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Everything posted by Jet

  1. Sorry I haven’t been active JROTC, work, soccer, and school has been kicking my ass.
  2. https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198104170089/screenshot/941706090395782489 https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1520349050 https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198104170089/screenshot/941706090395785883 Is this even allowed?
  3. Hello, I am Jet of the FBI. Today, at approximately 11:38 PM EST to 12:07 AM EST we (FBI SnrSA Jet, SnrSA M. Hicks and FBI SnrSA) conducted Operation Green Takedown. This mission seemed full-proof from the start but fell apart at the end. The goal of the op was to decrease the Crip Gang activity in Roxford. The mission was a success and a failure. As we did manage to take down a large gang, it came at a heavy cost of a few undercover ops KIA. The second goal was to bring them in to jail but ended in a shootout. Below, shows the bodycam footage and pictures taken during the operation. So, this is FBI SSA Jet signing off, expect more ops to be done soon... Operation Green Takedown Evidence Photos:
  4. 12 Strong and Saving Private Ryan
  5. So as you can tell he one, harrased me by just staying there the full 10 minutes and two failrp'd by NOT giving me a court case. He also didn't tell me the reason I was being arrested till after he booked me. Last time I checked, having a Glock is allowed. I WAS NOT shooting at officers I was simulating shooting in the sky. I want him demoted and or removed from SRT if possible for Player Harassment, FailRP, and Booking me for a false reason. I will add on if needed
  6. VClick on the name for example, click on minimap I linked it through the name
  7. What you want to see? - I want to see these addons that are the links added Why should we add it? - I think we should add it because I often see people interfering with investigations and this could help with that. It also could provide a better aspect of RP and make the server better. What are the advantages of having this? - I think the advantage(s) would be just adding a more RP Reason Who is it mainly for? - PD and Government Officials Links to any content - Ladder Police Line Minimap Sheriff's Line Passport and Police Badges
  8. Ingame Name: Steam Name: Are you RP player or PVP player or balance of both? Do you agree not to disclose any information about our organization/gang? How many warns do you have? Why would you like to join the YBN Gang? Did anyone recommend you? Why should we choose you over others? Do you understand if you betray the NBA Gang or the Crips you will be removed and blacklisted? Will you respect the higher ups in the gang? Do you swear your loyalty to the gang? If a fellow gang member is arrested or kidnapped, what will you do? Do you have VIP and are you willing to be interviewed to be the official Shot Caller? If you do not want the forum to see it please PM me the application! Check Roster to see if you are accepted! I will PM if you are denied Thanks to Umbrella Corporation for the format as they summed everything up perfectly!
  9. Jet

    NBA Crip Gang

    https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1iOA8wkzAE-JCTC4GwrQPLR6ZHlB6eFbrX8cpSQGE1oU/edit?usp=sharing WE ARE CURRENTLY RECRUITING
  10. Jet

    NBA Crip Gang

    Hello, I have only been on the server but less then a day and have already made my own Crip gang. The roster is as follows: Kingpin: OPEN Leader: NBA Hazard Co-Leader; NBA Eric Member: NBA Jerome Member: NBA Roxford Member: NBA Harold Member: OPEN Member: OPEN Member: OPEN Member: OPEN Member: OPEN Member: OPEN Member: OPEN
  11. I know I am new here but how bout a Arma Altis life server? They make good money and will bring a more diverse comumunity basis. You may even be able to pull people from Arma to your GMOD communities as well!
  12. Hi, I am very very new to this community as I am loading into PoliceRP as of right now. I am Jet though, I have 1383 hours in GMOD and have been a head of staff on many servers. I was a modeler and General Manager on Revival and a Head Admin on Icefuse for a long time. I was also head of Forum Staff at revival also. I departed from my recent community due to them doxing and ddosing players. I won't say which community of the two it was (Revival) But yeah, I look forward to many years of service and staffing here at gaminglight Police RP :)
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