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Everything posted by Goat

  1. +Support As it stands right now, very few actively buy permanent pistol crates anymore, even with the addition of the Blurrg to the crates. However with the sheer strength and power this pistol offers (A very balanced weapon as it is very inaccurate and has essentially no sight picture) I believe perm. pistol crates would return as this would become a staple icon that everyone desires !
  2. +Support I know that Odin has only the purest intentions at heart, and with this update I know that it will greatly improve the state of navy and help filter out the minges who have no desire to benefit the battalion.
  3. Goat

    Palpy time

    Facts ! I love Zefer !
  4. I know that Nebel and Shock Command have put a large amount of effort into this, and I wholeheartedly believe that it would benefit the battalion in every single aspect !
  5. + Support I have sat down with Medical Command for a couple days going over every part of this update, and we all truly agree that this update will benefit and bring a new light to Medical! Which in turn will bolster their numbers and bring in new players to the battalion !
  6. Damn bro, don't even get my own mention You better come back to GL ! !
  7. where's my mention sadge I hope all goes well my brother! you will be greatly missed!
  8. Very sad moment - I will live up to your example! Imma miss you and all the shenanigans we got up to! o7
  9. Definitely a +support! Pisces would bring a very charismatic and serious personality to the 501st Command Team! Best of Luck Mr. Pisces !
  10. What is your IGN? (In Game Name): Goat Why do you want to become the position of Marshal Commander?: I want to become a Marshal Commander so that I may use my previous knowledge and experience to better any and all battalions and command teams. I know that I have a vast amount of experiences and knowledge which I can use and share to better the community as a whole. As a Marshal Commander I genuinely want to use all of my prior experiences and knowledge along with my character as a command member to improve the community as a whole. I also want to reach the rank of Marshal Commander so I am able to improve my standing in the community and make a name for myself and provide an example of what anyone is capable of achieving. What is the biggest thing you would bring to Army High Command?: I believe there are a multitude of values and benefits I would bring to the Army High Command Team. I believe the biggest things I can bring to the Army High Command team are my Character, my Knowledge and Experiences, and finally my Determination. I believe that as a person I am very understanding and approachable allowing me to assist any command members in a non threatening or scary way. I believe that I am able to adequately express myself in a manner that proves I am genuinely there to help and wish to understand the situation and how I can assist everyone around me. I believe that my previous knowledge and experiences are a defining feature in my reputation and give me an edge on helping those around me with documents and battalion changes and give me a unique perspective on leading troops. Finally my determination to help and improve the community; evident by my previous experiences and actions in the community; gives me the upper hand and drive to present ideas and plans that can potentially improve the community or even lead to future improvements. What is the purpose of a Marshal Commander?: The Marshal Commander position has a vast amount of purposes and roles, however a few stand out above the rest. Firstly, the Marshal Commander is placed in a position where they are able to use their prior command experience to benefit and assist their fellow commanders while not directly taking a position amongst the battalion command. This means that a Marshal Commander can be tasked or assigned to assist and benefit a battalion’s command team while not taking up one of the valuable slots on said command team, Thus allowing them to assist the command team as an outside perspective also giving the Marshal Commander the unique ability to bring outside experiences and knowledge to said command team. Secondly, the Marshal Commander is also tasked with assisting Army High Command with determining who the most applicable candidates are for other Army Command positions. This means that as a newly appointed Army High Command member this person can use their close experiences and ties with the current low command and officer corp of a battalion to accurately pass input on who is fit for a higher ranked position. Finally, the Marshal Commander is in a position where they are capable of suggesting new changes to a Battalion’s command team offering outside knowledge that could greatly benefit the battalion as whole. In short the Marshal Commander as a position is tasked with assisting command teams with running and changing the battalion, while also being able to step in should the need arise. Why should we trust you to be Army High Command?: I believe I should be trusted as Army High Command due to my vast amount of prior experiences, my character and personality as a command member, and my dedication to the server. -Experience and Knowledge: I believe my prior command experience in two separate battalions; Reaching Commander in the Death Trooper Battalion & Vice Commander in the Shock Security Battalion, along with Command experience in multiple battalions outside of GamingLight; prove I can be trusted for High Command as I have a vast quantity of knowledge and experience that would allow me to greatly bolster and support the Army High Command team as a whole. During my time in the Death Trooper Battalion, with assistance from my fellow Naval Command members, I reworked the DT Documents into a newer more streamlined system that I believe is more user friendly and utilizes a more pleasing appearance. I also, with assistance from Army High Command, helped rework the Shock Documents to a more user-friendly streamlined system that benefited Shock members of all ranks. I believe these feats/changes along with my time and actions as command prove my experiences and knowledge make me trustworthy for Army High Command. “Unlike other applicants, I have served in a command capacity in other battalions on GamingLight ImperialRP reaching the rank of Commander in the Death