod you should know better (Also you could have just gotten in your car and drove away from vader)


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