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Everything posted by 1stSavagerY

  1. HUGE +SUPPORT Right now RP is extremely stale, nothing happens besides TDM between MTF and CI and the occasional test that RND and Research do. There needs to be more RP added to the server and doing this would work wonders in adding more content and helping the community and server grow.
  2. +support would prevent meta/powergaming, i see people flag onto sarkic all the time just to interfere with negotiations because they see it in open comms as d class and decide to troll a bit. its just annoying
  3. Accepted Please contact an Nu-7 FTO to be trained via TS or in game
  4. "Nyde: Fucking nerd" I agree "Savagery: Shut up furry" NO YOU!!! Im gonna miss you bud
  5. I would normally vote +Support under any other circumstances as you are an absolute FANTASTIC staff member, but as you do not meet the requirements as of yet I unfortunately will have to comment a -support
  6. I remember banning two people the other day for doing this, but alpha was NOT one of those people. I always use the steamID's from logs so i have no clue why it grabbed the wrong steamid, i even double checked and it was the one i copied from logs
  7. +support. Meeseeks I am incredibly disappointed in you. As meeseeks has yet to learn from his blacklist from all combatant branches, he has shown multiple times that he has not learned from his mistakes or past experiences. Because of this, I'd personally recommend a two month ban/blacklist at the least as he obviously cannot control himself around the members of this community and needs some time to himself to cool down.
  8. You were a trusted member of gensec command and you betrayed our trust. plus telling someone to vote yes and getting super aggressive when they vote no is a huge red flag. -support
  9. Accepted! Speak with an Nu7 FTO to be trained.
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