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Retired Staff
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Everything posted by Bub

  1. - support The application is very short and you seem to be very new on the server. Make sure when you do application you explain well why you deserve the position and also how to deal with the sit. I reccomend you to take a look at other applications so you can see how other people wrote their applications. But dont let the minus supports disencourage you for trying to become staff!
  2. What would you like to see: More lights in the pandora How would it help the server and/or the player base: At the moment the pandora is extremely dark to the point where it is no fun to do any sort of missions over there. The chance of not seeing enemies or friendly troopers is really big which can cause chaotic moments and accidental rdm cases. If the pandora is brighter it would make it a better option for small events/missions/sims or even roleplay. Do you think this suggestion will help the server as a whole: Yes, iam sure that this change would make it easier for gamemasters to set their events up and for players to have fun combat. Iam certain that more people will use the pandora for more different situations since it is now only being used as a gamemaster spawn point. It should be used way more for different kind of experiences but right now it just isn't a good spot to do anything.
  3. - support for now Make sure to take the time to describe everything as much as you can step by step. It looks to rushed right now. I know you would be a good staff member so make sure to "sell yourself" in an application. Good luck!
  4. + support Sainty has shown everyone that he's always trying to improve the server and experiences for everyone. He has been around for a long time and is respected by many many people in the community. He has shown that he is able to lead and teach people and iam sure that he would be an amazing pick for JMT! Good luck sainty!
  5. +support!!! Racc has been around the server for a while and always has been helpfull to everyone in RP and as staff. He is loves interacting with others and encourage them to do the best they can! It is because of racc that i also wanted to join the staff team and found out that its incredibly fun to do. If anyone is ready to become JMT and has the right motivation its mister racc over here! Good luck racc!
  6. + support This might have been an stupid mistake on both of your sides. Becarefull with what you say in game. It has been a long time ago and from what ive seen you're a great guy. And zefer also said that it might have been a mistake on his side. So this warn could be removed in my opinion.
  7. +support This is MRDM times 5. As staff we need to be role models and follow and know the rules. Normally someone would be banned for at least 25 days so in my opinion he should be removed staff and receive another punishment.
  8. +support in buffing bobba and maybe even some of the other bountyhunters since most of them are quite weak. Im not sure about all the equipment but they do deserve some more love
  9. Weapon Stats Change: Increasing the range / make the blade a little bit longer. Weapon name: Vibro Blade (donater item) Which jobs currently have the weapon?: Only players that have purchased the weapon. Current stats: I dont know the number of the current length of the blade New stats: Increase the lenght by 5. Reason for request: The vibro knife is a fun new donator item that many have purchased. But after using it for a while me and others have noticed that the current blade length is so small that even when you are physically standing against a person it sometimes still won't hit them. Increasing the blade length with 5 would make the vibro blade feel more like a "blade" then a small knife. Thanks for reading my suggestion!
  10. Sad to see you step up from medical command. But glad that you will stil be around. Wish you the best my man!!!
  11. -Support for now You forgot to answer some of the question as well as fully answering the explanation of doing an on and offship event. Make sure to answer everything in an application the best you can.
  12. Just as name said, the only small problem is the time on the server, but besides that your app looks amazing. Good luck!!
  13. +support This will give engineers some new awesome equipment to work towards/with.
  14. Dont forget to read the staff announcements! Hope you'll retry in 2 weeks.
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