What would you like to see: More lights in the pandora
How would it help the server and/or the player base: At the moment the pandora is extremely dark to the point where it is no fun to do any sort of missions over there. The chance of not seeing enemies or friendly troopers is really big which can cause chaotic moments and accidental rdm cases.
If the pandora is brighter it would make it a better option for small events/missions/sims or even roleplay.
Do you think this suggestion will help the server as a whole: Yes, iam sure that this change would make it easier for gamemasters to set their events up and for players to have fun combat.
Iam certain that more people will use the pandora for more different situations since it is now only being used as a gamemaster spawn point. It should be used way more for different kind of experiences but right now it just isn't a good spot to do anything.