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Kuno's Trial Moderator Application - Denied


Am I able to become apart of the staff team for Gaming Light?  

13 members have voted

  1. 1. Am I able to become apart of the staff team for Gaming Light?

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What is your in-game name?:

SM Kuno 1D97  //  SRT PVT Kuno 1S97  //  Trooper Kuno 1T97

What is your steam name?:

My steam name is "Kuno."

What is your steam ID?:

My SteamID is: STEAM_0:0:157134065

Do you have any other experience with staffing?: (If yes, explain)

Yes, I have other experiences with staffing here below I will be listing the following servers I have been staff on and will list the time I have spent on them.


Garrys Mod: SuperiorServers, IceFuse Network, TakistanLife, Reality Servers

Minecraft: Velocity-MC,MineRiot, MCWarside

CSGO: TangoWorldWide



SuperiorServers: Moderator

Velocity-MC: Administrator

MineRiot: Administrator

MCWarside: Head Helper

TangoWorldWide - Administrator

TakistanLife - Administrator

IceFuse Network - Moderator

Reality Servers - Moderator


Time as position(s):

SuperiorServers: 2 months

Velocity-MC: 5 Months

MineRiot: 3 months

MCWarside: 2 Months

TangoWorldWide: 4 Months

Icefuse Network - 1 month and a half

TakistanLife - About 2 months.

Reality Servers - 1 month.

What date did you start playing on the community?

I believe I started playing on GamingLight around September of 2018.

What date did you make your forums account?

October 14, 2018

Current rank on server (This is a ULX rank ONLY! Not a RP Rank)?


How many warns do you have on the server (Show proof with a screenshot)?

I currently have 35 warns. I have appealed four warns so far which two of them are in progress of removal due to them being accepted but is currently awaiting SMT approval. Also, I know 35 warns may seem bad to all of the people reading this but, I haven't been warned in 3-4 months. Which I am trying to maintain. Majority of the warns you see are from a year ago back of September-November of 2018. Around January or February I have tried to restart my reputation, which I believe I have and it's been going good so far. I was able to get in a few departments which are SRT and State Troopers. Also, there is no limit to how many warns I can have for me to apply for staff. But enough talking, I'll go ahead and post a screenshot of my warns below this statement:

Have you donated?

No, I have not donated. But I do plan on donating in the future.

What rank are you applying for?

I am currently applying for the rank of Trial Moderator.

Are you staff on another community (BE HONEST)?

As of now, no.

Have you read the staff guidelines? You will be tested on it:

Yes, I have.

GMT+10; or Australian Eastern Standard Time

Permission (Senior Moderator+ need this):


Why do you believe that you deserve the rank? (150 Word Minimum)

As a Trial Moderator, it is in my best interest to treat the staff team as I treat all of my friends. It is evident that we have new moderators, especially with the server having the server with a lot of minges during the down times. Some of the new Moderators need a lot of taking care of and careful guidance. I don't necessarily see enough of this occurring but, I have been letting them take my sits so they may gather valuable experience. I believe that this is only a partial contribution and it should be taken into much greater consideration. We need to make sure our new staff members are up to handle their roles as a staff member. They need to show initiative and the drive behind it but as well as enjoy their important role on the server. I suggest regular training/advisory sessions would work wonders but this is only effective.

Bellow will be some points outlined on what I plan to do and how I can continue to provide a benefit towards the staffing team.

  1. I will seek out to make sure that I will continue to be approachable, regardless whoever it may be, of their staff rank, or if they are even a player that does not want to listen. - I intend to continue to keep calm, cool, and collected, I would never yell out of anger, and will always listen to people sides of the story no matter who they are.
  2. I wish to remain consistent - I want to deal with more situations and remain active in the GamingLight Community for as long as I can. If everything works out in my favor, I should be able to maintain any staff requests. If I see that there are issues arising within the Staff Team, I will not resist to point them out with my ideas on how to fix them.
  3. I will continue to maintain a balance between priority as my role as a Trial Moderator and as well as my roleplay.
  4. I will remain motivated, to continue to learn and improve.
  5. It is in my best interest to constantly keep tabs with anything happening with the Staff Team and take upon an active role within it but I wish to expand that to include the Forums, Discord, and OOC more than just the Staff Chat.

