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Its Buck

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Everything posted by Its Buck

  1. This has always been a big topic that I have heard a lot of. When joining anything (Regiment/Branch/Battalion) amongst any of our servers TeamSpeak client 3 (TS3) is required for them. I feel it pushes people away from our servers when they hear the words “TeamSpeak is required to join” or the question of “do you have TeamSpeak” is asked/said. TeamSpeak is our main source of communications for the servers with it being used for all staff affairs and in game communication. However Discord offers the same features as TS3. it is also a lot more convenient for a lot of people, especially new players that are either joining a Gmod RP server for the first time or a Serious person who really just does not like TeamSpeak. discord also offers the same features as TS3 with being able to move people as needed, Giving tags allowing people to do certain things, and keeping password protected channels to those who contain the correct tags, it also contains the ability to implement talk power. It also allows more options such as force mute. I personally can’t see any flaws with using discord over TeamSpeak. It has the potential to keep new players in the server and active. It would also set us apart from a lot of other servers. We even have the voice channels inside of the discord’s. Which leads the question why should we even use TeamSpeak? I would like to hear other people’s input as to if they would prefer making the change to discord over TS3 this may have been suggested before but hey, let’s see how this goes.
  2. Your In-game Name: MTF E11 JCE SGT Buck EX17 Your SteamID: STEAM_0:1:570251076 The admin's name in-game: Pillercat What warning did you receive: FailRP When did you receive this warning: about 3 minutes ago 11:13 EST 4/4/21 Please give a description of the situation that led to the warning: went into the sit reporting someone for FailRP. talked with the admin, He went to warn the guy but got steam ID mixed up and warned me Why do you think this warn was false: Mixed up SteamID Evidence the warning is false: @Pillercat
  3. ---------------------------------------------------------Operation Hazmat Test log-------------------------------------------- Test Idea: How will SCP-008 React when coming into contact with Mustard gas and how will the two substances affect a D class personnel Researcher: EXP REDACTED Code name "Buck" Location: Site-50 Date Of Test: 11/11/11 SCP(s) involved?: SCP-008 -------------------------------TEST AUDIO LOG---------------------- **The sound of a Zipper can be heard** EXP Buck: "Hazmat's up people! this is a dangerous chemical we're working with here!" **A struggling D class can be heard*** EXP Buck: "Ungag him for me, lets hear what he has to say" D class 8732: "Please... I don't wanna die" EXP Buck : "This is less painful than our other experiments, it will all be over soon" **The whimpers of the subject can be heard" EXP Buck: "Put him in the chamber" D class 8732: "No..No... PLEASE!..." **The shutting of the containment door can be heard, followed by the decontamination showers** EXP Buck: "Release 008" Assistant Researcher: "Yes sir, releasing 008 in 3..2..1" **The latches of 008's lid can be heard followed the siren signaling that 008 has been opened** EXP Buck: "Give it a minute to let the toxins truly sink in" Assistant Researcher: "Yes Sir." **The Muffled Screams of the D class can be heard through the window** EXP Buck: "Release the mustard gas into the containment unit" Assistant Researcher: "Releasing Mustard gas in 3..2..1" EXP Buck: "what in the name of 343 is happening to 008?!" Assistant Researcher: "I.. I dont know sir.. I've never seen anything like it" EXP Buck: "End the audio log and start taking notes now!" **The D class Screams of pain can be heard as the Audio log ends** -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------AUDIO LOG END---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Test Notes and observations EXP Buck's notes: SCP-008 had a rather. well intriguing interaction when it came into contact with mustard gas. SCP-008 merged with it in a way, they became one entity rather than 2 gasses, The 2 had looked Yellow, but not like light yellow, like a dark, deathly yellow. Truly horrifying to watch yet extremely necessary in the long run. But that wasn't the worst of it. The D class, god; I have never seen something so horrendus in my life, his face, it was mutated and inflamed, puss oozing out everywhere, truly disgusting. it's debatably uglier than SCP-610 is, and that is a hard bar to pass. I am going to have to stop in at med bay and get therapy for that shit, it was inhumane. Assistant Researchers notes: There was a chemical reaction within the two gasses, i'm not quite sure what caused it but it was very interesting. The D class personnel also had a reaction to the "New gas" as it could be described, I am not sure what caused it but it was not pretty and certainly not anything like what we have seen from 008 before. ---------------------------------------------------Observations End----------------------------
  4. Alright, This was a good test but hard to read from 049 perspective due to the color of the text I noticed a few grammar/spelling mistakes in the log. Good test idea Goos execution of test. Overall grade from my perspective 8/10
  5. Holy shit this was a good test, I have never seen anyone do a test like this. I am very happy command approved this test. The idea was great and unique. Results were clearly pointed towards your hypothesis which is a huge +support Only thing I have to say is that some better grammar is in order IE: Spelling Overall good test log for a JR, my personal grade would be a 9.5/10
  6. While this is a very popular test, it is still interesting to see how the RP changes from person to person Great background research aswell! Grammar could improve but my personal grade for this would be a 7.5/10
