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Mining suggestion - Denied

Some Weeb

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Suggestion #1

What are you suggesting? - Being able to buy more space in your backpack so you can fit more of each material without having to go back and forth every second.  (Limit backpack to 40 -50) 

How would this change better the server? -  Well it would help the people who actually have a mining level not have to go back and forth instantaneously because they make more materials a hit.

Are there any disadvantages of making this change to the server? If so, explain. - Might inflate the economy in the terms of people selling materials 

Who would this change mostly benefit? - Anyone who mines for money. 

Please link any workshop content, screenshots, or anything that you think may be helpful to those who view this suggestion -n/a 


Suggestion #2  (alternative option if nobody likes #1) 

What are you suggesting? -  when a money/XP event happens  all materials be able to be sold at 1.5x the regular selling rate.  for example wood would sell for$75 instead of $50  or anomalous would sell for 300 instead of 200  (any designated time would work it doesn't just have to be money/xp events it could be certain hours of the day) 

How would this change better the server? - There is more to take advantage of when the money and XP events happen 

Are there any disadvantages of making this change to the server? If so, explain. -  This could also lead to inflation 

Who would this change mostly benefit? -  Everyone who mines. 

Please link any workshop content, screenshots, or anything that you think may be helpful to those who view this suggestion -N/A 

Edited by Dragin
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SCP-RP - Former: Moderator/ETSecurity SFTO SM, Research Researcher, MTF Alpha-1 Sgt, MTF Alpha-1 "Alpha-6", Noob-7 CplD5 RCT, R&D SIN, T-2 Blackjack, HFR, DHBI and E-11 DoFTO HCE SM | Current: CI Military DHLS SFTO SM 

Imperial-RP - Former - ModeratorRoyal Guard Senior Guard, Shadow Guard Lead, Stormtrooper 2LT, 501st MSG

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I really dont have an opinion, mining has died down a lot ever since it got nerfed.  It looks fine but option 2 is a bit insane. It would get actvity but also add a bit of lag

+ Support on option 1

+/- Support on option 2


SCP-RP: G.O.C MAJ | Alpha-1 SGT 'Rose' | Strike Team Hammer 'Goose'Event Team Member     

Retired: E11 LTCOL Omi9 MAJ Nu7 LTCOL OH3 | Senior Mod | Event Team Member



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1 hour ago, Southpaw said:

I really dont have an opinion, mining has died down a lot ever since it got nerfed.  It looks fine but option 2 is a bit insane. It would get actvity but also add a bit of lag

+ Support on option 1

+/- Support on option 2



Free From GL ❤️

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Sorry but im going to have to -Support.

1. Your first option allows for D-Class to easily stock up on materials then eventually they can just craft guns and armor back and forth without having to take time and mine the materials again. That will EASILY screw gensec over because they wont have time to get healed and get reformed to deal with it again.

2. There is currently a suggestion to rebalance the economy. You can already make more than enough with the current sell prices of mining the X1.5 boost will only screw up the economy more and more tell they are FORCED to do a reset because of how much money people would have.

These both sound good on paper but if they are implemented into the server I can only see them causing extra issues SMT doesnt need right now.

Issues: Screwed Economy, an Unbalanced D-Block, General Server Unbalance.



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3 minutes ago, [GL] Mike said:

Sorry but im going to have to -Support.

1. Your first option allows for D-Class to easily stock up on materials then eventually they can just craft guns and armor back and forth without having to take time and mine the materials again. That will EASILY screw gensec over because they wont have time to get healed and get reformed to deal with it again.

2. There is currently a suggestion to rebalance the economy. You can already make more than enough with the current sell prices of mining the X1.5 boost will only screw up the economy more and more tell they are FORCED to do a reset because of how much money people would have.

These both sound good on paper but if they are implemented into the server I can only see them causing extra issues SMT doesnt need right now.

Issues: Screwed Economy, an Unbalanced D-Block, General Server Unbalance.

These issues can be easily solved I will put the backpack limit to 40-50 

SCP-RP - Former: Moderator/ETSecurity SFTO SM, Research Researcher, MTF Alpha-1 Sgt, MTF Alpha-1 "Alpha-6", Noob-7 CplD5 RCT, R&D SIN, T-2 Blackjack, HFR, DHBI and E-11 DoFTO HCE SM | Current: CI Military DHLS SFTO SM 

Imperial-RP - Former - ModeratorRoyal Guard Senior Guard, Shadow Guard Lead, Stormtrooper 2LT, 501st MSG

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17 minutes ago, [GL] Mike said:

1. Your first option allows for D-Class to easily stock up on materials then eventually they can just craft guns and armor back and forth without having to take time and mine the materials again. That will EASILY screw gensec over because they wont have time to get healed and get reformed to deal with it again.

