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Adding a specific reason to denied suggestions - Denied


Should this be changed?  

25 members have voted

  1. 1. Should SMT add a reason as to why suggestions are denied?

    • yes
    • no
    • case by case

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1 minute ago, Pooders said:


its just more work for SMT they dont need that maybe a brief explanation not a full paragraph  

id love to see you do it for hours just sayin

Yeah, I am not saying it needs to be a paragraph, just a simple explanation instead of the vague three completely unrelated reasons that are put in for every post. Something as simple as "denied, this add on will cause lag" would suffice, just something so we can find better alternatives to denied add ons instead of trying to figure it out.

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On 1/15/2020 at 10:52 PM, Bor said:
On 1/15/2020 at 10:52 PM, Bor said:

This is your literal job as a Manager, Please stop complaining about time, If you don't have the time and effort, Please don't be a manger.

This is not diss. This is the truth.


It is not my job to inform you why your suggestion was denied. I take the time out of my own day to do that. If we want to get technical, my "job" is to grow the server, keep everything running smoothly, and overall manage things like staff, branches, etc. In no way am I required to give you a reason of why you're suggestion is denied. I choose to do that. 

Also, the comment of "If you don't have the time and effort, please don't be a manger" is very amusing coming from someone like you who most likely has never been a position of management for anything, let alone something of sustenance. I can assure you there are a lot more things to worry about then explaining to you why a suggestion got denied.

Let alone, like a true hardcore gamer you decide tell us to not worry about time. I can only really speak for myself here (But I assume other SMT has similarities), but Gaminglight is not the only thing I do in my life. I do not come home every single day and sit at my computer until I go to sleep, working on the server. I have a job, I have family, I play other games, and I have a social life. I assume you do as well. So think about this. If you were, for argument's sake, a moderator on PoliceRP. Your job is to staff the server, make sure people follow rules, etc. Now, I tell you that you can only take staff sits, and not roleplay at all.

Imagine I then said to you, "Stop complaining that you can't roleplay on the server, staffing is your job. You signed up for this." See where the problem is?

Now I'm going to drop some life advice for you. Before formulating such a rash response like this, think about what you're saying as if you were in the other person's shoes. It helps you see the error in your ways a lot clearer.

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So you use the equivalent of you telling a Moderator that they cant roleplay anymore, yet it says explicitly that as long as ratio is filled you don't have to get on staff, thats what we signed up for to a Manager not taking 10-15 more seconds to add a reason to the already copyed and pasted denial reason, something as simple as "it causes more lag" "wont benefit the server", so we actually know why and someone doesnt make another post similar to it. While I do not mean to be disrespectful in saying this, if you cant do that im sure that there are super admins or other higher staff members that would do anything to have the opportunity to do what you do, and more. I thank you for your contribution to the server, but this should be accepted and I believe that a hair more of effort would not be such a problem.


What I believe I am saying is the objective fact in the situation and I should be punished.

Edited by JackOG
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I dont really agree that this would take a long time to make a custom response to every suggestion. It doesnt have to be some huge paragraph, it could be as short as a sentence or two explaining why this is denied and whether or not anything like this has any chance of being accepted in the future. I dont disagree that you guys might be busy however it would only take maybe 10-20 minutes of your time MAX once a week to do this. I want to rant about this a little more but I dont want to say something that can be misconstrued, I appreciate all the work smt does but I truly cant see how this couldnt be accepted based off of what you've said. Thanks.

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On 1/18/2020 at 1:07 PM, JackOG said:

So you use the equivalent of you telling a Moderator that they cant roleplay anymore, yet it says explicitly that as long as ratio is filled you don't have to get on staff, thats what we signed up for to a Manager not taking 10-15 more seconds to add a reason to the already copyed and pasted denial reason, something as simple as "it causes more lag" "wont benefit the server", so we actually know why and someone doesnt make another post similar to it. While I do not mean to be disrespectful in saying this, if you cant do that im sure that there are super admins or other higher staff members that would do anything to have the opportunity to do what you do, and more. I thank you for your contribution to the server, but this should be accepted and I believe that a hair more of effort would not be such a problem.


