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Why were molotolvs removed? is there a chance they can get added back

Jack II

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hyaha yes funny wrong forums section, but to actually answer your question they were removed because they caused lag on the server. D class CCs that had them could get them replaced with a smoke grenade, but I don't think that offer is up anymore.



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On 5/17/2020 at 7:10 PM, Illager, Director of Memes said:

They shredded gensec. And lagged the server. Plus, how would a D-Class get booze, and motor oil?

D-Class have been given beer as a reward for service a few times in lore, and it can be made with soap as well.

T.  I'm Irish, we know molotovs.

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On 5/12/2020 at 11:30 PM, Jack II said:

Just a question why they were removed

because they cause major lag and almost crashed the server multiple times.

Ex E11 COL, Ex A1 MAJ, Ex AHOTS, Ex Security 2LT, Ex Admin. Current CI 2LT.hpvmtjxv.gif.746119ffc4a9f625fc2b45279f09c097.gif

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3 hours ago, Harry S. Plinkett said:

I'm Irish, we know molotovs.

*balaclava and AK-47 intensifies*

SCP-RP - Former Assistant Head of Research | Former OMI-9 2LT | Former GenSec 2LT


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23 minutes ago, [GL] Zeus said:

OP and Laggy and a certain Reznov incident


also the molotov threw down a carpet of the laggiest substance in the server

Was Nu7 2LT

Shot Once

Was a Nu7 MSGT

also was a CI Captain once

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Basically it would send everybody to the crash screen for the period of the molotov burning

SCP-RP: Commander of Epsilon-11 || Chaos Insurgency Captain || Senior Admin ||  Forums Diplomat || Rho-36 Arcane Autonomous Scout ||

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