In my staffing experience, I try to keep a positive attitude during sits. Even if they are just yelling at me to do something I must hear both sides of the story before I do anything. Even if they are calling me a bad staff member, honestly I really don’t care if they call me out because if you respond on what he said to you what will you get out of it? Nothing. It’s bad to have a negative attitude and interrupt the people talking their side in the sit. Because nothing will be solved when two or more people are going at it. I know to stay calm cool and collected during sits as well. In sits, usually, the people in it are calm no yelling, no disrespect, nothing at all. For me, it’s going to be a rare occasion if they ever start yelling at me, etc.

In my years of gaming, I’ll be honest with you, my maturity was absolute garbage. Until I started getting serious about things, I wanted to staff on a server which made me have to change. Once I became staff on a server my Maturity has become better than it was before. I joke around here and then, but never when I am on sits. Even if someone is disrespecting me I learn to ignore and just don’t give a shit about what they say. Because, if I were to respond with a very rude tone, sentence, phrase, etc. It would make everything worse.

During my early days of my staffing career, I have learned a lot. On my first day of being a staff member on a server, I have made some minor mistakes that were able to be corrected. I am pretty sure we all make mistakes at our first time doing things. I did not know how to do things around the server, which made me have to learn as I go on. I learned so much from my mistakes which lead me to what I am today. In the staff applications, I posted in the past gave me constructive criticism. This helped me learn how to become a better staff member than what I was before. In the servers I worked for, I’ve learned how to handle most situations/problems that arise from sits. I have learned to listen to both sides of the story first before deciding on what is to happen. I learn how to be friendly during sits.

So moving on... I’ve been dedicated to this server for over a couple days now. I have over 1 week+ online U Time and have learned a lot from the staff team, these hours may not seem that much to you but I believe the timer had reset my time. I am usually on the server almost every day. My playtime on Steam is still over 180 hours in two weeks, these are actual playtime, not AFKing time. The two weeks count of playtime which is 180 hours some of them are put into GamingLight. I put in 10+ hours during the weekdays and 10+ hours during the weekends for Garry's Mod. My activity has become even better since I have a lot more time since I am currently on Summer Break. Which means I’ll have an extra bit of hours every day. Since I’m talking about school currently, I am willing to procrastinate and do my homework later in order to play/moderate on GamingLight for a couple of hours (I know it does sound cringy, but I am willing to do it). I believe I’ll be a good use to the staff team, as I am in the Australian Timezone also you may or may not know me because of our timezone differences.

How would you handle someone that is Mass RDMing and when you bring him/her to an admin sit all they do is curse at you?
To start off, I would bring out my Physgun. Drag him to a roof, then jail them. I would go ahead and type in the command to strip their weapons from their inventory. As well as for the cursing, I would go ahead and gag/mute them. I would then proceed to check the logs for the accusations made against him and see if they are true. And if such is true I would go ahead and warn the person for "Mass RDM | Mic Spam in Admin Sit | Staff Disrespect.|" After that since it is a Mass RDM, I would go ahead and also check how much people they killed, and if it is more than two people I would proceed to follow the Staff Handbook with the Anti-Minge times.


I'd like to thank the people that read through my application for spending your time doing such. It's much appreciated. Have a good day.

Edited by Trilobite
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+ Support

+ One of the best Tmod applications I’ve seen (seriously, you put in effort and it shows)

+ active 

+ known in the community

+ large amount of prior staff experience 

+ has read the staff handbook 

+ Kuno is located in a Timezone where not many staff are on, which is always a plus


Although you have 35 warns, which is a very large amount, I’m still going to + support due to the visible effort in this application, you dedicated time to this and it really shows. You have a lot of prior staff experience which is a huge + and from the times that I’ve seen you ingame, you’re always respectful and friendly. If you get denied this time, i’d work on getting some of those warns removed as they’re the only thing holding me back.

