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Its Buck

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Everything posted by Its Buck

  1. +/- support leaning + +has lots of staff expierience +active +nice guy. -MRDM needs work overall good app and good luck : )
  2. -support Edited app MRDM question needs work grammar trial moderator app not moderator
  3. -support short app low Forrums activity Not known too well on the server/community I personally don’t see you fit for staff at this time
  4. Wrong section. If a forrum diplomat could move to bug reports would be appreciated.
  5. What are you suggesting? - Add a pickaxe to sarkic prophet and whatever the gold job is (I’m at school so I can’t check rn) How would this change better the server? - It would reward those who donate to gold or higher. It could also boost sarkic activity so it’s not just 1 or 2 but instead possibly 4 or 5. It also allows people to grind money with the surface exclusive ores like wood and anomalous gem Are there any disadvantages of making this change to the server? If so, explain. - None that I can think of Who would this change mostly benefit? - sarkic/gold+ donators Please link any workshop content, screenshots, or anything that you think may be helpful to those who view this suggestion - N/A
  6. SMT are aware of this and there’s not much you can do about I since it’s the SWEP. People caught exploiting it will receive a warn for exploiting and be blacklisted from 173,106,280 since they all have similar affects
  7. +support reasons stated above Locus you should know better, This is simply just abuse of power
  8. https://docs.google.com/document/d/1sHJvU0FUHftgXxsBnWtxIY8NL97tUGuNJIdlWuAHbDk/edit UwU
  9. +Support I was dealing with a long ass sit with someone who deserved the warn that andam received and was later perma banend. i messed up SteamID and warned andam by mistake Warn is false and should be removed
  10. DT commander JL8, kinda has a nice ring to it
  11. First off the dislikes hurt me tho. Secondly I am seeing a lot of people saying that there are some features TS has to offer that discord doesn’t. One of the ones I’m seeing is channel access and passwords And yes while I agree with what most of you are saying it raises the question as to why do we have the designated channels already in our discord? We have the designated VC in discord’s but don’t use them? I don’t know why that is, as for support we also have our ticket system and can easily add a channel for Support. We have the tags needed it’s just a matter of making the channels. And I can see that. This is a rather unpopular opinion but i do feel like this could be beneficial in some way, whether it be a gradual change or no change
  12. I understand this may get denied as I’m unsure of if suggesting a map update is allowed or not but i guess we’ll find out What are you suggesting? - Sewer systems How would this change better the server? - I feel it would act as both a new entrance for CI /MTF and a hiding spot for, SCP, D class and CI, in my head I can see the sewer drains that maintenance use to contain a ladder and go into a actual sewer system which could contain the trash that spawns around the map, this would only lead into HCZ as to not be over powered. And it would also have a entrance on the road past gas station making it accessible to both CI and MTF, it could potentially lead into EZ and LCZ aswell however CI and MTF could not enter it as it would be its own section secluded from the rest. Having this could also increase opportunities for ideas and new classes. It also would allow maintenance to have a new area to explore. Obviously this area would contain many key card doors and almost look like the old HCZ. That way it would both take longer to use but allow a better access point. Are there any disadvantages of making this change to the server? If so, explain. - It has the potential to be really OP and cheap, but if used correctly it could add a more realistic effect to the server Who would this change mostly benefit? - CI/ Maitence/SCP(s)/ D class Please link any workshop content, screenshots, or anything that you think may be helpful to those who view this suggestion - N/A
  13. +support Clear mic spam from Rosa. I couldn’t understand what was happening with the admin tho. Also staff should not be taking sits with people they are close friends with as they can be considered bias on the matter
  14. -support sorry Calvin but this isn’t a very good app I don’t think you know quite what it means to be a VCMDR yet. I feel there are better options for VCMDR.
  15. Damn guess I’m not good enough for a mention. for the record I hope you realize your leaving Carl in charge of medical... help hope life treats u well friend o7
  16. Alright, +\- leaning towards + +Good MRDM question +Has good play time +good forrums activity -you have a good amount of warns however I’m willing to look past those if you prove you don’t minge. Best of luck banner
  17. Its Buck

    Buck 2LT app

    1. Whats your in-game name and rank:(Ex: MC HS SNR CMDR Blarg 2512): MC SG RSS SFC Buck 6783 2: Whats your timezone?: CST 3: Whats your SteamID?: STEAM_0:1:570251076 4: Why do you want to be a medical officer?: I want to be a medical officer because it will allow me to help the battalion both in game and behind the scenes. I also wish to be a medical officer because it will allow me to get more in depth with the battalion in the essence of pushing for more ideas, promoting sub battalion/branches. I also wish to become a medical officer because it will help me get my drive back to what it used to be 5: Whats your activity like on a scale from 1 to 10: (1 being terrible activity and 10 being on daily for a while): probably 6-7 but hopefully I can change that to a solid 10 if I’m able to get my drive back. 6: Why should you be a medical officer?: I should be a medical officer because I have lots of experience, I was previously a Medical 1LT before resignation, I was also a SM in CI on SCP-RP as well as a current E11SGT. I should also be a medical officer because I am well known around the server and always attempt to set a good face for medical as a whole. I should also be a medical officer because I have a lot of seniority within medical having been around since both Carl, Spaghetti and even Koopa were trained into medical as TRN. With this being said I have a lot of experience within medical RP. I am also a staff member on the server which I believe shows that I can be trusted with important positions. And my final reason is that I am very good friends with all the other officers and VCMDR, both former and current. 7: How well do you command other troopers?: I would say I do a very good job at commanding troopers because I have a very good understanding of how things should run and what would separate a good idea from a bad idea. I am also good at identifying what people are good at and what they may need to work on, and this ability will allow me to make good decisions when commanding with getting the right people to the right place. 8: Why should we accept your application over other applications?: You should accept my application because of the reasons stated above, I was a previous medical 1LT, I have a lot of if not the most seniority in medical at the moment. I also have been entrusted with high ranking roles amongst multiple gaming light servers proving that others see me competent with leading and holding a high ranking position. I also attempt to be as helpful as possible with making documents or simply dealing with reports of other medical. I also am very good friends with our current command and I hope they can agree with what I am saying. Thanks for reading
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