What I believe I am saying is the objective fact in the situation and I should be punished.


On 1/20/2020 at 6:52 PM, The.Batman (Faustin) said:

I dont really agree that this would take a long time to make a custom response to every suggestion. It doesnt have to be some huge paragraph, it could be as short as a sentence or two explaining why this is denied and whether or not anything like this has any chance of being accepted in the future. I dont disagree that you guys might be busy however it would only take maybe 10-20 minutes of your time MAX once a week to do this. I want to rant about this a little more but I dont want to say something that can be misconstrued, I appreciate all the work smt does but I truly cant see how this couldnt be accepted based off of what you've said. Thanks.

I really doubt you have any idea how long it takes for each suggestion to be considered completely.

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Suggestions are usually built up over a specified amount of time in order to amass a good amount of new server ideas when they are gone through. The forums uses a macro system to make SMT's job much easier and to keep them on track with their other jobs throughout the day. Until someone steps into a manager position, or any SMT position, the true nature of how much work they do on a daily basis cannot be comprehended

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The amount of work they have to do isn't enough to anyone is it? As Snar said, they usually let suggestions pile up so when its like 20+ suggestions and every single one needs a paragraph in order to be explained as to why they are/are not being added, it consumes way too much time. Time that could be used to fix bugs, add things, remove things, tweak things, etc. 

 “The only way that we can live is if we grow. The only way we can grow is if we change. The only way we can change is if we learn. The only way we can learn is if we are exposed. And the only way that we are exposed is if we throw ourselves into the open.” — C. Joybell

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Guys  just saying being an SMT isnt easy they are constantly communicating with HC of each department working on future updates, while granted this is maybe an easy thing to do sometimes they dont have time for it. And Boris their job is not to inform you why it got denied it's to help the server by keeping it alive, fun, and running the staff team for that server. 

Edited by [GL] Slick

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20 hours ago, th3 said:


I really doubt you have any idea how long it takes for each suggestion to be considered completely.

This suggestion has nothing to do with the process of considering suggestions, It's a suggestion for how you effectively communicate your response to the suggestion. How long it takes to review the suggestion is irrelevant, It will stay the same regardless of whether this is implemented or not. We just want 15-45 seconds to be put into putting your thoughts into words in a way that will allow us to revise our suggestion or have an understanding of why it wasn't or can't be implemented.


19 hours ago, Voxis said:

The amount of work they have to do isn't enough to anyone is it? As Snar said, they usually let suggestions pile up so when its like 20+ suggestions and every single one needs a paragraph in order to be explained as to why they are/are not being added, it consumes way too much time. Time that could be used to fix bugs, add things, remove things, tweak things, etc. 

Nobody said it had to be some long paragraph, And nobody said it had to be every single suggestion. In fact we've said the contrary, Certain types of suggestions can be denied with a default message like those that are duplicate suggestions that were recently denied already or something like that. However the VAST majority of suggestions can EASILY be given a short custom message.



Guys, Let's try and form reasonable arguments/Evidence to why you disagree with this, It's not even possible that time can be an issue for this suggestion. That's just ridiculous. Again, I'm not saying that management aren't busy or that they don't do important work, I'm saying that if you can't find a way to implement a system to better communicate with the members of this community that decide to input their ideas than their is a serious issue at hand.

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On 1/12/2020 at 2:37 PM, ViperKimg said:

MASSIVE +Support

+It's honestly slightly annoying to have a suggestion with plenty of plus supports and then get a copy & paste reason that it was denied.

+I understand having the copy & paste things for warns that tell you how to appeal it, etc. but having a suggestion and it being denied with the cookie-cutter response of "We aren't adding it because of this reason, this completely different reason, or this completely different reason" is really disheartening.

