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HUSKY King - False Warn Report

Jack Ron

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Your In-game: Jack Ron

Your SteamID:  STEAM_0:1:63686014
The admin's name in-game: HUSKY King
The admin's steam name (If you know it):
What warning did you receive: Switching Jobs During raid
Evidence of the warn (REQUIRED): https://gyazo.com/a963a9443badf0c9941f54025c6a2edd
Why do you think this warn was false: This warning was false. It was false because people weren't on my property when they were raiding me, I walked out of my house and went to my neighbor and talked to him and I got shot when I was VIP Thief. So I went onto Citizen to go AFK because of that's what I do when I go AFK. So I was running around and shooting at them and I ran to the fence trying to get to my home and I got shot so I just thought that they were raiding the person that I visited because I had nothing in my base and we were at my neighbors base. So I had no idea that they were raiding, BUT even when I switched jobs my stuff didn't remove until I got kicked when my connection lost because I got kicked after I came back from eating.
Any extra information:
Thanks For Reading!


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