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Everything posted by Rose

  1. -Support Just claim the normal DB room after DB is done like crow does
  2. I’m rp I conduct lord Vader’s personal checkups so I do medical procedures and also have access to all the equipment I would need so it makes perfect sense to be able to have it
  3. It isn’t for Field Healing it’s for on ship duties in medbay.
  4. +Support Follows orders active experienced citrus
  5. +\- Support Being in medical on both of your life’s in kind of Iffy due to you would be your own higher up and we try to avoid that.
  6. -Support We already have a Chief Medical Officer Its Me
  7. What do you want to see? - The Chief Medical Officer Job Be Given the standard medical equipment needed to fulfill the role. [I.E. Bacta Injector, Bacta Grenade, Health Stim Shot, and Defibulator (Defibs are currently broken but for rp purposes or if they are ever fixed in the future)] Why should we add it? - It would make sense for the overseers or medical to be able to provide medical support to troopers and such. This is further reinforced by the fact that troopers run up to me asking for medical assistance all the time and I have to tell them I am unfortunately unable to assist due to not having any of the required equipment. Also on CWRP the medical officers had the above mentioned medical equipment. What are the advantages of having this? - It will allow naval medical supervisors to Take part in keeping the troops alive and further fulfill their roles. And can also improve training if they can go over the tools the new medics will be getting by showing the tools to them Who is it mainly for? - Medical Corps and Naval Links to any content - all content already on server (weapon_bactainjector, weapon_bactanade, weapon_jew_stimkit, weapon_defibrilator)
  8. Although it may be cool looking being taller makes people get stuck in your model and gets annoying +Support DT Constantly have their guns out on safety at all times making them effectively slower than everyone else on the server so just increasing speed enough so we run at normal speed without guns out would be a welcome change
  9. Attempting to unlock personnel file for “Dr. Alrikr Kingstolk” ..... WARNING PERSONNEL FILE REQUIRES LEVEL 4 CLEARANCE, INPUT AUTHORIZATION CODE: ..... Code accepted opening personnel file “Dr. Alrikr Kingstolk ..... Name: Dr. Alrikr “Rose” Kingstolk Sex: Male DOB: 46 BBY Height: 6’ 0” Eyes: Blue Homeworld: Coruscant Current Occupation: Fleet Admiral of The Imperial Navy Previous Occupations: Medical Practitioner, Chief Of Surgery of The Republic Navy (Dishonorably Discharged), Chief Medical Officer of The Imperial Navy Criminal Record: Assault, Manslaughter, Distribution of Illegal Substances, Illegal Experimentation, Medical Malpractice Medical Record: (As of 20 BBY updated last by Chief Medical Officer Churchill on date of patients dishonorable discharge.) “Patient appears to be in exceptional physical health in every way, however the patient shows signs of severe mental instability. Patient shows signs of Schizoid Personality Disorder, Bipolar Disorder, Obsessive Compulsive Disorder, and Post Traumatic Stress Disorder.” Strengths: Physically Fit, Extremely Intelligent, Possesses Large Amounts Of Medical Knowledge And Experience, Harsh But Effective Leader, Willing To Carry Out Orders That May Cause His Own Death Or The Death Of His Men. Weaknesses: Mentally Unstable, Reckless, Prone To Violence, Prone To Criminal Activity, Difficulty Expressing Emotions. Fears: Disappointing His Superiors, Losing His Mind Entirely. Backstory: Alrikr Kingstolk was born on Coruscant to parents Erik and Kirsi Kingstolk. They led a middle class life and money was scarce but they seldom went hungry. Alrikr’s father was said to be highly abusive towards him and his mother leading us to believe Alrikr’s mental state may be hereditary. Alrikr was what would be considered a troubled youth and was convicted of several minor crimes during his childhood. He was also rumored to have been affiliated with some of the mobs of the lower levels but insufficient evidence has been found to prove this accusation. However upon turning 18 and finishing his primary and secondary education, Alrikr managed to somehow procure enough funds to attend medical school. He was highly proficient and graduated at the top of his class. He attempted to get a job at The Grand Republic Medical Facility but was denied due to aggressive tendencies and so, he enlisted in The Republic Navy at 24 to serve as Chief Of Surgery during The Clone Wars. He was initially a great fit for the role and personally saved the lives of several high ranking individuals. However near the end of The Clone Wars he was convicted of medical malpractice due to illegal experimentation he had been conducting on POWs and clones that had been deemed ineffective and marked for termination. Violating the terms of his contract he was dishonorably discharged and had his medical license suspended until further notice but was allowed to return to civilian life. During this time Alrikr went completely off grid and little is known about what he did during this time, however speculation and rumors say he was working as a doctor for several criminal organizations. These accusations once again cannot be proven. During the rise of the empire Alrikr was eventually tracked down by imperial agents and offered him the position of Chief Medical Officer of The Imperial Navy and gave him clearance to conduct any experiments he deemed “necessary for the improvement of The Empire.” Which more or less meant that they would turn a blind eye to any side projects he would like to conduct as long as they were documented for The Empire. He graciously accepted this position and served The Empire as Chief Medical Officer of The Imperial Navy. In his time as the Chief Medical Officer he conducted and logged several experiments, some more successful than others, however one experiment has shown to be a major success. Test Subject 1007 was brought in to be experimented when he was deemed unfit for service after contracting a dangerous infection from an off ship mission. Test Subject 1007 first experiment was the replacement of his left arm with a medium range launcher attachment capable of firing thermal detonators and small yield missiles, in order to test new experimental and dangerous trooper prosthetics. After the initial success 1007 was allowed to return to his normal duties in The Imperial Army and over time several other experiments were conducted to further enhance his abilities. His right arm is now detachable and is retrofitted with a modified blaster, his spinal chord was replaced with a prosthetic replica capable of sustaining more wear and tear and granting the ability for vertical thrust and shortly sustained flight as if using a Jump Pack, and as a final fail safe to prevent 1007's newly gifted power his epidermis was fitted with a potent chemical that takes the healing effects of Bacta and causes them to irritate the skin and cause pain so extreme it will almost always render the subject unconscious is hit with any form of bacta gas. Although his time as Chief Medical Officer was fruitful and he did not initially agree with his supervisors wishes to promote him he eventually gave in and moved up the ranks until being given the title of Fleet Admiral and control over The Imperial Fleet. He now works very closely with Grand Moff Tarkin himself who is impressed by the skill set he possesses and the length he is willing to go to get any job done. ..... Closing personnel file “Dr. Alrikr Kingstolk .....