+Imagine going to the doctor and them saying "Alright, you have disease X and you got it because you did something that you shouldn't have."


Currently a member of the Support Team, SRT, Dispatcher, EMS, and PD SM.

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On 1/30/2020 at 3:35 PM, The.Batman (Faustin) said:

Guys, Let's try and form reasonable arguments/Evidence to why you disagree with this.

You have been given reasonable arguments from not only SMT but Ex-SMT and yet you still don't want to accept it. 

It doesn't matter if its seconds or not. Seconds accumulate time, and that time starts adding up. 

 “The only way that we can live is if we grow. The only way we can grow is if we change. The only way we can change is if we learn. The only way we can learn is if we are exposed. And the only way that we are exposed is if we throw ourselves into the open.” — C. Joybell

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11 hours ago, Voxis said:

You have been given reasonable arguments from not only SMT but Ex-SMT and yet you still don't want to accept it. 

It doesn't matter if its seconds or not. Seconds accumulate time, and that time starts adding up. 

Yeah, The seconds accumulate to a max of 15-20 minutes, Not a day but a week. 15-20 minutes a week and thats me being generous, It could be easily less time. my point is that it's not a long time by any means for one person to do something that would be beneficial to the server. Were not debating how long it takes to simply give a short reason of why the suggestions are being denied, We can estimate that it really won't be an issue. The suggestion really just comes down to a cost and benefit analysis. Basically weighing the good and the bad. The cost= A single member of the management team spends probably 15 minutes out of their week on communicating with their fellow community members who have decided to take time, thought and effort into their suggestion. This person may not be you, and that's fine. However coming from someone who has made many suggestions in the past, Some Accepted, Some Denied. It WILL benefit those community members who take time making suggestions on how to improve the server and community as a whole. This suggestion isn't for players who post repeat suggestions without following the format, Or anything like that because you can simply reply with a default message. Now lets look at the benefits of implementing this suggestion, When you think about a suggestion and it just sounds really great and you take your time to formulate the suggestion into words and explain your concept and how it would work and research different addons and then your suggestion gets denied with the same old message it can be VERY disheartening. When you get denied a suggestion you're likely going to be less motivated to continue working on ways to make everyone's experience here better. And i understand it's easy to take the easy side of just saying that it's more work for SMT, But i disagree and ultimately it will come down to their decision. But, This suggestion is FOR the loyal members of this community who genuinely want it to grow and prosper. I guarantee you their are members in this community who are not a part of the staff team who work just as hard if not harder than some staff because this community means something to them. Gaminglight truly means something to me.

Sorry if that got a little off topic, I just want what's best for this community and i know this suggestion will work, and i know it will benefit the community members who also work really hard on making it better.

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Yeah and I get that. But here are some factors that you may want to consider. 

1. What if the reasoning has already been explained? Like in a lot of your suggestions in the past, things cause lag. Why iterate something that's already been told multiple times just for that person to have the same response? 

2. What if the reasoning involves coding? Well, if you're aware, coding is pretty difficult as is in most cases. So, lets use the current EMS sound thing. Lets say its denied because of coding issues. One might say "It would be too difficult to add" and everyone flips out saying "Yeah it's easy" or "I could do it myself" ?? 

3. As far as the LOYAL members you claim who want it to grow and prosper. Those who have been here long enough place their trust in to why SMT don't accept certain things. This place is like a home to me, and yet the reasons suggestions are denied mean so little to me, that it doesn't effect my day whatsoever. Why? Because I put my trust in the team that they are making the choices with the reasons they deem to be necessary. 

4. Just like number 1, if someone or multiple people already said the reasoning multiple times? Again, why say something again that has already been mentioned over and over. 

Believe me. I'm not trying to debate or argue with you, and I could go on and on about this. But, an explanation doesn't need to be given on every little thing that hits the table. 

