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Everything posted by Jet

  1. Maybe, 9:30 is FBI meeting. Why not do it tomorrow at like 4 eastern? 7 is like midnight for GMT anyway...
  2. Can't make it at that time sadly, is it possible to talk to me around 6
  3. 1. CAT is technically not a TAC unit 2. To appeal to the player base 3. Undercover detective will not happen for PD as it was made for FBI as an extra perk for donating!
  4. Jet

    Traz/TZ Family

    bumping for recruitment
  5. Basically what happened was I brought him to a sit, I wasn't even going to give him a warning at first but then he said "Oh not these queers again" I didn't warn him for the "accused" n-word but the part where he called them a queer. If he fails to admit he called them a queer it is his problem but i did what I felt was right as one of them pm'd me saying he took offense to him calling him a queer. I NEVER heard you to tell them to fuck off. Also, the evidence isn't there so you may want to fix that.... Furthermore, I feel what I did was right and the warning was right. Had your friends not called the false sit, and had you not called them queer, you wouldn't have received this warn.
  6. https://docs.google.com/document/d/1mdzNKreFtODEIRnXZKIYMp4guQXr9qHL2OBf8HK0HGc/edit?usp=sharing
  7. Name: Jet Rank: MAJOR Callsign: D5C1 Division: Lambda-5 Concerns: Lower ranks commanding higher ranks
  8. Ingame Name: Jet From a scale of 1-10 how is your knowledge of lore? (Explain): 9, I have played SCP:CB since 2010. I know how to recontain pretty much every SCP because of it also... Why should we allow you to have the position? (At least 150 words): I feel like I should be the Lambda-5 code name "White Rabbits" commander for many reasons. One reason is that I am an excellent leader and I have experience leading an MTF unit. I used to be the commander for a MTF unit on another SCPRP server called Alpha-1. While being A1 commander, I faced many challenges but I overcame those challenges and worked my way up to MTF General. Another reason I feel like I should be the commander of Lambda-5 is because I can be active every day and I usually am active or at least on every day. Another reason I feel like I should be in the Lambda-5 commander spot is because I enjoy writing documents, training people, and I give people a chance. The last and final reason I want to be the Lambda-5 commander is because I go over the limit which is expected of me and I can work well with others. This is a critical skill needed in a commander which I have. I can take criticism and I can work with anyone as previously stated before. With me being the Lambda-5 commander, I can guarantee excellence in Lambda-5 and I will set a firm base for it for all those commanders who do wish to come after me. (217 words, 1137 characters) How active would you say you could be be? (Longer the better): I can be on every day of the week and weekend
  9. Fill this out! Name: Rank: Date: Reason You Want to Be Medic (20 Words):
  10. Your In-game: Jet Your SteamID: STEAM_0:1:71952180 The player's name in-game: Puddin Pants The player's steam name (If you know it): Puddin Pants (SteamID: STEAM_0:0:4693303) What did the player do: Claimed to steal mods from the server Evidence (REQUIRED): https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198104170089/screenshot/941713065221611138 What do you believe should happen to the player: A perma ban for stealing Server Mods Any extra information: N/A
  11. Jet

    T-mod app

    +SUPPORT -Active -Mature -Respectable -Great answers -Overall Good App! +SUPPORT FROM ME!
  12. Name: Trooper Jet 1T Rank: Trooper Callsign: 1T SteamID: STEAM_0:1:71952180
  13. Jet

    Jets LOA

    Long story short, got OSS and probably won't be on for a minute. Keep in mind it was a false suspension also.
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