  10. +Support active on the server Effort in app
  11. Has been a bit mingey as of late
  12. +Support Active Calm Individual Knows the rules Can handle stress A good fit for the staff team
  13. What is your in-game name?: Rose What is your steam name?: Rose What is your steam ID?: STEAM_0:1:185900587 Do you have any other experience with staffing?: (If yes, explain) Yes I have much experience staffing on just gaminglight servers alone. Wishing my 4 years of being with this community I have been staff of some sort on pretty much every gaminglight server besides SCPRP. I have held various ranks at various points of time and have never been striked or reprimanded. What date did you start playing on the community? (roughly) November 29th 2016 What date did you make your forums account? December 23rd 2016 Current rank on server (This is a ULX rank ONLY! Not a RP Rank)? Darth How many warns do you have on the server? 0 Across all GL Servers Have you donated? Yes Over $200 What rank are you applying for? Trial-Mod Have you read the staff guidelines at You will be tested on it: Yes Timezone: EST Permission (Admin+ need this): N/A Why do you believe that you deserve the rank? (Can be any length) I believe I deserve this rank Because I have been an active and supportive member of this community for many years and many people know (even the ones that don’t particularly like me) that I can be trusted and I work hard. I am very active as of current on the server after getting a new mic and getting back into gmod and playing on ImperialRP all the time I would like to help out with normal staff related incidents as most of the time I see few staff and many gamemasters. I have been a Gamemaster before and am not currently interested in rejoining due to my current lack of creative juices, but that might change sometime soon. Overall I have proven myself many times and can do so again as staff on ImperialRP. How would you handle someone that is Mass RDMing and when you bring him/her to an admin sit all they do is curse at you? If Someone is Mass RDMing and disrespecting staff trying to control the situation as a T-Mod Id only be able to do the 300 second Minge as opposed to the 10000 it says to do on the guidelines so I believe If that course of action is necessary i would need to call a higher up however if the assailant could be reasoned with that would be attempted first and if successful they can receive their warns and probably be watched for a bit if their isnt a stockpile of tickets and if they continue to be a nuisance enable anti minge and warn for Mass RDM Staff Diss and possibly No intent to RP. I was also trained to not be so quick and ruthless with the ban hammer because sometimes people are just not having a good day and they snap.
  14. +Support Active Qualified Determined to Put in work Kinda Cute
  15. What is your ingame name?: Rose What is your SteamID: STEAM_0:1:185900587 What is your rank on the Naval Roster?: Ensign What specialty are you applying for?: Chief Medical Officer What Naval HC (Admiral +) gave you permission to apply?: Grand Admiral Thrawn, Fleet Admiral Harrison (I also asked the medical commander out of respect and got his ok) What can you do to improve the branch you will be responsible for?: As the CMO I can improve the branch by assisting the Medical Commander in further increasing the medic count by hosting frequent tryouts and by keeping the medics trained and giving them passiverp scenarios that don’t require Gamemaster intervention. Being able to bring passiverp to the medical battalion ourselves will greatly increase desire for new medics to join and keep those loyal to the battalion active and having a fun time on their jobs. Why should you be trusted with this position?: I can be trusted in this position due to my experience in this specific field aswell as my large amount of time spent with Gaminglight in general. I have held the CMO position on other servers and have done well and have held similar positions on gaminglight, specifically on CloneWarsRP. Why do you want this rank?: I would like to receive this rank in order to keep medical running at the good capacity I have recently been seeing it running and overall prevent the department from having to become regimental. I have experience in this role and would like to be able to use that experience to improve role play on the server and help the department reach and maintain its full potential. Do you understand that if you receive a strike you will be stripped of this rank?: Absolutely What is your purpose within your assigned branch?: The purpose of the Chief Medical Officer is to oversee the medical department and provide any guidance needed to the branch and the men serving in it. The CMO is also required to make sure alongside with the Medical Commander that the branch remains active and full and all medics are behaving and conducting medical operations correctly aswell as efficiently. One of my main personal goals if given the opportunity to become CMO would be to keep the medical branch running well enough to prevent them from having to go regimental. I’m aware my rank isn’t as high as others however I am qualified for the position and have received the go ahead from some high ranking naval members to do so.
  16. Hi I’m back again what’s good?

  17. Name: Rose Rank: RCF CPL Which Server do you play on mostly? (US or EU): US Why should you retain your current rank? (WO+ must answer this): I’m Mostly Active and Do my job well  Any Concerns?: Nope
  18. Rose

    RCF Roll call

    Name on the roster: Rose Rank on the roster: CPL How active are you: LOA Concerns? : Nope
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