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Elite Gun Dealer weapons Buff - Accepted

Midget Warlord

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What you want to see? - I want to see the weapons sold by the Elite Gun Dealer get a buff (more just brought up to standard as far as the other weapons go). The revolvers should be brought up to Desert Eagle level damage (they currently only have a 30-40 damage range, and no additional headshot damage). The semi-auto pistols  should be brought up to the same damage levels that the normal pistols get (the 20-35 range, but they currently have 10-18). The only SMG that I would like to see changed, is the HK USC, which should probably have AR-level damage, considering it's semi-auto and has a lower magazine capacity than normal. The honey badger isn't exactly a useful weapon right now, and all-around needs more accuracy and damage, the weapon is supposed to fire .300 Blackout, but can also be used in 556, but either way, it should have AR-level damage, the AUG and the SG both do 32-35 damage. I would suggest maybe giving the Honey Badger a  lower fire-rate, better accuracy, and higher damage (38-44) to give it a more unique range of uses. All of these weapons are super expensive right now, most of them being 2-3x more than what their normal counter-part is, but are completely useless, so even if you don't stick with what I've put here, please just make them better.            EDIT: Would love to see the Honey Badger turn into some-what of a DMR, considering that type of weaponry is just about entirely absent in the server. So, low fire rate, (maybe even disable the burst fire mode) but high damage.

Why should we add it? - Its a Diamond Donator Job, it should have access to some at least decent weaponry. Right now, every weapon that the dealer sells is border-line useless, and I think they were simply forgotten when other weapons were given a buff.

What are the advantages of having this? - More people might actually play on the class they paid for, and more people might actually pay for it if it were to sell decent weapons.

Who is it mainly for? - Anyone who wants to donate, or has donated, plus anyone that wants to buy some decent weaponry.

Links to any content - N/A.

Edited by Midget Warlord
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6 hours ago, SupremeChow said:


Diamond Elite Gun Dealer is pretty pointless atm, weak guns, no incentive to hop on and sell those guns.



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6 hours ago, SupremeChow said:


Diamond Elite Gun Dealer is pretty pointless atm, weak guns, no incentive to hop on and sell those guns.

I agree with supreme

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7 hours ago, Mag1c said:


I feel like if you buy a gun from an Elite Gun Dealer, you are just setting yourself up for failure.

I agree most guns are pointless. and especially the honey badger its makes the ARU rifleman really bad 

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