(Change your poll to private though ahah)

As always, good luck! ~Shmoopy

Edited by Shmoopy_boop
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1 hour ago, Shmoopy_boop said:

+ Support

+ One of the best Tmod applications I’ve seen (seriously, you put in effort and it shows)

+ active 

+ known in the community

+ large amount of prior staff experience 

+ has read the staff handbook 

+ Kuno is located in a Timezone where not many staff are on, which is always a plus


Although you have 35 warns, which is a very large amount, I’m still going to + support due to the visible effort in this application, you dedicated time to this and it really shows. You have a lot of prior staff experience which is a huge + and from the times that I’ve seen you ingame, you’re always respectful and friendly. If you get denied this time, i’d work on getting some of those warns removed as they’re the only thing holding me back.

(Change your poll to private though ahah)

As always, good luck! ~Shmoopy


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'you may see my struggle, but you won't see me quit'

'Success depends on the second letter'

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3 hours ago, Shmoopy_boop said:

+ Support

+ One of the best Tmod applications I’ve seen (seriously, you put in effort and it shows)

+ active 

+ known in the community

+ large amount of prior staff experience 

+ has read the staff handbook 

+ Kuno is located in a Timezone where not many staff are on, which is always a plus


Although you have 35 warns, which is a very large amount, I’m still going to + support due to the visible effort in this application, you dedicated time to this and it really shows. You have a lot of prior staff experience which is a huge + and from the times that I’ve seen you ingame, you’re always respectful and friendly. If you get denied this time, i’d work on getting some of those warns removed as they’re the only thing holding me back.

(Change your poll to private though ahah)

As always, good luck! ~Shmoopy


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Gaminglight PoliceRP Retired Superadmin

“Genius is one percent inspiration, ninety-nine percent perspiration.”

“There are no shortcuts to any place worth going.”

“You are never dedicated to something you have complete confidence in."

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3 hours ago, Shmoopy_boop said:

+ Support

+ One of the best Tmod applications I’ve seen (seriously, you put in effort and it shows)

+ active 

+ known in the community

+ large amount of prior staff experience 

+ has read the staff handbook 

+ Kuno is located in a Timezone where not many staff are on, which is always a plus


Although you have 35 warns, which is a very large amount, I’m still going to + support due to the visible effort in this application, you dedicated time to this and it really shows. You have a lot of prior staff experience which is a huge + and from the times that I’ve seen you ingame, you’re always respectful and friendly. If you get denied this time, i’d work on getting some of those warns removed as they’re the only thing holding me back.

(Change your poll to private though ahah)

As always, good luck! ~Shmoopy

I have to agree. This is the best trial moderator application I have ever seen. It shows that you are willing to try and your determination to get staff! 

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4 hours ago, Shmoopy_boop said:

+ Support

+ One of the best Tmod applications I’ve seen (seriously, you put in effort and it shows)

+ active 

+ known in the community

+ large amount of prior staff experience 

+ has read the staff handbook 

+ Kuno is located in a Timezone where not many staff are on, which is always a plus


Although you have 35 warns, which is a very large amount, I’m still going to + support due to the visible effort in this application, you dedicated time to this and it really shows. You have a lot of prior staff experience which is a huge + and from the times that I’ve seen you ingame, you’re always respectful and friendly. If you get denied this time, i’d work on getting some of those warns removed as they’re the only thing holding me back.

(Change your poll to private though ahah)

As always, good luck! ~Shmoopy


3 hours ago, [GL] My Pet named Steve said:


This is the best TMOD application I have ever seen. You no doubt deserve to staff


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12 hours ago, Shmoopy_boop said:

+ Support

+ One of the best Tmod applications I’ve seen (seriously, you put in effort and it shows)

+ active 

+ known in the community

+ large amount of prior staff experience 

+ has read the staff handbook 

+ Kuno is located in a Timezone where not many staff are on, which is always a plus


Although you have 35 warns, which is a very large amount, I’m still going to + support due to the visible effort in this application, you dedicated time to this and it really shows. You have a lot of prior staff experience which is a huge + and from the times that I’ve seen you ingame, you’re always respectful and friendly. If you get denied this time, i’d work on getting some of those warns removed as they’re the only thing holding me back.

