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Everything posted by Rose

  1. Name: Rose Rank: LCPL Why should you retain your current rank? (SGT+ must answer this): N/A  Any Concerns?: None
  2. I will be on a slightly longer LOA for about 2 weeks to work on field work for my job. I will attempt to attend meetings if they do not conflict with my filming schedule but I cannot promise anything as I do not have my schedule assigned yet.
  3. In-Game Name: Rose Steam Name: KingCorps SteamID: STEAM_0:1:185900587 Are you a Moderator+?: T-Mod How often are you on TeamSpeak?: Very Active, Usually on everyday and I'm always in the Teamspeak regardless of what I'm playing. Do you have a working quality mic?: Yes, I have an AfterGlow What timezone are you in? EST Why would you want to join our Support team( 100 words+) I want to join support because I have had the role in the past when I was staff a while ago and enjoyed the change of pace of helping out on teamspeak as opposed to only helping out in game. I enjoy helping out and would like to do so as staff to the best of my ability and joining support is an important step on that mission. I also can use support and help out while I'm doing other things like my work or playing other casual games that I can have teamspeak open while playing. I believe I can put in additional work as staff on the support team and I look forward to it. How do you think you could affect support staff in a positive way? I believe I could effect support in a positive way with my activity and friendliness and have a positive impact on those on our server who require assistance. How would you greet someone that has a problem in one of our support channels? I would Greet anyone that has a problem with respect and calmness as we address and resolve the Issue. Have you read our rules and do you promise to uphold all those rules to the best of your ability? I Rose, Have read the rules and promise to uphold all the rules to the best of my ability.
  4. -Support I think we seriously need to stop throwing around the word “minge” so freely on gaminglight. The only reason a lot of people dislike chicken is because he’s a really good shot and wins all of his guns fights. This post definitely feels out of spite and although chicken doesn’t often roleplay so doesn’t like 3/4 of the server a ban is way to harsh a punishment for one of our most active community members who’s just playing the game, enjoying himself, and not breaking any rules. You keep doing you chicken.
  5. Rose

    The new SRT

    What about FBI?
  6. Yea I agree that the class shouldn’t be allowed to use guns as that would kind of be fail rp and they can’t commit crimes by themselves but they can commit crimes in their owner is a criminal and committing a crime and they still have to follow the last name for family rule
  7. That’s actually a really good idea nucleus it should probably be made vip+
  8. People will minge on any class regardless of what it is people minge on civilian, thief, gun dealer the class doesn’t really have anything to do with it.
  9. What you want to see? - I have been thinking of the idea a while now and think it would be a good idea to add some life to Rockford in the form of everyone’s favorite furry friend, Dogs. I was thinking of a class where people could rp as a stray dog or as someone’s pet dog to diversify the streets and homes a little bit. On server where animals are present I personally find it fun to rp as a pet and end up dying protecting my master. (Pets Swep < Bullets) But besides that I think it would be fun to try out on the server. Rules would obviously have to be put in place and dogs can obviously not rob and commit major crimes but I think that would be a simple enough rule set. Why should we add it? - This would help to improve RP and bring some diversity and uniqueness to the streets of Rockford. What are the advantages of having this? - Some advantages of having this are it brings a new type of RP to the server and can make basing more fun having a guard dog. Who is it mainly for? - Roleplayers, People who vase, basically anyone who likes pets. Links to any content - Good Dog Player Model: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1418525979&searchtext=Dogmeat+player+model PetSwep is already on the server
  10. Name: Rose Rank: Advanced Paramedic Why you want to stay in ems: I would like to stay in EMS because it is a fun department to be a part of and to as. I am also fairly active and I have good response time if I’m not already on call somewhere else. Are you in the discord: Yes
  11. +Support/- Support Being entirely honest when you first joined the staff team you weren’t the best member we could hope for and you did have some issues but in the time you’ve been with the team I have seen you actively better yourself and improve in the places you were lacking. However there have been points and moments that you have acted a bit mingey when not role playing on ems particularly This said I don’t really swing either way but if you believe you can handle admin You might possibly deserve a chance to prove yourself on the job so good luck smoke also great app
  12. Name: Rose Rank: SAIC/ HRTS CPT LOA Time: 4 Days (Wednesday) Reason (Private if needed): Need A Couple Days To Relax And Work On Editing My Current Work Project Ill Be back Wednesday
  13. + Support Dedicated Staff Member Friendly Good friend and person Active A good bean A fellow swede Good Luck Jeff ily
  14. Rose

    staff alppying

    Dont mean to be rude if you are serious I would suggest speaking to someone to help you out this was horrendous and lots of work would need to get done
  15. Name: Rose In-Game Name: Rose Kingstolk How many warnings to do have: 0 Why do you want to be EMS (150 word minimum): I would like to Join EMS for many reasons. First of all I see many times where there is barely any EMS or none at all online, so there appears to be space that needs to be filled. Second ages ago back in like 2016 when EMS wasn't a division but just a job I frequently RPed around as such and organized the other people on the job. I enjoy seeing that now there is a fully thought out Department for EMS and would be happy to join up and help out to the best of my abilities. Can you attend the meetings on Saturday at 6pm EST? (Mandatory): Yes
  16. The full strength of the Hostage Rescue Team is on your side for this. Im geared up, ready to serve, and awaiting orders. - FBI HRTS CPT Rose LC1
  17. I write all my friends custom +supports but im kinda busy this morning so ill probably come back and write a new one later good luck bambob
  18. Huge +Support -Active -Friendly -a good guy and a great friend -knows the rules -well known -a great staff member -a great bean Ily Steve
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