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Everything posted by Clarence

  1. Never had a interaction with you but would love to see more IC and work with them!!
  2. Goodluck, would love to see some more IC!!
  3. + Support + Active + good at his job Have not had many run ins but best of luck
  4. +support +Good guy +good leader We haven't had many interactions but goodluck.
  5. + Support +Active +Always helpful Goodluck
  6. +/- Support +Very kind +Very active +Good leader -Short Good luck!!
  7. + support + is a good senior GO + active + professional and experienced
  8. +/- support + In my few interactions ive seen them show good leadership skills - Short app
  9. +/- support + in my few interactions he has been a real leader + He is active + good app
  10. 1. What is your IGN? (In Game Name) : Shock HVYTO CPT Clarence SK242 2. What Regiment are you applying for? Shock 3. Why do you want to be a commander of this branch? I want to be vice commander of this branch because I have seen us Shock as a whole become plagued with loss of command and the standard of leadership we find so important, and I feel that I could help change things around and implement the leadership role back into the regiment. I also believe that I could help change the peoples perspective of shock from thinking we ruin everyone's fun to showing that we are a fun battalion to join and we pride ourselves in making our members feel welcome, but also not tolerating disrespect and infractions of the rules all while having a good, and fun time. Another thing I feel I could help improve is other players outside of the shock battalion have a more enjoyable time on the server rather than be plagued by mingy/unserious players who only intend on ruining there fun and making us all look bad. A way I could do this is by first starting off with my battalion by showing them it is always ok to have fun but there is a limit that should not be crossed such as abuse of equipment, disrespecting others, and noting listening to orders given to you which could cause unitability among a battalion, and that not all times are fun times and at some point you need to be serious. Next I could start pushing this view point to all other players among the server which could hopefully reduce the amount of minginess so that everyone has a fun and enjoyable time without anyone ruining anyone else's time. Some things I could do for my battalion is make sure that the enlisted get a good insight on what we do instead of just be sent away to guard a certain place among the ISD, an for NCO'S I could make sure that they get a good insight on the leadership and responsibility they will have to take up and show to the new enlisted or newer NCO'S. As for Officers I could show/lead the way and prepare them for higher rolls such as Vice Commander and Commander as it is a big responsibility and they must be prepared for the role if they are to ever reach it, also I could make sure that the Officers are making sure the enlisted and NCO'S are having a fun time and are not just standing around. Lastly I want to become Vice Commander so that I can help improve Shock, and the server for the best. 4. How much game time do you have on the server? I joined the server on December 27th I believe , and have around a little over 4 weeks in game. 5. What is the Main Purpose of a commander for a branch? The main purpose of a commander is to the seriousness, leadership, and responsibility, They are the one person in the battalion all members can come to if they have questions, or troubles with their assignments. They should always be open for communication, even of its not in game they should be reachable on discord and should be active in the TS. Commanders are the most responsible for ensuring stability, leadership, and maintaining the battalions morale's and actions as this all contributes to the way we are seen, and function. Commanders are also responsible for updating the rosters, monitoring how many sims the officers do, and monitoring how many tryouts the NCO'S do as this is a big part of making sure other members are happy and not board, and implementing new members into the ranks. They are to be professional at all times to ensure everyone is doing there part and to make sure any disagreements are handled professionally as a unserious commander could worsen the situation and make it worse than it has to be, or not maintaining a close eye and watching over your troops could lead to unfavorable actions and make there battalion look unprofessional/bad. I also feel as commanders are to keep close relations with other battalions so there is always a opportunity to have more fun, and do more joint operations things as it can bring players, and battalions closer. Overall the commander position is a big responsibility and should not be taken lightly as they are a big part in stability among the ISD and a big part in making sure everything is up to date and make sure all battalions are enjoying their time. 6. Why should we trust you to be a commander? : I should be trusted with this position because I have shown I am a good leader and know the responsibilities, and standards of Shock. I also believe that i have shown my time, dedication, and effort to shock as I have been apart of Shock for a while now and believe I am ready for the responsibility if allowed. Although having no prior commander experience I believe I have what it takes and am ready to show all of command team the same. I am ready to help change Shock for the better and help lead them in the right direction as I do believe I am capable for this major task. I am also very active as I am on everyday and try my best to make sure shock is operating at their best and to ensure everyone is happy and having a favorable time. I will also make sure everyone is having a good time as I will set up fun sims, make sure everyone knows what they are doing and are not just set off after training with know knowledge of what to do, I will also ensure all of Shock are respecting everyone and hold them to higher standards as I know what Shock is capable of doing and what shock has the potential to be. In conclusion I believe I should be trusted with this position because I have showed myself worthy through my time and dedication, I understand the standards and values that shock run on, and although nit having any prior commanding experience I believe I am one of the most fit for the position. 7. How often can you be Online? : From Monday-Thursday i can be online for about 6 hours, And on Friday-Sunday for about 10-12 hours even more if need be. 8. Do you have any Warnings? (What for?) : 1 warning from January 17 or 19th for going into EC, but I have learned from my mistakes understand that that was just a dumb decision on my part. (no active Warnings tho)
  11. +/- support Great shock officer Has what it takes Good app overall good person
  12. Best of luck in life man!!
  13. Clarence


    oop cya in a few days!
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