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Everything posted by Chief_

  1. Changed to this. Just realized you are in ci. But just be very active during weekends
  2. Also, for that event we did one. We have to end up discussing it. Cause we have to replace all keycard scanners with the new ones. (ci can't crack them) which took around 1 hour to set up. But +support.
  3. Nice event idea. But remember we can't always use nuke. We need snr et member or SA+ perm to use nuke. Also defcon 1 can only be declared by site administration. Also if the power breaches. All doors open breaching every scp. But +/-support
  4. That event idea ain't really the best. Its really just CI sided. We make events to involve everyone and not make 1 side op. Also i recommend that you know scp lore better. -support
  5. -/+support I recommend that you try to be more ave during the day. So one can get to know you better. I haven't even seen you once in the server. Are you even in a job(security,mtf,ci,etc) respond to me in pm's. But good app.
  6. How bout this. I can talk to carp about stuff. For example that if the are 10-15 dclass on. There is nlr 16+ only lt+ can have no nlr. Etc
  7. Just cause I'm on loa doesn't mean that I an lost. You guys can always find me on discord.
  8. You will be missed. :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((( You were a great Lt-col.
  9. Its not looking at any part of his body. Its only his face. We have it for a 3 second time of them looking at your face.
  10. Ok then. Just be safer.
  11. Sorry. But gj polar. Your ntf polar right. If not gj culinary.
  12. True. Also its skeleton is so far unbreakable. So even though 682 but him he didn't break the skeleton. But I like what you are doing godz.
  13. Did you get approval from the 05 council to do a test. Lore wise you need perm because a breach can cause serious damage lore wise. Also if he got enraged and even though you locked him in he could break the door and try to kill you. But, gj on not dying. Somehow...
  14. Well its the first for scp-rp. Also
  15. Ok, so the vending machine can be used to spawn dynamite as a drink. And when you click e on it, it explodes. I blew up mtf 1 time. He blocked ur so that d-class don't abuse the machine. Also he can rp on it for a event. -support
  16. Sorry. I will mark you on the roster.
  17. From what I was told. Ci shouldn't be breaching SCP's that nobody is on. So + support.
  18. Get the sodino swep to noclip. Also to be able to be used they have to be breached by either someone plugging him into a outlet or by taking his hard drive and plugging it into a foundation commuter.
  19. What I an saying that the glitch can still happen.
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