You know D class can just buy the materials, right? so they can do this even if this wasn't added. 


18 minutes ago, [GL] Mike said:

2. There is currently a suggestion to rebalance the economy. You can already make more than enough with the current sell prices of mining the X1.5 boost will only screw up the economy more and more tell they are FORCED to do a reset because of how much money people would have.

The reason for the unbalanced economy is the wheels. Making money with mining takes time, spinning a wheen once and winning 200-800k (i think the jackpot is 800k) doesn't. Not saying 1.5X would be good, I think 1.25X would be a better alternative.

+Support on either if the second is changed to 1.25 or something lower than 1.5

 SCPRP Director of Logistics, Event TeamFormer Nu7 2LT, Former Senior Admin

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7 hours ago, [GL] Mike said:

Sorry but im going to have to -Support.

1. Your first option allows for D-Class to easily stock up on materials then eventually they can just craft guns and armor back and forth without having to take time and mine the materials again. That will EASILY screw gensec over because they wont have time to get healed and get reformed to deal with it again.

2. There is currently a suggestion to rebalance the economy. You can already make more than enough with the current sell prices of mining the X1.5 boost will only screw up the economy more and more tell they are FORCED to do a reset because of how much money people would have.

These both sound good on paper but if they are implemented into the server I can only see them causing extra issues SMT doesnt need right now.

Issues: Screwed Economy, an Unbalanced D-Block, General Server Unbalance.

I think this would just make it even harder for GENSEC to do there job.

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This just makes it harder for GenSec and by increasing the backpack size it make the workshop even more like an armory. The second suggestion can just lead to even more economy inflation. 

[ SCP RP ] Director of Research & Security || Armored Shield Award Winner || First Head Warden & HOPO || Security Artillery Unit || D-7025 || D-Class High Council || Former Head of Security || Former Admin || Former Event Team Member



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25 minutes ago, Soureadiet said:

+ Support

Mining is one of my favorite things to do in any game. It's my zen. I wish we could mine for an hour before having to sell.

I wish for that to its just that would make Security's job a shiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiit ton harder like every D class would basically be like a CC lmao 

SCP-RP - Former: Moderator/ETSecurity SFTO SM, Research Researcher, MTF Alpha-1 Sgt, MTF Alpha-1 "Alpha-6", Noob-7 CplD5 RCT, R&D SIN, T-2 Blackjack, HFR, DHBI and E-11 DoFTO HCE SM | Current: CI Military DHLS SFTO SM 

Imperial-RP - Former - ModeratorRoyal Guard Senior Guard, Shadow Guard Lead, Stormtrooper 2LT, 501st MSG

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On 10/29/2020 at 5:11 PM, [GL] Mike said:

Sorry but im going to have to -Support.

1. Your first option allows for D-Class to easily stock up on materials then eventually they can just craft guns and armor back and forth without having to take time and mine the materials again. That will EASILY screw gensec over because they wont have time to get healed and get reformed to deal with it again.

2. There is currently a suggestion to rebalance the economy. You can already make more than enough with the current sell prices of mining the X1.5 boost will only screw up the economy more and more tell they are FORCED to do a reset because of how much money people would have.

These both sound good on paper but if they are implemented into the server I can only see them causing extra issues SMT doesnt need right now.

Issues: Screwed Economy, an Unbalanced D-Block, General Server Unbalance.


16 hours ago, Sixx said:


This just makes it harder for GenSec and by increasing the backpack size it make the workshop even more like an armory. The second suggestion can just lead to even more economy inflation. 


 Former Security 2LT | Former EWD|  Former OM5|Former Medical SM|Former Reznov Klushkie| Former SCP-RP Senior Moderator


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Class D Specially ones who "main" class D yet its not even a faction , sit afk for hours or gamble , an can just purchase extreme amounts of materials instead of mining for it,  this making it more annoyin to GS an Researchers tryin to 1 keep Dblock secured an researchers tryin to be passive an do theirs tests, D-CLASS do NOT need more easier ways to craft large scale firearms like A galil  an MP40 an now IFAKS an armor kits etc ,  Yall can suffer with your small backpacks for "balancing" 

Overall will imbalance dblock an guns will run rampad for people who shouldnt be having them constantly 


Ret MTF Nu7 1LT SFTO Surge| Ret OH2 RRH , Retired SM Gensec |  No officer that 24Pounds of plutonium isn't mine

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4 hours ago, Surge said:


