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Your In-Game Name: Nimo

Your SteamID: STEAM_0:0:94107053

Staff member's In-Game Name:  Jack Ron TZ, Miles B, USSR Munchies, SRT PVT Danny and SM John Kill

What did they do? They did not get on Staff when a SA(Carpenter) told them to get on. John kill did get on but it was 2 minutes after Carpenter told staff to get on

Evidence (REQUIRED): http://prntscr.com/km1f4v  http://prntscr.com/km1ff3 http://prntscr.com/km1fp3 http://prntscr.com/km1fys

What do you think is an acceptable punishment? A Strike since this has happened many times in the past.

P.S. For staff I have reported I don't hate you but I do not like how you guys don't get on when a SA is telling you guys to get on

〖  PoliceRP Senior Management Team | Manager

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  • I do admit I should of got on duty
  • But I was afk at the time, I was meant to close my game but I totally forgot I kept talking to people in Teamspeak
  • I deserve a punishment my bad!
Edited by Munchies 5

"Crack open a cold one mate, no worries mate, come to the outback mate, gonna go to maccas and get some brekky mate"

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I do admit, this was my bad and I should have actually got on duty for this. However, I would like to mention that I was tabbed out of Garry's Mod and I was on the forums, and I was also speaking to Munchies, Voxis, and Josh at the same time while I was looking at the forums. I didn't realize that there were no staff on duty at that time. I do apologize for what I have done, and I will accept any punishments that SMT will give towards me.

Edited by Dane
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5 minutes ago, Vikander said:

Ehhh they could be in a serious RP situation man

Doesn't matter Staff is more important then RP

〖  PoliceRP Senior Management Team | Manager

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I did say could he give me a second to RP, I was staff most of yesterday and sort of wanted to chill out.
Fair enough really, I should have got on duty and i do apologise 

Edited by [GL] Kanny

Ex. Superadmin - AnimeRP Ex. Senior Admin (AND FIRST) - PoliceRP   Ex. Senior Moderator - PoliceRP
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Hi, so I was in a situation with cops and a hostage so I didnt want to leave that because I would have been breaking the rules. But after that I have to go get my schedule for highschool then I got on staff imediatly after I got back.



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1 minute ago, Jack Ron said:

Hi, so I was in a situation with cops and a hostage so I didnt want to leave that because I would have been breaking the rules. But after that I have to go get my schedule for highschool then I got on staff imediatly after I got back.



Yeah, I was dealing with that situation as the only SRT on

Ex. Superadmin - AnimeRP Ex. Senior Admin (AND FIRST) - PoliceRP   Ex. Senior Moderator - PoliceRP
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Nimo I talk to you about it the reason I was 2 mins was bc I was putting my car away and my guns away plus I don’t get why I’m on this bc I got on and no one else did till the reports started to come in plus I also never saw him say in ooc that I only saw it in admin chat plus it didn’t take me 2 mins to get on 

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A staff report just because of two minutes is kinda petty and it seems like you’re just upset that they didn’t immediately go and do something you told them. Two minutes is nothing, and they couldve just been selling the atuff they were doing.

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15 minutes ago, Androntel said:


A staff report just because of two minutes is kinda petty and it seems like you’re just upset that they didn’t immediately go and do something you told them. Two minutes is nothing, and they couldve just been selling the atuff they were doing.

I take the blame I should of got on but I was afk in-game but I was active in teamspeak talking to people.

So, If its gonna be anyone its gonna be me.

"Crack open a cold one mate, no worries mate, come to the outback mate, gonna go to maccas and get some brekky mate"

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1 hour ago, Androntel said:


A staff report just because of two minutes is kinda petty and it seems like you’re just upset that they didn’t immediately go and do something you told them. Two minutes is nothing, and they couldve just been selling the atuff they were doing.


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9 hours ago, Vikander said:

Ehhh they could be in a serious RP situation man

Staffing is more important then RP, no matter the situation.

+Support, I say just a slap on the wrist for now

8 hours ago, Jack Ron said:

Hi, so I was in a situation with cops and a hostage so I didnt want to leave that because I would have been breaking the rules. But after that I have to go get my schedule for highschool then I got on staff imediatly after I got back.




8 hours ago, Danny Muller said:

Yeah, I was dealing with that situation as the only SRT on

^ read above

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8 hours ago, Munchies1 said:

I take the blame I should of got on but I was afk in-game but I was active in teamspeak talking to people.

So, If its gonna be anyone its gonna be me.

Same honestly i should have got on and i do apologise 

Ex. Superadmin - AnimeRP Ex. Senior Admin (AND FIRST) - PoliceRP   Ex. Senior Moderator - PoliceRP
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I do see why this report was made, but sometimes it takes a sec to get on staff.

Jason Tucker



If any of you think that a post i made is offensive, wrong, or just plainly don't like it. please contact me within the websites messaging system as I will take care of that post. Thank You. 

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This seems a bit excessive for not getting on staff ASAP.

I understand being ordered around by higher ups is what you're supposed to comply to, but you have to understand the reality.

Lying or not, Danny M. claimed he was staff most of the day, so this is up to Fame.

Neutral, if my vote even accounts to anything.

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Should just be a verbal because of the ratio being fixed a minute or so after he said to fix the ratio, I recommend though paying attention next time, even if so the staff ratio isn't even a thing anymore, but should are highly recommend to have more than one staff member on if calls are bring flooded in 

Edited by ArmyGuy
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I would say they should get a talk with SMT, a strike is a little harsh. They explained their reasons. If they said no or just ignored Carpenter, then that's a different story. 

PoliceRP I Head Admin I PD: Colonel I Retired SWAT Commander Deputy Sheriff 

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