 “The only way that we can live is if we grow. The only way we can grow is if we change. The only way we can change is if we learn. The only way we can learn is if we are exposed. And the only way that we are exposed is if we throw ourselves into the open.” — C. Joybell

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8 minutes ago, Voxis said:

Yeah and I get that. But here are some factors that you may want to consider. 

1. What if the reasoning has already been explained? Like in a lot of your suggestions in the past, things cause lag. Why iterate something that's already been told multiple times just for that person to have the same response? 

2. What if the reasoning involves coding? Well, if you're aware, coding is pretty difficult as is in most cases. So, lets use the current EMS sound thing. Lets say its denied because of coding issues. One might say "It would be too difficult to add" and everyone flips out saying "Yeah it's easy" or "I could do it myself" ?? 

3. As far as the LOYAL members you claim who want it to grow and prosper. Those who have been here long enough place their trust in to why SMT don't accept certain things. This place is like a home to me, and yet the reasons suggestions are denied mean so little to me, that it doesn't effect my day whatsoever. Why? Because I put my trust in the team that they are making the choices with the reasons they deem to be necessary. 

4. Just like number 1, if someone or multiple people already said the reasoning multiple times? Again, why say something again that has already been mentioned over and over. 

Believe me. I'm not trying to debate or argue with you, and I could go on and on about this. But, an explanation doesn't need to be given on every little thing that hits the table. 

I agree with most of what you said, And this suggestion isn't for staff to customize messages for the same response. It's to have different types of responses. So yes they can continue to have default messages for reasons like lag and coding issues. In my thinking, The best outcome in my opinion is they have several default messages for different very common denied reasons, Like Lag, Coding problems, costs too much money, etc. What i mainly want is it to be narrowed down to A. a specific reason and B. Is it possible to find another solution that could potentially get the suggestion added in the future or if it's a suggestion that can't or won't ever be added. Those are really the two things i want to get out of this whole thing.

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If a suggestion has been denied in the past, chances are it won't be added in the future. Countless reasons behind that as well. Conflicts, is the biggest reason aside from possible lag. 

If you've been here long enough, then you would know that we had Proton. Proton was actually a suggestion by another player at the time. 

What did this do? Cause HUGE amounts of problems in the long run. Like, a LOT of issues. 

 “The only way that we can live is if we grow. The only way we can grow is if we change. The only way we can change is if we learn. The only way we can learn is if we are exposed. And the only way that we are exposed is if we throw ourselves into the open.” — C. Joybell

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SMT Shouldn't "Need" to do this while many try to give a reason, many have other things to do and quite frankly most suggestions that are denied are usually for a pretty obvious reason and don't need an explanation at all. 

If the suggestion was denied it was probably because it would lag the server, causes a lot of errors, or is just plain stupid.

Also I don't believe posting the same suggestion over and over will ever get that implemented into the server, this happens a lot and just ends up in a pile of the same suggestion denied so if I were you I would check to see if your suggestion was already denied.

This entire thread has just turned into an argument and kinda seems like a shot at SMT 🤦‍♂️

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17 minutes ago, Emoo said:


SMT Shouldn't "Need" to do this while many try to give a reason, many have other things to do and quite frankly most suggestions that are denied are usually for a pretty obvious reason and don't need an explanation at all. 

If the suggestion was denied it was probably because it would lag the server, causes a lot of errors, or is just plain stupid.

Also I don't believe posting the same suggestion over and over will ever get that implemented into the server, this happens a lot and just ends up in a pile of the same suggestion denied so if I were you I would check to see if your suggestion was already denied.

This entire thread has just turned into an argument and kinda seems like a shot at SMT 🤦‍♂️


 “The only way that we can live is if we grow. The only way we can grow is if we change. The only way we can change is if we learn. The only way we can learn is if we are exposed. And the only way that we are exposed is if we throw ourselves into the open.” — C. Joybell

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  • Matthew locked this topic
  • 2 months later...

Denied. The SMT team for this server has decided against adding this suggestion for performance reasons, the benefit to the server, or another unstated reason.

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