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Everything posted by Ghosted

  1. Citizens dont have any reason why they can't do anything a crim does. Also if Im not mistaken I remember being told by a Senior Admin that they asked SMT this a year or two ago and the management at the time said Citizens can do anything. +Support
  2. Weclome to SWAT and we hope you enjoy your stay!
  3. +/- support Your supposed to use Crim for Money Im pretty sure otherwise what would be the point of crim to exist other than crime. Also you get money from Tickets, Confiscating weapons and Putting people in jail and if you really want to make money while on gov just join EMS they get money for every revive. (2K a revive or something)
  4. This has already kind of been implemented with the 5 Minute rule for NLR on Crims if they are actively getting raided by Gov so this is kind of Irrelevant. Also if anything just setup more on the perimeter and snipe the people out of the base and stop them from coming back since it depends on base. -support
  5. -support You would make an alright captain but I barely see you on as it is and Im on for a good chunk of the day. Also if I do see you on its mostly on Crim. -slightly inactive -immature
  6. +/- Support I get where this is coming from but I think a minor nerf to damage could be done from 35 to 32 to bring it in line with other weapons using AR ammo and since it such a high rate of fire I think it wouldn't kill it. Also the spread was increased I think before since the grouping of bullets isn't as tight as I remember it. Recoil I can understand but maybe 1.5x the current recoil since we still need to able to control it since some can't even control it in its current state example deathstriker. (Sorry Deathstiker)
  7. See the thing I dont get is Calamity continued to the raid after he removed the door even though I'm pretty sure any staff would normally stop the raid since they just removed a part of the base they are raiding even if by accident.
  8. Problem was it was in the middle of a raid. Would you be happy if your missing 1 of your 4 doors in the middle of a raid with silos?
  9. Your In-Game Name: Ghosted UMC Your SteamID: STEAM_0:1:65436734 Staff member's In-Game Name: DS LT Commander Calamity 1K31 What did they do? Removed a Door in the middle of a raid thinking his tool gun was apparently his rifle or another weapon. Also in what world does it make sense to have a Toolgun on Remover out in the middle of a raid on a base. Evidence (REQUIRED): DS LT Commander Calamity 1K31 ➞ Delta Squad Commander superadmin used tool remover on models/props_c17/fence01a.mdl created by Ghosted UMC ➞ Hannah King vipplus What do you think is an acceptable punishment? More Supervision of his activities by other staff members and to have him own up on his mistakes and apologize to people if he makes a mistake.
  10. So you want to increase how many shooting windows we have too and the amount of keypads assigned to a player? Cause you wouldn't have enough props either if you had to do that since at minimum you would need 3 props for most of the doors before even adding anything else to them. -Support
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