Class D Specially ones who "main" class D yet its not even a faction , sit afk for hours or gamble , an can just purchase extreme amounts of materials instead of mining for it,  this making it more annoyin to GS an Researchers tryin to 1 keep Dblock secured an researchers tryin to be passive an do theirs tests, D-CLASS do NOT need more easier ways to craft large scale firearms like A galil  an MP40 an now IFAKS an armor kits etc ,  Yall can suffer with your small backpacks for "balancing" 

Overall will imbalance dblock an guns will run rampad for people who shouldnt be having them constantly 


I like the fact that you're comparing the foundation to D-Class which is very fragile even the ccs every gensec has better hp/armor then 95% of the D-Class jobs and ccs let alone Omni/Nu-7/E11 which are there to assist whenever needed i'v seen 5 d class with guns die just to 1 omni that rushes d block with his shotgun so please dont compare us with you guys it doesn't matter if its a faction or not you still have to respect it and treat it the same drop the ego child

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6 hours ago, Tweety said:

I like the fact that you're comparing the foundation to D-Class which is very fragile even the ccs every gensec has better hp/armor then 95% of the D-Class jobs and ccs let alone Omni/Nu-7/E11 which are there to assist whenever needed i'v seen 5 d class with guns die just to 1 omni that rushes d block with his shotgun so please dont compare us with you guys it doesn't matter if its a faction or not you still have to respect it and treat it the same drop the ego child

One , CLASS D "Mains" have bigger egos than anyone of the actual factions withen the server two, You guys always wish for buffs to knifes donor weapons you can purchase or updates to a class for HP an armor,  Class D arnt supposed to be strong at all but yall always want it be kitted as a MTF commander job , You have no NLR , free range of stuff you can mine , gamble for HP an AP, an disguises ,

An Class D arnt people ima keep by my word 😛

Ret MTF Nu7 1LT SFTO Surge| Ret OH2 RRH , Retired SM Gensec |  No officer that 24Pounds of plutonium isn't mine

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On 11/1/2020 at 6:54 PM, Surge said:

One , CLASS D "Mains" have bigger egos than anyone of the actual factions withen the server two, You guys always wish for buffs to knifes donor weapons you can purchase or updates to a class for HP an armor,  Class D arnt supposed to be strong at all but yall always want it be kitted as a MTF commander job , You have no NLR , free range of stuff you can mine , gamble for HP an AP, an disguises ,

An Class D arnt people ima keep by my word 😛

The fact that you see yourself better then D-Class and D-Class arnt people is just disgusting

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On 10/29/2020 at 5:11 PM, [GL] Mike said:

Sorry but im going to have to -Support.

1. Your first option allows for D-Class to easily stock up on materials then eventually they can just craft guns and armor back and forth without having to take time and mine the materials again. That will EASILY screw gensec over because they wont have time to get healed and get reformed to deal with it again.

2. There is currently a suggestion to rebalance the economy. You can already make more than enough with the current sell prices of mining the X1.5 boost will only screw up the economy more and more tell they are FORCED to do a reset because of how much money people would have.

These both sound good on paper but if they are implemented into the server I can only see them causing extra issues SMT doesnt need right now.

Issues: Screwed Economy, an Unbalanced D-Block, General Server Unbalance.


Also don't argue please!

"Pay increase declined. Welcome to the Foundation, get used to it." -O5-6

3rd time Head of Medical Staff Ex-Director of Research and Security Ex-Director of Utility | Ex-Senior Admin for SCP-RP |  Ex-Admin for TTT 

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On 10/29/2020 at 5:11 PM, [GL] Mike said:

Sorry but im going to have to -Support.

1. Your first option allows for D-Class to easily stock up on materials then eventually they can just craft guns and armor back and forth without having to take time and mine the materials again. That will EASILY screw gensec over because they wont have time to get healed and get reformed to deal with it again.

2. There is currently a suggestion to rebalance the economy. You can already make more than enough with the current sell prices of mining the X1.5 boost will only screw up the economy more and more tell they are FORCED to do a reset because of how much money people would have.

These both sound good on paper but if they are implemented into the server I can only see them causing extra issues SMT doesnt need right now.

Issues: Screwed Economy, an Unbalanced D-Block, General Server Unbalance.



Former | Nu-7 'Hammer-Down' Lieutenant Colonel | Head of Field Experts | Special Forces: Hammer and Sickle (Commissar Apollo) | ECRS, ERS, EBHM | Interim Head of FTOs

Former | Maintenance Adept | MMF JAN 1 (Fabuloso) | Containment Specialist | FTO

Former | Special Forces: 'Red Right Hand' OH4 (Kindred)

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On 10/30/2020 at 5:20 PM, Dragin said:

I wish for that to its just that would make Security's job a shiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiit ton harder like every D class would basically be like a CC lmao 

You mean GENSEC would have to use tactics and station people around the LCZ? Weird.

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