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Everything posted by Chief_

  1. Doing so is not allowed. If spotted report to staff.
  2. If you are indeed unbanned. It could be due to the fact that I think the ban system gloved and re-banned some people. But just waiting for zeeptin to respond.
  3. It was just a question and that was my only post on this. My post wasn't hidden.
  4. Hey Steve. I don't think your sopose to show pm's that were sent over the forums unless you have permission from them. Of I am wrong let me know.
  5. True. But what I am saying is that it ain't a perma fix
  6. Its a glitch. We can't fix I think.
  7. But he is head of research XD
  8. Hope the stress lowers. I'll mark you down on the roster.
  9. confirmed. It was a false warn. Was trying to warn 966 but 966 didnt have their name as 966. Plz remove.
  10. He can. But for event they need sa+ or event snr admin perm
  11. Still. Its copbait. Copbait is when you either just want to cause a chase or shootout. Unless valid rp reason. That ain't so valid.
  12. We use to be able to. But not anymore. People would use then by turning on light and sirens then drive away so cops ring chase them. Also they indeed need then. So -support
  13. NO NEGATIVE RESIGNATION REJECTED DONT LEAVE US BRO. ::::::::::::::::::::((((((((((((((((((((((((((
  14. Ask carp to make it so that people could also tryout if they are in nu-7
  15. Chief_

    Weaponizng SCPS

    He Has a 5 minute rage period where he can kill anyone. Tim the 5 minutes are up. Then I say he waits 10 minutes before being enraged again.
  16. But +/- support - Mainly ci. Don't have so much experience in the foundation. + but good app. Gl dude. Just saw that part.
  17. Ci can't apply for their ci life for rp reasons. Have to have perms to apply.
  18. I captured you. Until someone drifted into me with ahumvee.
  19. "drank you bastard" no dis. But reeeeeeeeeeee
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