(Change your poll to private though ahah)

As always, good luck! ~Ghostly


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18 hours ago, Shmoopy_boop said:

+ Support

+ One of the best Tmod applications I’ve seen (seriously, you put in effort and it shows)

+ active 

+ known in the community

+ large amount of prior staff experience 

+ has read the staff handbook 

+ Kuno is located in a Timezone where not many staff are on, which is always a plus


Although you have 35 warns, which is a very large amount, I’m still going to + support due to the visible effort in this application, you dedicated time to this and it really shows. You have a lot of prior staff experience which is a huge + and from the times that I’ve seen you ingame, you’re always respectful and friendly. If you get denied this time, i’d work on getting some of those warns removed as they’re the only thing holding me back.

(Change your poll to private though ahah)

As always, good luck! ~Shmoopy

+ Support, appears very sincere and despite his warns made an extremely well app.


Overall I do believe he deserves a chance to show hes changed his ways and to prove hes responsible enough to become staff.

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22 hours ago, [GL] My Pet named Steve said:


This is the best TMOD application I have ever seen. You no doubt deserve to staff

This is well formatted and it shows you put in the time and effort needed.

Good Luck

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Ex-SCPRP D-Boi | Security Officer | Senior Moderator/Admin | Ex-Discord Moderator and TS Support Member 

Ex-PoliceRP EMS Dep. Chief |  SWAT CPL | Head Dispatcher | FBI EAD | Interpol HoI | DOC LT | SS SSO | 

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On 5/29/2019 at 12:46 PM, Shmoopy_boop said:

+ Support

+ One of the best Tmod applications I’ve seen (seriously, you put in effort and it shows)

+ active 

+ known in the community

+ large amount of prior staff experience 

+ has read the staff handbook 

+ Kuno is located in a Timezone where not many staff are on, which is always a plus


Although you have 35 warns, which is a very large amount, I’m still going to + support due to the visible effort in this application, you dedicated time to this and it really shows. You have a lot of prior staff experience which is a huge + and from the times that I’ve seen you ingame, you’re always respectful and friendly. If you get denied this time, i’d work on getting some of those warns removed as they’re the only thing holding me back.

(Change your poll to private though ahah)

As always, good luck! ~Shmoopy


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On 5/29/2019 at 6:46 AM, Shmoopy_boop said:

+ Support

+ One of the best Tmod applications I’ve seen (seriously, you put in effort and it shows)

+ active 

+ known in the community

+ large amount of prior staff experience 

+ has read the staff handbook 

+ Kuno is located in a Timezone where not many staff are on, which is always a plus


Although you have 35 warns, which is a very large amount, I’m still going to + support due to the visible effort in this application, you dedicated time to this and it really shows. You have a lot of prior staff experience which is a huge + and from the times that I’ve seen you ingame, you’re always respectful and friendly. If you get denied this time, i’d work on getting some of those warns removed as they’re the only thing holding me back.

(Change your poll to private though ahah)

As always, good luck! ~Shmoopy


"It's fine to celebrate success but it is more important to heed the lessons of failure" ~ Bill Gates

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On 5/29/2019 at 7:46 AM, Shmoopy_boop said:

+ Support

+ One of the best Tmod applications I’ve seen (seriously, you put in effort and it shows)

+ active 

+ known in the community

+ large amount of prior staff experience 

+ has read the staff handbook 

+ Kuno is located in a Timezone where not many staff are on, which is always a plus


Although you have 35 warns, which is a very large amount, I’m still going to + support due to the visible effort in this application, you dedicated time to this and it really shows. You have a lot of prior staff experience which is a huge + and from the times that I’ve seen you ingame, you’re always respectful and friendly. If you get denied this time, i’d work on getting some of those warns removed as they’re the only thing holding me back.

(Change your poll to private though ahah)

As always, good luck! ~Seb



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Was previous staff

Did amazing 

Knows the MOTD

AMAZING application

Give this mans a chance! 

 “The only way that we can live is if we grow. The only way we can grow is if we change. The only way we can change is if we learn. The only way we can learn is if we are exposed. And the only way that we are exposed is if we throw ourselves into the open.” — C. Joybell

|| Proud Member of GamingLight since March 2018 ||

|| Former MTF Alpha-1 MAJ || Former NSA Director || Former MTF E-11 CPL || Former SWAT CMDR ||

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