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Move the Radio - Denied


Should the Radio be moved to TS?  

15 members have voted

  1. 1. Should the Radio be moved to TS?

    • Yes
    • No

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What you want to see? -  Radio for Police possible moved over to Team Speak only

Why should we add it? - Personally I think it is kinda repetitive to force Police to be both listening to the in-game radio and the patrol room at the same time. This could also make dispatch more vital and active as they would need to switch to the Tactical rooms or State Patrol channels to dispatch them to calls, or have multiple dispatchers sitting in a room in PD telling other dispatchers they need a certain unit dispatched.

What are the advantages of having this? - Reduce lag caused by the radio (if any). Give the patrol rooms in TS a purpose instead of just being a rule to be in it. Gives Dispatch more of a purpose. Easier to moderate the radio by being able to kick people off the channel who are screaming on the radio.

Who is it mainly for? - Police

Links to any content - N/A

Edited by Pliskin

Imperial RP

  • Stormtrooper Lance Corporal Snake 3120
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-It is not required that you have to speak in the TS Patrol Channel, you just have to be in it (In other words, Mute your TS sound and talk through the game radio)

-Anyone with a TS tag could join the TS Patrol Channel causing anyone that wants to minge the opportunity to by mic spamming in TS unlike in game where they have to firstly be trained, stay OFC for a while then get promoted to SNR and then get a radio

-Finally the In game radio is much more simple to use and is effective 

Retired PD Major | Long Time GL Member

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I feel like using the radio in game, I feel like it is faster and more efficient. Using teamspeak as I feel like is just more to communicate more outside of the game/to chill. 

Gaminglight PoliceRP Retired Superadmin

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Finally someone else that thinks the same! The radio in-game doesn't not help at all, people still have off-topic conversations etc. Teamspeak would be great for a radio, especially when everyone is in the same patrol room, which can be used for the (Main unit Standard). People must have "Push-to-talk on and must use their transmissions correctly. They must not have their own personal conversations and they must not go off-topic. This would also help dispatch as well with everyone in the same room etc. The radio in-game, people hardly are in the same channel and that if we just had teamspeak as a radio than we would know who's in the room and who's not etc. This is honestly want and apparently it's way to "Confusing" to people like seriously, it's common sense. Anyways, this is a good suggestion.

"Crack open a cold one mate, no worries mate, come to the outback mate, gonna go to maccas and get some brekky mate"

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2 hours ago, Tonto said:

-It is not required that you have to speak in the TS Patrol Channel, you just have to be in it (In other words, Mute your TS sound and talk through the game radio)

Just having to be in a PD Patrol room while on patrol and not having to speak in it makes the channel pointless if we have another means of communication. to have/ enforce a rule to force people to use it. At least by making it the Radio, it gives the Patrol Rooms a purpose instead of forcing people to be in it.

Edited by Pliskin

Imperial RP

  • Stormtrooper Lance Corporal Snake 3120
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This is probably one of the biggest -supports I have ever given

WAY too much BSing in TS, I got my own TS channel just so I can chill there and have it unmuted incase anyone needs me

Anyone can listen in on TS

Pain to change channels

Radio is just fine as  it is

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Retired as IRP assistant head game master, IRP SNR admin, PRP admin, IC Commander, SRT 2LT, EMS Head Deputy, FR DEFR

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1 hour ago, [GL] Joe Mama said:

I think right now the radio is used for more serious topics and urgent calls for assistance more than teamspeak. I hear way more off topic discussions in Teamspeak than over radio.

Because, the teamspeak doesn't mean anything to them. Neither does the radio... People being serious?, I've never seen that in my life while on the radio. People still interrupt other peoples transmissions, people still don't follow any of the codes, people don't even get in the same channel. So, I don't know how the radio in-game are used for more "serious topics and urgent calls". While if you have everyone in 1 teamspeak channel as the "Main unit standard" Than everyone would have push-to-talk on. You can also know who's in the channel and who's not, and it'll also get transmissions and messages across to officers faster, so cops don't have to pull over, and people won't have to repeat themselves as the radio in-game does cut out a bit. But people somehow don't know how to use common sense and get so confused with the radio procedures and like it's not hard to learn.

