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Max Holland False Warn Report


False or not?  

7 members have voted

  1. 1. False or not?

    • Yes, appeal it.
    • No, there was a clear breach of the rules.

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Your In-game: ViperKimg

Your SteamID: STEAM_0:1:157110347


The admin's name in-game: Max Holland


The admin's steam name (If you know it): STEAM_0:0:160820176


What warning did you receive: failrp|trying to find loop holes in the rules  


Evidence of the warn (REQUIRED): https://prnt.sc/oybi73


Why do you think this warn was false: I died in the bank vault. EMS came. EMS revived all of the gov. All gov ran out of the bank. I was revived. No gov was there. I ran. As I was leaving, someone said "oh wait we forgot the guy" and ran back into the vault, but I was already attempting an escape. In the motd, it states "If the police officer gets distracted and leaves you alone, you may attempt an escape." Therefore, a rule was not broken here. Yes, when you are revived, you have to comply with the officers, but there were no officers around to comply with as they had all left. 


Any extra information: I asked everyone who was around when the sit happened (Max didn't pull anyone to a roof, he just left me sitting in the middle of PD parking lot with like 4 officers yelling over me so my side couldn't be heard, but that's whatever) to please show me the exact rule I broke. Max immediately said he was going to warn me for trying to find loopholes in the motd and refused to listen to my side of the story. The next time I tried to explain my side, he interrupted me by saying "I'm just gonna warn you and you can appeal it on the forums." I feel this is very bad staffing. You should be sure someone has broken a rule before warning them. You shouldn't just warn them because youre too lazy to find out exactly which rule they broke and make them waste their time by appealing it on the forums.



Edit: added poll

Edited by ViperKimg

SX CEO ViperKimg | EMS/FR Reserves | Gaminglight Member Since 2017 | Donated Over $850 | Ex-PoliceRP Staff | $1,000,000,000 Achieved In-Game | Married to @EmptiedSkies ❤️

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Government where all at bank. EMS was screaming at you to stay but you didn't listen.  Gov where resetting eachother outside the vault. I said in admin chat that you can't do that.  But you didn't care.  If you would of just stayed you wouldn't need to appeal this in the first place

'you may see my struggle, but you won't see me quit'

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My side 

so I was told by Bennett that your broke fear rp then I got a ticket about it, so I go to Bennet And at this point the ticket that was called was involved in this sit aswell. As soon as I got to the area viper and another officer were arguing at each other I tried to calm them down but it didn’t work (he should have been calmer) at this point viper was asking me and Bennet where the rule is in the motd saying stuff like “it doesn’t say it in the motd and SHOW ME THE RULE” at this point the sit was just becoming  a agument I decided to warn you for fail rp and trying to find loopholes when you asked me to show you the rules I said ok one minute I gotta check something. You also changed your story because at first you never mentioned the fact that the police left you to goto the bank. But I was spectating the whole bank raid and there was 1 or 2 police out side the bank once you were arrested 

Also I mentioned earlier that the way you acted in the sit was extremely immature and you weren’t setting a good example as a staff member. You kept aguing in the sit and wanting to see the rule(demanding).You also called the warm stupid and said something else but I can’t remember so idk if it was something bad. 

Edited by Max Holland
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+ Support, If PD wasn't there its not your fault, its PD's fault for not paying attention and leaving you while you were dead,  I'm EMS and this always happens whenever I'm on EMS and PD just leaves, Feel like PD should get a talking to during a meeting about this situation because its happening more frequently now and It's just annoying

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Killer | Gaminglight Member Since 2016 | Retired PD Colonel l State Major l SPRT Co-Commander l FBI Assistant Director l  UMC Level 4

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43 minutes ago, Max Holland said:

My side 

so I was told by Bennett that your broke fear rp then I got a ticket about it, so I go to Bennet And at this point the ticket that was called was involved in this sit aswell. As soon as I got to the area viper and another officer were arguing at each other I tried to calm them down but it didn’t work (he should have been calmer) at this point viper was asking me and Bennet where the rule is in the motd saying stuff like “it doesn’t say it in the motd and SHOW ME THE RULE” at this point the sit was just becoming  a agument I decided to warn you for fail rp and trying to find loopholes when you asked me to show you the rules I said ok one minute I gotta check something. You also changed your story because at first you never mentioned the fact that the police left you to goto the bank. But I was spectating the whole bank raid and there was 1 or 2 police out side the bank once you were arrested 

Also I mentioned earlier that the way you acted in the sit was extremely immature and you weren’t setting a good example as a staff member. You kept aguing in the sit and wanting to see the rule(demanding).You also called the warm stupid and said something else but I can’t remember so idk if it was something bad. 

