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Retired Staff
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Everything posted by K I W I

  1. +Support Previous staff, reliable guy, great at helping out around the server and knows what he's doing.
  2. You found out that you were put on a DNP and decided that the best course of action was not to try and improve in any sort of way but instead to throw a fit and try and start a coup, ingenious. Don't need to witch hunt or belittle SA or anyone else since it was your own fault
  3. -Support Rarely see you taking sits, and the ones you do take are usually just easy roll sits, as well as the fact that you tend to have a lot of toxic problems in the server with other branches, I imagine it transfers over to staff just as easily
  4. +Support Knows what he's doing on staff and very active, would make a great Admin
  5. -Support Overall this suggestion just hinders a lot of combat in the server, will create more sits for no real reason, and for the most part is gonna just lead to more issues than it fixes.
  6. -Support Off gaminglight posted on medal, shouldn't be punished in Gmod for it
  7. Anecdotal, this clip is clear that he did it, just cause you've seen others do it doesn't mean it's right. And Senior admin and JMT can use their powers off duty so that's invalid anyways.
  8. +Support Name aside of the clip using your physgun isn't allowed regardless of the situation unless the player is stuck, using your staff abilities for Rp purposes is against the rules
  9. D5 will never be the same.. What do you mean by that?
  10. Was fun having you around and always doggin on eachother, sure you'll still be around to talk to but Good luck on whatever you head for next Also:
  11. This is a day indeed, will miss the big dog
  12. CI Military Branch Update ============================================================================================== Job Update ============================================================================================== CI Alpha Operative HP: Staying the same Armor: staying the same Description: N/A Salary: N/A Adding weapon: weapon_m9 ============================================================================================== Job Update ============================================================================================== CI Beta Operative HP: Staying the same Armor: staying the same Description: N/A Salary: N/A Adding weapon: tfa_g3a3, tfa_smgp90 Removing weapon: tfa_mp5, tfa_tar21 ============================================================================================== Job Update ============================================================================================== CI Heavy HP: Staying the same Armor: staying the same Description: N/A Salary: N/A Adding weapon: tfa_m249lmg Removing weapon: tfa_pkm ============================================================================================== Job Update ============================================================================================== CI Hotshot HP: Staying the same Armor: staying the same Description: N/A Salary: N/A Adding Model: models/ninja/mgs4_praying_mantis_merc.mdl Removing model: models/csgost61pm.mdl ============================================================================================== Job Update ============================================================================================== CI Hotshot ‘Inferno’ Unit HP: Staying the same Armor: staying the same Description: N/A Salary: N/A Adding weapon: tfa_honeybadger Removing weapon: tfa_csgo_mp7 Adding Model: models/ninja/mgs4_praying_mantis_merc.mdl Removing model: models/csgost61pm.mdl ============================================================================================== Job Update ============================================================================================== CI Longshot HP: Staying the same Armor: staying the same Description: N/A Salary: N/A Adding weapon: tfa_m24 Removing weapon: tfa_m98b Adding Model: models/ninja/mgs4_praying_mantis_merc.mdl Removing model: models/csgost62pm.mdl Workshop Link (All models found here) ============================================================================================== Job Update ============================================================================================== CI Longshot ‘Hawkeye’ Unit HP: Staying the same Armor: staying the same Description: N/A Salary: N/A Adding Model: models/ninja/mgs4_praying_mantis_merc.mdl Removing model: models/csgost62pm.mdl ============================================================================================== Job Update ============================================================================================== CI Deadshot (Level 75+) HP: Staying the same Armor: Staying the same Description: N/A Salary: N/A Adding model: models/ninja/mgs4_praying_mantis_merc_short_sleeved.mdl Removing model: models/csgost63pm.mdl ============================================================================================== Job Update ============================================================================================= CI Explosives Specialist (Level 65+) HP: Staying the same Armor: Staying the same Description: N/A Salary: $175 Adding model: models/ninja/mgs4_praying_mantis_merc_short_sleeved.mdl Removing model: models/csgost64pm.mdl ============================================================================================== Job Update ============================================================================================= CI Shades Task Force Venatoris HP: Staying the same Armor: staying the same Description: N/A Salary: N/A Adding weapon: tfa_trek50 Removing weapon: tfa_inss_mk14ebr =========================================================================================== Approved by the following High Command D5 HCMD: Commander Trizium, Vice Commander Shadows, Vice Commander Gamehunter Nu7 HCMD: Vice Commander J0lt, Vice Commander Daniels E11 HCMD: Commander Goat R&D HCMD: DDOP Zach Donwooood Security HCMD: DHOS Alpha Medical HCMD: AHOMS Ezekiel, AHOMS Glaze Maintenance HCMD: HOME Ayaya Site Administration: DoL Spixe, DoTF Ozzie, DoRS HexG, HCZ Manager Toasty, LCZ Manager Mind, O5-13 ‘Death’, Kevlar - CI CMDR Pills, CI LT-CMDR Kiwi
  13. ROA or LOA: LOA Name: Kiwi Rank: ETM Start Date: 1/18/2023 End Date: 1/26/2023 Reason: Busy with classes, recently started nightshift with them and will need some time to adjust to a schedule
  14. +Support Deserves Senior admin, probs due a while ago
  15. +Support Very underused SCP, would be great to have other methods to bread him
  16. -Support Not a bad idea but just creates a lot of power gaming and also would be used very little if even due to the having to run up to somebody and type that, also everyone has a lot of binds already so just adding another would be annoying
  17. What are you suggesting? - Adding more CSGO weapons to the armory How would this change better the server? - diversity of the meta within combat on the server. Are there any disadvantages of making this change to the server? If so, explain. - If one of the guns happens to be too overpowered it may be an issue but can be changed in weapon balance suggestions. Who would this change mostly benefit? - Any combatant role on the server List of weapons to add and prices: tfa_csgo_nova - 2500$ tfa_csgo_ssg08 - 7500$ tfa_csgo_m4a4 - 8500$ tfa_csgo_m4a1 - 8000$ tfa_csgo_tec9 2000$ tfa_csgo_mp9 - 3500$ tfa_csgo_famas 6000$ tfa_csgo_mag7 - 4000$
  18. Kinda torn on this personally, on one end I see the endless opportunity for extra roleplay and experience with 8286, on the other hand SCP's shouldn't be in D-Block to begin with since it's kinda a weird area for them to be against D-Classs. I'm leaned more towards +Support
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