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Player Report (On 3 Players)- Accepted


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Your in game name: Ziege/CPL Ziege 1D68

Your Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:112623923

The player's in game name:
TEO Jerry LLI4 
TEO Wesely LLI4 
TEO Tobby LLI4

The player's steam ID (required):
Jerry's ID: STEAM_0:0:85694032
Wesley's ID: STEAM_0:1:223376792
Tobby's ID: STEAM_0:1:174946833

What did the player do: All three where using the ghosted blocks from the spawn menu, and using it to push themselves and other player off the roof of hospital. And when ever the blocks would be thrown into the ground the world would shake.

Evidence (required): 


What do you believe should happen to the player: Perhaps a warn and or ban for a couple of hours.

Any extra information: When I got onto the roof I asked them to stop... they didn't at the time. During the time they were doing this there were no staff on at all. Tobby was nice enough to apologize after I was pushed off. 

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45 minutes ago, Masterson said:


I looked at the video multiple times to just be 110% sure, and they were pushing each other off, with blocks. 



Ender | Former SWAT Lieutenant | Senior Low Command | SWAT FTO | Previous PoliceRP Administrator 

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1 hour ago, Masterson said:


I looked at the video multiple times to just be 110% sure, and they were pushing each other off, with blocks. 



Killer | Gaminglight Member Since 2016 | Retired PD Colonel l State Major l SPRT Co-Commander l FBI Assistant Director l  UMC Level 4

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1 hour ago, Masterson said:


I looked at the video multiple times to just be 110% sure, and they were pushing each other off, with blocks. 



Ex - CWRP Admin Alpha| Ex - Clone General Alpha| 

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Changing my answer to -support due to audio not working   they weren't really interupting role play   ,   and it's kinda a issue just like what you did to aru and punched him  , they were a group of friends messing around, now if they went around doing that to everyone I would have probably +supported this , 

Edited by Hannah King


                        SWAT PVT Hannah XR39-CPL Hannah King  XC65 - Hannah King 



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It clear they were prop abusing 


But the part where he is talking and get a propin his face had me in stiches...

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10 hours ago, Hannah King said:

Changing my answer to -support due to audio not working   they weren't really interupting role play   ,  

While I do understand this as I sometimes mess around myself, it's different when it comes to props in my opinion.

If I'm driving down the street next to car dealer and seeing people getting flung with humongous cubes off of the roof, I would say that would be ruining my roleplay. I would end up calling staff right away.

I know that they meant no harm but I could see that being very irritating, and they should know very well that something like this isn't allowed. Prop Minge is a common rule that most know. A few of those players have 5 weeks played and over. They should know this.



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Alright This report is 100% valid and I did break a rule and i will own up to it but we were never trying to make people mad and after he came up and asked us to stop we did. we were not trying to ruin rp or anything we were just messing around. I understand I broke a rule and i'm okay with receiving a warning Im sorry.   Also when i was healing him i was apologizing for what i did. 

Edited by 123brandonma
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2 hours ago, Jayden said:


While I do understand this as I sometimes mess around myself, it's different when it comes to props in my opinion.

If I'm driving down the street next to car dealer and seeing people getting flung with humongous cubes off of the roof, I would say that would be ruining my roleplay. I would end up calling staff right away.

I know that they meant no harm but I could see that being very irritating, and they should know very well that something like this isn't allowed. Prop Minge is a common rule that most know. A few of those players have 5 weeks played and over. They should know this.



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+support the video shows proof. Another issue is the players also are prop minging with the barrels and making a snake with them and moving them around hitting cars and whatnot.

Former FBI COS | PD LT | DS PFC | Former HRT Overseer | Gaminglight PRP Admin

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Accepted! Thank you for the report. Appropriate action against the player and or staff member will be taken to ensure that they receive the correct punishment.

PoliceRP I Head Admin I PD: Colonel I Retired SWAT Commander Deputy Sheriff 

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