"Crack open a cold one mate, no worries mate, come to the outback mate, gonna go to maccas and get some brekky mate"

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If neither means anything to to anyone, what will making everyone use TS only accomplish? Radio etiquette is very much lacking, especially at times, but going TS only wont fix that. And let me reiterate, I dont go to the patrol rooms in TS. Ever. Period. Too much BSing, always people shooting the shit about whatever. Let them. Leave shooting the shit in TS and let us who prefer to try to communicate use in game radio. And you can get a head count in TS, but often times there will be people with  different TS names than ingame

Let me put it this way. Which is better, more tools or less? Id rather the BSers remain in TS while the rest of us use radio

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Retired as IRP assistant head game master, IRP SNR admin, PRP admin, IC Commander, SRT 2LT, EMS Head Deputy, FR DEFR

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- Takes away from RP
- Would effectively destroy the communication system that has been put in place
- Could have a negative effect on multiple departments (such as Dispatch, SRT, EMS, etc.) that do not have a dedicated radio channel


While some of you may see this as a positive thing, I am seeing this as the removal of Dispatch and the creation of discord within the government factions. TS is meant to be a place where people can talk with each other OOC and relax rather than being limited to using 10 codes and transmitting unrelated topics.

I'm sure there is more that I could add to this explaining why it is a bad idea, but this is the most I can think of at this point in time..


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2 hours ago, Will (WTLM2013) said:

I am seeing this as the removal of Dispatch and the creation of discord within the government factions.

This would actually do the opposite, It would increase the need for Dispatch, as each government agency would be in a different patrol room as they are now, so the Dispatcher would need to either move to another channel to dispatch somebody (Which is basically already a thing since each division has their own radio station besides patrol 2), or have multiple dispatchers in a room in PD to coordinate dispatching with one in each GOV room.

Imperial RP

  • Stormtrooper Lance Corporal Snake 3120
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5 hours ago, Will (WTLM2013) said:


- Takes away from RP
- Would effectively destroy the communication system that has been put in place
- Could have a negative effect on multiple departments (such as Dispatch, SRT, EMS, etc.) that do not have a dedicated radio channel


While some of you may see this as a positive thing, I am seeing this as the removal of Dispatch and the creation of discord within the government factions. TS is meant to be a place where people can talk with each other OOC and relax rather than being limited to using 10 codes and transmitting unrelated topics.

I'm sure there is more that I could add to this explaining why it is a bad idea, but this is the most I can think of at this point in time..

I'm sorry but you must be heaps confused aye. How will it destroy the communication system. I mean the suggest that Pliskin made is giving a better communication system, as it will be more organized and it will also work so much better as we can see who's in the channel and who's not etc. SRT, State, SWAT etc, can also be in that teamspeak channel as long as they have push-to-talk on. We're all government departments we should all be in the same channels anyways for communication purposes. "Removal of dispatch", you have to be joking? This will work so much better for dispatch as what pliskin said. Dispatch will have full control on the teamspeak channel and can see who's not in and who is in the channel.

Yes teamspeak is for talking off-topic stuff, but when you're in patrol rooms, you should be talking about on-topic stuff etc. If you want to have a personal and off-topic conversation, go into a general room or a private channel. Don't talk about off-topic things in government teamspeak channels etc.

"Crack open a cold one mate, no worries mate, come to the outback mate, gonna go to maccas and get some brekky mate"

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6 hours ago, Munchies said:

If you want to have a personal and off-topic conversation, go into a general room or a private channel. Don't talk about off-topic things in government teamspeak channels etc.

Yeah, then essentially no one will be in the patrol rooms cuz they'll all be chit chatting elsewhere

Retired as IRP assistant head game master, IRP SNR admin, PRP admin, IC Commander, SRT 2LT, EMS Head Deputy, FR DEFR

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No just no i hate to tell you but i would never join a room of 10 to 30 people just for the purpose of a radio system in ts. FBI often does other tasks where we communicate between each other in the FBI rooms. I would not require fbi to use any ts for radio because it would not be an efficient system without major supervision 

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2 hours ago, Rocco_Rex said:

Yeah, then essentially no one will be in the patrol rooms cuz they'll all be chit chatting elsewhere

Good. We don't want people chatting about off-topic and having personal conversations in a "PATROL ROOM" a PATROL ROOM. Not a "Have a conversation in the Patrol Room". People play on the server to be an officer, act like one.

