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Everything posted by Chief_

  1. Btw. You don't have to warn verbally all ways. If they break the rules you can just warn them.
  2. -/-Support -NO LINKS Please dont just go and post and say "we need this or that" As SMT dont want ot allways be forced to look for stuff. Please provide LINKS to stuff you suggest. (unless there are no links) Which I feel like there should be some. + If you can find links to addons with new models I think we could implement those.
  3. Indeed. As staff can't see it as it doesnt do damage. Same with trying to enforce no crouch jumping combat.
  4. STEAM_0:0:244919976 Is your id
  5. DENIED Sorry, but community blacklist's are no longer appealable. You may not attempt to appeal this again!
  6. Message From Forum Diplomat Please make sure to not attempt to/cause/continue an argument as that is unneeded on this report. Any arguments will be hidden
  7. My guess no as zeeptin said this "Regardless of what the Wiki team says, we are a for-profit company and we do not feel comfortable using someone else's work they are trying to protect to turn a profit on our end. "
  8. +support - Shows blatant using commands off duty (would like to know why) - Also physgunning someone while not a SNR-admin+ (don't think he was stuck) - Physgunned him into the acid. - Use powers wrongly in similar ways to how waffle did
  9. That is lovely. Soon it will be my 1 year anniversary as snr admin
  10. Name: Chief Rank: SCP-RP Senior Admin | Security SM | CI PVT | TTT Mod Duration: 4/1/20 -> 4/ 5/20 Reason: taking a break from GMOD and having some fun playing other games. I will be hopping in ts sometimes and saying hi.
  11. Indeed. I do still see d-class murdering others in the line for no reason. What i feel like should happen is that you can only kill someone if they are body blocking/harassing you, etc. but if they are standing in the line. You cant kill them unless they are for sure afk. +/- support
  12. -support as stated above. People may just flag off.
  13. If you feel like it was a false one contact staff. Also most people just wanna get the callout first. But indeed +support.
  14. 1. Format 2. smt are going to be working on this already.
  15. My roll suggestion i made states this. They all had different type of rolls but the main jobs had to start the roll. Or if none on then the second group prioritize then anyone can do it if nobody else is on. Just waiting for smt to implement it. +support
  16. The SCP-RP proof came from me. It is a recording of his voice. So SMT can verify if it is him or not. It is the same account and name. You can check bans to see that he got banned on both servers. 1 for alt account (prp) then Mass Anti-Semitism/Transphobia | NITRP | Harassment (SCP-RP) All it is showing is him speaking. Also, the video came after he banned him. This was before he go banned on SCP.
  17. This aint a bug. It is something that happens. As your model size is already one thing it stays that way till something/someone resets it. By not un-equipping the swep you stay the same size. You need to unequip the swep first.
  18. Name: Chief Rank: SM FTO Rank (If Applicable, SGT+): FTO Why should you retain your rank (WO+ must respond | 150+ words): Any Notes, Questions, or Concerns?: HMMMM
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