Trooper battalion, During this time I believe I set a good example of what it means to be a commander and truthfully fulfilled my definition and idea of a good commander. I gained experience on how GL Command operates and works both in the server and outside. I have shown that I am capable of updating the roster and ensuring all relevant documents are in pristine condition to further support the battalion. Prior to GamingLight I served as Commander Fox of the Coruscant Guard/Shock Trooper battalion on a Clone Wars RP server, thus giving me a deeper understanding of how Shock Battalions operate and how to create and manage documents for one. I believe that all of my prior experiences inside GamingLight and outside prove that I have relevant and necessary experience to lead the Shock Security Battalion "Since I have reached the rank of VCDMR, I have learned the inner workings of a Command position on this server and what is required of a command member. I have since gained insight and experience on what it means to be a commander. I also have a plethora of relevant Command and DeathTrooper experience outside of my time as a VCMDR. “While I don’t have any Commander or Command position leadership in GamingLight, I do have Command and Commander experience outside of GamingLight. Inside of GamingLight I have been an NCO in DT twice, once under Fingers and Odin, and the other under Jess and Ducks, I am now an officer and have been for a couple weeks. Outside of GamingLight, I worked my way up the ranks and eventually became the Commander of Shock/Coruscant Guard on a Clone Wars RP server, during which I rewrote the entirety of the Shock documents, including the SOP, Roster, and Tryout docs. I believe I have loads of relevant and necessary experience which would Greatly benefit the battalion.””(Quoted from prior Command applications) -Character and Personality: One of the most crucial traits for a High Command Member is their personality, something I believe I succeed in. I believe I am a very understanding and approachable person doing my best to assist any and all shock and those around me with anything they may need help with. I believe my actions as a command member prove that I have a personality & character fit for Army High Command. “One of the most important reasons why I believe I can be trusted as a Vice Commander is my Personality and Character. I believe I have proven myself to be a very understandable and approachable person, taking time to listen to the concerns of those around me to better support them and the entirety of the battalion(s) we are in. I believe that I am capable of leading and assisting all those who serve alongside me in the Shock Security battalion. “Finally when it comes to me as a person, and how my attitude and personality can impact the battalion, I believe I am a very kind and respected person. I have helped countless people with cross battalion issues involving DT and done my best to solve these issues with little to no conflict. I try my best to maintain a kind and respectful atmosphere for all DT so that no one feels left out or hurt, And I am constantly trying to use the suggestions and opinions from others to better the battalion. I believe myself to be a very approachable person, I am kind and will help anyone no matter who they are with almost anything they may need. I look towards everyone else for recommendations and ideas on how to improve my self and the battalion itself, because as an officer the opinions of those around you and below you matter the most, and as a commander it is even more important, since you are improving the battalion not just for your sake, but for everyone's.””(Quoted from prior Command applications) -Dedication: Outside of battalions I have been on the server for a little over a year and have only ever taken breaks to focus on school and personal matters. These breaks have allowed me to learn how to balance my personal and school life with GamingLight meaning I won't need to take long breaks harming the ImperialRP community. or In my time as Vice Commander in Shock, I believe I have further proved how Dedicated I am to the server and the battalions I serve. I am constantly talking and communicating with some of my fellow shock troopers and Army Command members in discord, and even hop into TeamSpeak3 calls and meetings while at work. I make every effort I can to assist and better shock, along with any battalion I am in regardless of whether I am on the server or not. I believe these qualities along with my actions as a Command Member prove I am dedicated enough for Army High Command. “Although I did take a month and a half break from the server, I previously dedicated a consistent amount of time to the DT battalion, and believe I have already shown a consistent level of dedication in the short time I have been in the shock battalion. I have even received High Command permission to transfer my DT reserves to: upon activation: reach a rank high enough to truly benefit the battalion. With all of this in mind I believe I can confidently say that I am Dedicated enough to effectively lead the Shock Security battalion as a Vice Commander. “I have and continue to put forth a large majority of time to the battalion, While not on the server I am almost always reachable in Discord and can occasionally hop into TeamSpeak when needed. I do my best to attend every meeting from DT meetings to command meetings, whether I am at work or at home. And while my overall time on the server has gone down as of the past month, I still average around 4 hours daily on the server, and countless hours in the discord.””(Quoted from prior Command applications) How often can you be Online?: My activity on the server fluctuates depending on the day and if I work or not, However I am almost always able to hop into TeamSpeak3 or Discord at any time. When it comes to getting on the server, if I work I typically try to get on for a couple hours both before and after my shift, with the ability to spread my time more wisely to further increase my server time. Do you have any Warnings? (What for?): As of writing this I have no warnings. Finally I would like to take this time to thank you for reading my application and kindly ask that you give me any and all feedback, regardless of if it is negative or positive, so that I may improve my position as a command member.
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