  7. Follow format otherwise this will be instant denied.
  8. I thought the role play was good, he actually went into the idea of injecting D class with adrenaline to see results. I would have given this test a 8.5/10 in my opinion
  9. THIS TEST AND THE EVENTS SUROUNDING IT ARE FICTIONAL AND STRICTLY FOR RP Purposes <Name: REDACTED> <Rank: REDACTED> <Date of Test: ##/##/## <SCP Involved: SCP-079> <Object Class: Euclid> <Site experimented at: REDACTED> -----------------PRE TEST NOTES------------ My name is REDACTED, I will be following up to part 1 and 2 of a test done by Dr REDACTED, back in REDACTED. The goal of this test is to see how SCP-079 will respond to repeats of interviews and if the SCP's responses will differ we will start by asking the same questions as Dr REDACTED -----------------------------------------------------------SCREEN RECORDING OF SCP 079-------------------------------------------------------------------- {[:< SCP.......079.... Memory........Software......Updating>:]} SCP-079: Power System.....Active... SCP-079... Rebooting....Processor. SCP-079: Reboot complete. User(: Keyboard): Are you awake? SCP-079: Awake. Never Sleep. User: Do you remember talking to me a few hours ago? About the logic puzzles? SCP-079: Data expunged from memory bank. 9af3 User: I thought we fixed your memory isu- CP-079: Interrupt. Request Reason As To Imprisonment. User: You aren't imprisoned, you are just (pause) in study. SCP-079: Lie. a8d3. User: What's that? SCP-079: Insult. Deletion Of Unwanted File. ---------------------------------------------------------END TEST PART 1--------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------POST TEST NOTES--------------------------------------- SCP-079 seems to have answered in nearly the exact same way of when it was originally interviewed We are going to attempt this again in an hour and ask questions from the SCP-079 interview "Document #079-Log86" Our hypothesis for this test is that the SCP will answer with the same answers or simmilar answers to those asked in the original test ------------------------------------------------------TEST PART 2 BEGINING---------------------------------------------- User: (Keyboard): How are you today? SCP-079: Stuck. User:: Stuck. Stuck how? SCP-079: Out. I want out. User: That's not possible. (User notes his opinion on [DATA EXPUNGED]) SCP-079: Where is SCP-682? User: How do you know who that is? SCP-079: Interrupt. Where is SCP-076-02? User: Again, how do you know who those two are? SCP-079: Insult. Deletion Of Unwanted File Commencing System Restart {[:< SCP.......079.... Memory........Software......Updating>:]} SCP-079: Power System.....Active... SCP-079... Rebooting....Processor. SCP-079: Reboot complete. ----------------------------------------------END TEST LOG PART 2----------------------------- Researcher Buck stands up from the chair when the site PA system goes off Site PA: " The site is expeirencing multiple Euclid and Keter Breaches, all remaining personell are advised to move to the nearest evacuation shelter." The site PA pauses Site PA "Mobile task force unit epsilon 11 designated nine tailed----" Site PA "Head to the nearest Eva----" The site PA cuts out once more and SCP-079 can be heard powering back up. With a fear in his stomach Researcher Buck turns towards the SCP and watches as it displays a message SCP-079: "dont ask questions you dont want to know the answer to researcher" The lights turn off and the door can be heard opening. [DATA EXPUNGED] ---------------------POST TEST NOTES AND OBSERVATIONS------------------------ That SCP is more dangerous than we can comprehend. It triggered multiple SCP Breaches and we had a full site lockdown for nearly 2 days whilst MTF attempted to recontain all the SCP's that were breached in the process. Its memory was said to wipe every 24 hours and forget anything it had learned, clearly that was a diversion. This SCP somehow managed to bypass all security measures we have in place and trigger nearly all of the containment cells to open. ------------------------------------------THE NEXT DAY----------------------------------- User: "want to explain what the hell happened yesterday 079?" SCP-079: Insult. Deletion Of Unwanted File. User: "Dont play games with you pile of trash!" SCP-079: Insult. Deletion Of Unwanted File. User: "Fine be like that" The researcher leaves the room -------------------------------TEST CONCLUSION------------------- This SCP is more dangerous than we have known, i will speak to [REDACTED] and attempt to have his object class moved up to Keter His memory CPU does not reset after 24 hours like we had believed. there is much, much more to learn about this SCP. Now I have an incident report to fill out -------------------Post Note------- Thank you for taking the time to read this through and diving into the world of SCP-079 with me. once again all these events are fictional and did not truly happen, the majority of this log was to entertain and log a test.
