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Retired Staff
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Everything posted by CollectiveWorld

  1. +Support -Stops people falling in -quick to do -A minur idea but good
  2. yeah that wasnt Marsh, that was a different guy
  3. -Support -That MRDM warn was not "A Long Time Ago" it was recent with you MRDMing afk RG -You lied multiple times to staff and RG command about this when we saw you do it -you constantly jump on the job and IQ job even though we tell you, that you are Permanent DNT for RG and on a DNT for IQ -You muck around in game and change your name to avoid punnishment -Lying in your app does not look good -Note the warn was just last month along with the other 13 you have -You dont listen when i tell you not to jump on job as everyday you do it -If you dont listen and have expereince like this then you are not fit for GM in my eyes (I would put a screenshot in to prove warns but i cant scale it high enough to visibly see them all individually)
  4. Really nice, what DT-12 is it, the OP one or the normal one?
  5. Having a Cal event is always good as i never see it getting used in Events (mega/Storyline) as its always luke ETC, so its good already and it makes sense
  6. +Support -The two weapons being removed are barely used -The addition to a new weapon can really get it used with Purge Heavy being a really active sub branch -Good addition to Purge!!
  7. Would be good if located at the top middle of the screen
  8. The Blurg was good but it needs a serious buff so if this turns out to be a good weapon then im all for it
  9. +/-Support -It is a good idea -could possibly bring more rp -brings more for player to explore and do - Could be rather laggy - we do have offmaps for that - Overall i do like the idea and would be great if it works well with server space, adding another Hyperspace place rather than just a blank planet - Brings more to naval as well
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