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Its Buck

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Everything posted by Its Buck

  1. 4 weeks is also a bit extreme
  2. Ehh +support It’s been a while since his last ban appeal so He clearly wants to be on the server. Both incidents of homophobia and racism were spread across a 5 month time frame so I don’t believe that you are doing this just because you can. I would say that a reduction to 1 week would be ok. Everyone deserves a 2nd chance. Good luck
  3. What are you suggesting? - Change/clarification of 939 rules in the MOTD Current MOTD ruling; SCP-939: A keter class SCP. SCP-939 is extremely dangerous and should be contained at all times unless being tested on. It is the perfect killer as it is over 12 feet in length and has large extremities, but it has no sense of sight. It relies singularly on sound to identify its prey. To be recontained, SCP-939 must be shot with a tranquilizer round after being lowered to 1500 health. Once struck and unconscious, 939 must remain in the place it falls asleep for 15 seconds upon regaining control of their character. During this time personnel may approach and handcuff 939. 939 can then be returned to its containment cell. SCP-939 may attack anyone who is running, speaking, opening a door, or otherwise making noise. An individual who is crouching while walking is not making noise, however, if they speak or fire a weapon they become an eligible target. CHANGES TO THE MOTD: SCP-939: A keter class SCP. SCP-939 is extremely dangerous and should be contained at all times unless being tested on. It is the perfect killer as it is over 12 feet in length and has large extremities, but it has no sense of sight. It relies singularly on sound to identify its prey. To be recontained, SCP-939 must be shot with a tranquilizer round after being lowered to 1500 health. Once struck and unconscious, 939 must remain in the place it falls asleep for 15 seconds upon regaining control of their character. During this time personnel may approach and handcuff 939. 939 can then be returned to its containment cell. If a noise is made (walking, shooting, talking in VC etc) SCP 939 can attack the player until The player is no longer inside of SCP 939 FOV. (Turning a corner, closing a door or using a smoke/flash grenade) Once out of sight the target is no longer eligible to be killed and considered lost. SCP-939 Must have a visual of said person making a noise before being allowed to engage. (Or something like that, I’m not very good with grammar) How would this change better the server? - It would reduce the amount of RDM sits on 939 and clarify some of the rules on his class Are there any disadvantages of making this change to the server? If so, explain. - None that I can think Who would this change mostly benefit? - Whole server and staff Please link any workshop content, screenshots, or anything that you think may be helpful to those who view this suggestion - N/A
  4. I’m gonna go +support on this because it’s one of those things where you had every right to kill him but it’s that you hesitated I think that a verbal would have sufficed in my opinion
  5. +support just one small thing Sleuths still need tranqs
  6. also just wanna throw this out there for anyone wondering what some of his past looks like:
  7. You also continued to insist that calling staff dysfunctional and calling me salty was just criticism. Not only did you go all the Way into E11 base to cuff me whilst I was sitting AFK. You continued to break NLR after waiting 15 seconds. -support
  8. -support whilst this is a good application you need more time on the server Make more forums post and get more known Good luck!
  9. +support I understand that this is a staff report on me and I can give a little context here. Basically I was in CI base when I saw an E4 talking in game, I know that E4 aren’t supposed to talk in game VC. I decided to pull him aside not knowing who it was (I thought it was like a new guy or sum) And wanted to let him know that he shouldn’t be talking in VC. Thought I was doing the right thing but clearly was wrong. Totally my fault here My Mistake!
  10. o7 pigeon You are a great person and I hope the future treats u well
  11. +support was recently let back into Security and kinda needs discord for that Idk why he is banned from main so +support to both
  12. -support you literally just started playing on the server and already have a warn Diamond rank but have not donated (?????) at the end of the day No just no
  13. Accepted weiss was promoted at meeting so SMT or forrum diplomat will need to lock and move this to the correct section
  14. This is the most amount of effort I have ever seen from any application the fact that you wrote barely 20 words is truly mind blowing! And your activity on the server wow! I have never seen you on before Someone make this man SMT! -support
  15. In all fairness if you want to try research than get trained, if it’s not your type then leave. Im with re working bright to be like Maynard
  16. -support reasons stated above whilst you may be active I have had many issues with you and have had to talk with Nu7 command multiple times due to your behavior I do not see you fit for WO at this time
  17. Neutral need format before giving +\- support
  18. In-Game Name: Buck SteamID (Ex. STEAM_0:1:123456789) : STEAM_0:1:570251076 What is your ULX Rank?(Donator/Staff): Moderator/ Silver donator What is your time played on the SCPRP server?: 3029 hours / 3 weeks+ What is your RP Rank (MTF,SEC,CI, Etc)?: MTF E11 Senior Ranger / MSGT | Ci RND R | Medic | What is your timezone?: CST How would you rate your knowledge of the SCP world? (1-10): solid 8 Do you have any experience as a Gamemaster or Event Planner? (If so, explain it): Yes, I was a gamemaster on imperialRP for a few months and helped with the anniversary event and some mega events. How Active are you? (1/10): 10/10 How many warns do you have? (Across all Gaminglight Servers.Put the date/reason/server, then explain each one.): november 7th 2020: FailRP x2 (faking rolls as SCP-096) Really not much to explain here, I faked 2 rolls i dont know why but it was long ago and that was the only warn i have ever gotten. Why should we allow you to be an Event Team Member (150+ Words)?: You should allow me to be an event team member because I am extremely active, I am on the server for nearly 6 hours a day and on weekends even longer. I have expierience with being a Gamemaster on imperialRP which would allow me to already have a base understanding of how to use certain commands and make sure an event runs smoothly. I am always willing to either host an event or participate in one, I beleive that the more events we have, the more fun the server will be to play on. Another reason you should allow me to be Event team is that I will always take sits, if someone is requesting an Event team member I will get on Event team and help them with whatever they need, this will enhance RP for people and it will make it more fun for those who are trying to host PT for their respective branch. Describe an event you could create (The more specific the better): One Event I could host would be an SCP-079 event with IRS GOI I would go into the facility as a IRS inspector to make sure all taxes are up to date, and they can operate with the technoloogy they have. I would then make my way to SCP-079 and advert that i was taking SCP-079 Data/ itself onto a hard drive. Once done i would make my way to the electrical room and advert that SCP-079 was uploaded into the main system From there I could mess with Tesla, Lockdown and gate controls. I could also use some of the soundboards in staff room to enhance the RP experience Once done i would have some other ET members come in as a GOI group who is tasked with stealing Foundation Data and exposing the foundationm MTF will have to Recontain any Breached SCP and deal with the GOI, Utility could work with 079 virus and Gensec + CI can do their normal duties with holding D block and Raiding Have you read the Event Team Guidelines?: Yes What is your favorite SCP? Why?: SCP-079 Infinite possibilites and it can be used in so many different ways that I could Imagine and execute. It also is kind of mysterious with it having the possibility to be any class of SCP Thanks for Reading
  19. Damn it i cant call you inactive : ( Just resigned
  20. +support he played on imperial and was never seen as mingey he is a 2LT (officer / Low command for SCP-RP) I say he earned his way back into GENSEC
  21. +support This would balance things out. And I believe bread or SMT are gonna have a weapon meta change soon
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