55 minutes ago, Jimmy James said:


No just no i hate to tell you but i would never join a room of 10 to 30 people just for the purpose of a radio system in ts. FBI often does other tasks where we communicate between each other in the FBI rooms. I would not require fbi to use any ts for radio because it would not be an efficient system without major supervision 

What's wrong with having so many people in 1 channel?, Like it'll be controlled by Command/dispatch. Everyone must have push-to-talk on... and they're not allowed to use their transmissions about off-topic etc.

"Crack open a cold one mate, no worries mate, come to the outback mate, gonna go to maccas and get some brekky mate"

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On 12/10/2019 at 8:40 PM, Tonto said:


-It is not required that you have to speak in the TS Patrol Channel, you just have to be in it (In other words, Mute your TS sound and talk through the game radio)

-Anyone with a TS tag could join the TS Patrol Channel causing anyone that wants to minge the opportunity to by mic spamming in TS unlike in game where they have to firstly be trained, stay OFC for a while then get promoted to SNR and then get a radio

-Finally the In game radio is much more simple to use and is effective 

This is a terrible suggestion.  I dont even know what else to day. I couldn't give a bigger -support if I tried.

Edited by The.Batman (Faustin)
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If we move all of PD to TS you are cutting off communication from other departments. You can mute yourself in TS. Will is right just primarily use the in game radio, exercise radio etiquette, and promote communication between departments 🙂

CPT Revan 1L49

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On 12/10/2019 at 8:40 PM, Tonto said:


-It is not required that you have to speak in the TS Patrol Channel, you just have to be in it (In other words, Mute your TS sound and talk through the game radio)

-Anyone with a TS tag could join the TS Patrol Channel causing anyone that wants to minge the opportunity to by mic spamming in TS unlike in game where they have to firstly be trained, stay OFC for a while then get promoted to SNR and then get a radio

-Finally the In game radio is much more simple to use and is effective 


TheJayden | Retired PoliceRP PD Colonel | Retired/Reserve Delta Squad Second Lieutenant | Street Crimes Unit Co-Commander | Member of Gaminglight since March 29, 2018 |

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On 12/10/2019 at 9:45 PM, Munchies said:


Finally someone else that thinks the same! The radio in-game doesn't not help at all, people still have off-topic conversations etc. Teamspeak would be great for a radio, especially when everyone is in the same patrol room, which can be used for the (Main unit Standard). People must have "Push-to-talk on and must use their transmissions correctly. They must not have their own personal conversations and they must not go off-topic. This would also help dispatch as well with everyone in the same room etc. The radio in-game, people hardly are in the same channel and that if we just had teamspeak as a radio than we would know who's in the room and who's not etc. This is honestly want and apparently it's way to "Confusing" to people like seriously, it's common sense. Anyways, this is a good suggestion.

Well said

Currently a member of the Support Team, SRT, Dispatcher, EMS, and PD SM.

Former Senior moderator, SWAT, Event Team, Secret Service, DD, and State Police.

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On 12/11/2019 at 12:49 PM, Will (WTLM2013) said:


- Takes away from RP
- Would effectively destroy the communication system that has been put in place
- Could have a negative effect on multiple departments (such as Dispatch, SRT, EMS, etc.) that do not have a dedicated radio channel


While some of you may see this as a positive thing, I am seeing this as the removal of Dispatch and the creation of discord within the government factions. TS is meant to be a place where people can talk with each other OOC and relax rather than being limited to using 10 codes and transmitting unrelated topics.

I'm sure there is more that I could add to this explaining why it is a bad idea, but this is the most I can think of at this point in time..


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+/- Support

In all honesty I have my radio turned off 9/10 times because the amount of bullshit that is said in there is unreal sometimes. I have my teamspeak always open and get most of my information from there.

It doesn't necessarily have to be moved to TS but I see where your getting from.  And like will said. A radio is more RP wise.

Former S.W.A.T Commander & J.M.T Member


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On 12/11/2019 at 12:49 PM, Will (WTLM2013) said:


- Takes away from RP
- Would effectively destroy the communication system that has been put in place
- Could have a negative effect on multiple departments (such as Dispatch, SRT, EMS, etc.) that do not have a dedicated radio channel


While some of you may see this as a positive thing, I am seeing this as the removal of Dispatch and the creation of discord within the government factions. TS is meant to be a place where people can talk with each other OOC and relax rather than being limited to using 10 codes and transmitting unrelated topics.

I'm sure there is more that I could add to this explaining why it is a bad idea, but this is the most I can think of at this point in time..


SRT PFC | SCU OFC | FBI SSA | DD Officer l Dispatcher

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