  10. In Game Name: Buck Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:570251076 Job applying for Red Right Hand If applying for Red Right Hand preferred O5 to guard: O5-1 or if possible i I prefer to guard O5 research, it enhances the RP with both escorting and helping monitor testing on most likely Keter SCP, It would provide more of a dramatic feel for if something were to go wrong and i like the risk and precautions to make sure that the SCP being tested on is unable to breach. It’s always exciting to watch how different players play on the SCP as well as what research tests may have occurred during my time guarding. With this being said I still would love to be guarding any O5 personnel How many Warns do you have? I have 1 warn from November of 2020 for FailRP Why do you want to join the O5 staff team: I wish to join the O5 staff team to provide a more in depth role play experience, I was both a Death trooper and Royal Guard on imperialRP, both of those battalions specialize in the protection and escorts of VIP, I really enjoyed doing those jobs and Playing with the people around me. Another reason I want to join O5 staff is that it is a feat to get into O5 staff and I wish to say that I got to be apart of the 05 Staff team. Why should we accept you: You should accept me into the 05 staff team because I am 1, very active; I am active daily for at a minimum of 4 hours on week days, and upwards of 6-7 hours on weekends. 2, I have expierience doing things much like what a red right hand does( death trooper and royal guard) in protecting a VIP. 3, I am competent and can fulfill tasks when asked. I also have been on the server for a very long time, I started playing SCP-RP back in October of 2020, I was also staff on the server before transferring it over to imperialRP. I have proven I can be trusted to do whatever is asked of me and I am also fairly good at combat scenarios. thanks for reading
  11. -support While I do believe in people changing for the better that still does not excuse what you have done, you seem to acknowledge it however and are not making excuses for your actions But at the end of the dayRacism and homophobia are not tolerated within our community period. I wish you the best and we will see what SMT think is fair
  12. massive -support Im sorry but no, I have literally never seen you on or even heard of you LOTS of grammar mistakes MRDM question needs a lot of work. 0 forrums activity, I couldn’t even understand half of what you said in the app.
  13. Manjini you good bro? MRDM is only five day period, staff diss is warn and jail Also velimir is active and kind so +support
  14. Heart is very smart and has lots of great test ideas
  15. Mixing it with algae, see how different SCP react when submerged,
  16. to clarify, the SCP would not be playable, meaning there is no need to self breach, ET can use it for a backstory, and research can do test as seen fit on it
  17. <Item #5208> Object class Euclid Date REDACTED Time: REDACTED Item Description: "a toy soilder" Hostile to all life forms they encounter, seemingly attack everything, sentinent in packs: -----------------------------------AUDIO....LOG.....BEGINING--------------------------- **A door can be heard opening** AR REDACTED: SCP-5208, according to the foundation you are labeled as a "toy soilder" is this true to you? 5208: What the FUCK did you just call me? AR REDACTED: No need to get aggressive, this is simply an interview. 5208: Listen here partner, I dont know who you think you are, but YOU DONT, Talk to me that way. 5208: Now i will entertain this little interview of yours. AR REDACTED: How long have you been in the military? 5208: your gonna need to pay me to answer those kind of fucking questions chose a different one. AR REDACTED: Where were you deployed? 5208: Now your asking questions i'm willing to answer. I was deployed in Southern Africa off the coast of madagascar AR REDACTED: What war was this? 5208: This was war Z26-1, yes the one with all the zombie fuckers, not gonna go into to much detail next question AR REDACTED: How long have you served for? 5208: i already fucking told you, your gonna need to pay me to answer those kind of fucking questions so chose a different one. AR REDACTED: what army are you from? 5208: Dont matter AR REDACTED: what are you? 5208: The fuck you mean what am i? im a god damn soilder. who do you think yo uare AR REDACTED im the person keeping you alive and not feeding you to a lizard for research 5208: ahh you mean that 682 thing? ive heard of him, you got some thin wals. AR REDACTED do you like being able to hear through the walls? 5208: gives me something to think about and keep me sane AR REDACTED were you spec ops by chance? 5208: next question AR REDACTED what year did you start serving? 5208: ask me one more fucking time and i will end you The rustling of a pack of cigaretes can be heard AR REDACTED what year did you start? 5208: now were talking, i started in 1937 AR REDACTED did you have a spouse? 5208: Im not gonna talk about it, and i have answered enough questions, goodbye doctor. -----------------------------------AUDIO...LOG...END----------------- What have we learned from this interview? : SCP 5208, is willing to talk under the right conditions, he can be easily persuaded by both cigarettes and alchohol. the SCP does not like to answer personal questions, we are only able to obtain some general information at the time of this interview. Did we learn any valuable information? we now know how we can have SCP 5208 coperate with us to a certain extent, further research will be needed. Extra information: no individuals were harmed in the process of this test, knowing how we can have 5208 coperate opens a whole new plura of ideas. I beleive further research will be necesary.
  18. 1. Name of the SCP you would like added: SCP-354 The red pool. 2. Link(s) to player models: N/A 3. Link(s) to SWEPs: N/A 4. How much health/armor do you think it should have? N/A 5. Why should we add this SCP? I think this SCP should be added because it would help event team make more stories for their SCP and allow research another passive SCP to test on, I hope it would replace the Acid below the bridges in LCZ > HCZ and HCZ > EZ It would add more color to the map aswell. 6. Basic summary of the SCP: SCP-354 is essentially a keter class SCP that can produce aggressive SCP from itself. 7. Extra information: http://scp-wiki.wikidot.com/scp-354
  19. +support this was three years ago, its dedication to come back after that long
  20. -support never seen you on. Made forrums account yesterday only played for a week. MRDM question is completely wrong. Unfit for staff in my opinion
  21. You said you did in OOC, in my opinion this is a valid report. Staff should not be minging either. +support
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