I never changed my story. You just didn't hear my side bc of the 4+ PD that were yelling at me. Also, I was demanding to see the rule I broke because I didn't break one. I even said, "If someone is able to show me a rule that I broke, I'll accept a warn." That's when everyone flipped it and said I was trying to find loopholes


Either way, half my point here is this was all a big misunderstanding, but instead of letting the people who wanted me warned make a report to get me warned, I was made to use my time that I could've spent RPing on a warn appeal for a rule I didn't break


Edited by ViperKimg

SX CEO ViperKimg | EMS/FR Reserves | Gaminglight Member Since 2017 | Donated Over $850 | Ex-PoliceRP Staff | $1,000,000,000 Achieved In-Game | Married to @EmptiedSkies ❤️

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1 hour ago, Sion said:


Government where all at bank. EMS was screaming at you to stay but you didn't listen.  Gov where resetting eachother outside the vault. I said in admin chat that you can't do that.  But you didn't care.  If you would of just stayed you wouldn't need to appeal this in the first place


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2 hours ago, Sion said:


Government where all at bank. EMS was screaming at you to stay but you didn't listen.  Gov where resetting eachother outside the vault. I said in admin chat that you can't do that.  But you didn't care.  If you would of just stayed you wouldn't need to appeal this in the first place


2 hours ago, Max Holland said:

My side 

so I was told by Bennett that your broke fear rp then I got a ticket about it, so I go to Bennet And at this point the ticket that was called was involved in this sit aswell. As soon as I got to the area viper and another officer were arguing at each other I tried to calm them down but it didn’t work (he should have been calmer) at this point viper was asking me and Bennet where the rule is in the motd saying stuff like “it doesn’t say it in the motd and SHOW ME THE RULE” at this point the sit was just becoming  a agument I decided to warn you for fail rp and trying to find loopholes when you asked me to show you the rules I said ok one minute I gotta check something. You also changed your story because at first you never mentioned the fact that the police left you to goto the bank. But I was spectating the whole bank raid and there was 1 or 2 police out side the bank once you were arrested 

Also I mentioned earlier that the way you acted in the sit was extremely immature and you weren’t setting a good example as a staff member. You kept aguing in the sit and wanting to see the rule(demanding).You also called the warm stupid and said something else but I can’t remember so idk if it was something bad. 

-Clear Breach of the Rules

-Isnt How Staff Should Act

-your story did change multiple times

-Should Read over the MOTD Again instead of arguing with staff about whos right and whos wrong


Edited by Jbennett1239


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This post is just a "He said", "She said" statement. I would like to see some evidence, other than that I just see pointless arguing and stories changing.

Gaminglight PoliceRP Retired Superadmin

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While I don't think he tried to loop hole, if a gov comes up to you while you are trying to escape you do have to comply with them at that point. So you are right you can try to escape if there are no gov around if you get caught it doesn't mean you can still try to run.

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16 hours ago, Calamity said:

This post is just a "He said", "She said" statement. I would like to see some evidence, other than that I just see pointless arguing and stories changing.


57 minutes ago, [GL] My Pet named Steve said:

I'm +Supporting because almost nobody read the report. He isnt loopholing in any way, so its a false warn..


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Looks like the rule he was referring to is in regards to being handcuffed. Due to no officers being around he is within his right to attempt an escape, gov need to focus on getting the guy who committed the crime first before “resetting” themselves. 


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Did they have any valid  rp reason  to come  to you after they were relieved 


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Go into the ban panel (at the top it says ban) sign in, go to your profile, go to your warn and click appeal. Fill the information out and in the description put the link to this in it.

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