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Its Buck

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Everything posted by Its Buck

  1. Only thing I gotta add is that you were warned an banned for some serious things. Good luck tho
  2. +/- support Decent app, there’s a couple of grammar mistakes. MRDM question needs some work. Is 1LT in CI which shows he is trusted. has 4 warns. been with the server a while. friendly person Best of luck Lil John!
  3. In-Game Name: Buck Steam Name: [GL] Bacon/Buck SteamID: STEAM_0:1:570251076 What is your staff rank and the server you work in? I am a moderator on imperialRP and have Head of staff (emoo) permission to apply How often are you online on the forums? I am active on the forrums daily and check them about once every 30 minutes to see if there is any new topics I can reply to Why do you believe you're qualified to serve as a Forum Diplomat? I believe I’m qualified to be a forrum diplomat because I am active on the forrums daily and frequently check for any new post and responses to old post to see what the thread is looking like. Furthermore I have knowledge as to when a situation needs to be defused rather than letting it play out. I have a good reputation amongst the community and check each servers forrums (PoliceRP, SCP-RP, ImperialRP) providing a +\- support on staff apps, player reports, and ban appeals. I also always look for areas of improvement in my own work as well as attempt to help others in their work to the best of my ability, I am always open to learning new things and listening to others. I also have a good understanding as to how commands work and how to utilize features like the hide topic, and lock topic feature. I believe that for the reasons stated above I could prove to be an ideal forrums diplomat member. Would you consider yourself to have good judgement? If so, please describe a situation that required you to make a difficult decision? I would consider myself to have good judgement skills as I am a captain on my schools football team and I have been staff across gaminglight for almost 6 months now. One experience I’ve had where I have had to use my judgment skills was back in October/November with one of my friends in Naval. He was a great guy and would always do really well. He was a security overseer And SubLt. He was well known around the server and I saw him as a friend. One day me and a group of naval were up on bridge with him, a little after a event had ended he said something racist that took everyone by suprise. Nobody had expected to hear something like that from him. In the moment I had to assess the situation at hand and make a difficult decision between giving a blind eye and enforcing the rules for the better of the community. After about 2 minutes of contemplating I came to the decision that I had to warn him and ban him despite him being a friend and what most saw as a good person. I brought him to a sit and told him that I would have to warn and ban him for what he said. It hurt me to do but it was the necessary action. After I filled out the warn and ban, others came forward with their own experiences of him saying similar comments towards them. Given that situation my judgement skills allowed me to make the server a better place. How would you deal with a situation where a user is spamming in various topics due to getting banned from one of our servers? Once the report comes in I would claim it and mark it as under review. Once done claiming, I would first assess the situation to first see, what things were said, and where they were said to be able to get more context on the situation as well as hide the spam. I would then place the reported players content under moderation so anything they post will not be made public until, myself, another forrum diplomat, or SMT see it fit to post. I would then send a private meaaage showing the correct section with format to make an appeal. I would then determine whether the reported users spam was enough to constitute a warning. If I believe a warning is appropriate I would inform the head diplomat via either discord or TeamSpeak. I will then make a comment as to what actions have been taken, what post have been hidden and if a verbal or formal warning was implemented. How would you deal with a situation where two users are aggressively arguing with each other in a warning appeal? To start I would assess the topic and it’s comments to determine whether a lock to the topic was in order or simply a reminder to keep the thread to a +\- support only. If the situation was bad enough I would lock the topic to ensure that the argument could not continue amongst the two, I would then Hide the arguments using the hide feature aswell as hide the full topic. I would then send both users a private message asking for each of them to avoid arguing as it has a negative out look on the community. edit: forgot steamID
  4. -support you could be a comedian if you tell jokes like this one XD
  5. Could not have said this better myself, good luck
  6. +support balances out the 2 job classes clearly HC would like the change.
  7. Has some staffing experience (?)
  8. Ima go with a +/- support on this one Gensec is one of the branches that provides access to stuff like MTF and warden, so it plays a big part in the server. your ban was reduced by rookie so clearly SMT thinks you deserve a second chance. but the -support is that you did say something bad and Gensec command has every right to keep the blacklist in place. Personally I believe in second chances but at the end of the day it’s up to command good luck tho!
  9. Lone is also very kind and helpful to other players
  10. Gotta side with Manjini on this one
  11. What would you like to see: Stairs to access 3rd floor How would it help the server and/or the player base: prevents people getting into elevator fights of one trying to go up and someone calling the elevator down constantly. (We have all had this problem) Do you think this suggestion will help the server as a whole: yes, it also will decrease the time it takes for people to get to battle stations in a moments notice Extra: I’m not saying remove elevators but just have a staircase option
  12. -support i personally have not seen you on. (not on Havoc roster despite having Havoc in your name? + not in any training logs) MRDM answer is not handled correctly which leads me to believe that you did not read the handbook. Edited application low forrums activity ( last forrums post was June 22 2020 for an MO app). Lied on a previous staff application Edit: what happened to the staffing experience that you said you had on a previous app?
  13. +support Good app Friendly Guy Would be good 2LT Edit: changed to +support
  14. You literally DM him just to say you were not gonna talk to him but instead make a forrums report and we’re trying to tell him how to do his job? -support
  15. @Stirringwheat18 please follow the proper format otherwise it will be instantly denied
  16. Its not about the whole situation, it’s about how you went about the appeal, you got defensive and argued a lot. I am keeping my -support as well as this just backs up my point of you arguing with community members I gave my support in my eyes as to how I see fit. You may think I’m wrong but please keep that to yourself and keep this to a +/- support thread.
  17. Massive -support I have literally never seen you on before App looks rushed MRDM question needs work. Many spelling errors repetitive. You argue with community members and violated staff handbook generaly unfit for staff
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