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Everything posted by ZJ

  1. ZJ

    BOx's ACM App

    -support, weren't you removed before?
  2. +support, is very good at RP in medical, the times I have seen him on he has encouraged RP
  3. +/- Support, I'd like to say I have any idea what the HP was before, but I don't and this update does not indicate that at all
  4. ZJ

    WO Eem's Resignation

    F, thank you for your service
  5. +support, honestly I am surprised you didn't go for even more HP/Armor
  6. +support on 682, but 457 is just annoying I am not sure it needs to be lowered or not.... The new swep was very over-powered, at one point I think I was out for nearly 2 hours with no signs of slowing down.
  7. +support, very active, does good things for research good luck!
  8. In-Game Name: ZJ SteamID (Ex. STEAM_0:1:123456789) STEAM_0:1:39508321 What is your ULX Rank?: Platinum What is your RP Rank?: Doctor in medical, OL1, MAJ in security, MP in maintenance What is your timezone?: Central How would you rate your knowledge of the SCP world? (1-10): 7 Do you have any experience as a Gamemaster or Event Planner? (If so, explain it): I hold PT's for security on a regular basis, and I try and join them in game, but I have not planned them in a large way. How Active are you? (1/10): 10 How many warns do you have? (Across all Gaminglight Servers): 5, 4 of which were 2 or more months ago. Why should we allow you to be an Event Team Member (150+ Words)?: I mostly want to assist the other event team members with events. I want to expand my role on the server to help assist with RP and overall enjoyment for all the players on the server. I feel like its important for me to have this position in order for me to assist with security PTs as well as the other branches I am in. I believe I owe it to the server to become an event team member. I have proven I can be active, engaging, and personable. I try and respect everyone. I have learned many things while being on this server and made mistakes; however, all humans do. With mistakes being made early on I have ensured they will never be repeated. I care greatly for the future of the server as a whole and those in it as well. I believe with more trust and responsibility I can make sure I apply all my skills to event team and duties and ensure they are carried out effectively. My resolve for success has never been stronger and my desire to move up is unwavering, that is why I deserve this position. Like anything I will do my best and give 100% to event team and the server as a whole. Describe an event you could create (The more specific the better): I have hosted several combat PTs and would like to continue and expand on these. Team deathmatches as well as death runs. Not so much on the SCP side of things, but I feel like these events are just as important as several of the players on the server are focused on PVP. Have you read the Event Team Guidelines?: Yes What is your favorite SCP? Why? 096, I enjoy thinking about the fact that if it somehow got broadcasted to the world it would be an XK class end of the world scenario just because people looked at it. In my opinion that makes it one of the most dangerous SCPs in existence.
  9. +support, seems reasonable since he is in areas and places which receive a lot of gunfire, unable to defend themselves whatsoever
  10. ZJ

    ZJ Warn Appeal

    Your In-game Name: ZJ Your SteamID: STEAM_0:1:39508321 The admin's name in-game: Chief What warning did you receive: When did you receive this warning: Sunday, Jan 17th at around 4PM EST Please give a description of the situation that led to the warning: I went behind the barricade which I was not aware of was part of the NEW purple line that was added 2 days or so ago. I had seen other riot control doing that, those of which I had told it was okay to do so as there wasn't any rules not to do it. https://medal.tv/clips/41634246/d1337Z7GcC2Y https://medal.tv/clips/41634230/d13373kZFa8H Why do you think this warn was false: There is nothing stated specifically in the MOTD or anywhere as of right now about the purple line. We clearly need to update this to be more specific about the barricade being part of the line as not even I was aware of that being part of it. Evidence the warning is false: If we can't go behind the barricade that's fine, but nowhere does it say that... I was not attempting to circumvent the rules, I was attempting to do my job, I was not aware the barricade was part of the line. I online while Rang placed it, but it was never mentioned until today to me that it was part of the barricade. I wouldn't want anyone to see me breaking a rule nor would I want anyone in Gensec to get a warn or punishment due to breaking a rule. If I knew this was the case I would have let all riot control know not to do it and followed it myself as well.
  11. Best of luck Noble, hope to see you very soon!
  12. +support, does a gud job, he deserves it imho
  13. +support, no matter what this man has been in I have seen nothing but dedication, ability to lead, and he follows the rules
  14. +support, seemed to be level headed and care about his job when I spoke with him, made detailed surgery logs
  15. +SUPPORT, seems like a good person to me honestly, is pretty high up in research, less warns then me XD
  16. HUGE +SUPPORT The man is constantly doing research, he has so many test logs I don't know how they keep up with even grading them.
  17. ZJ

    Pills' Global LOA

    Good luck and have fun!
  18. ZJ

    Dempsy Player Report

    I did talk to an admin, they told me to make a report.
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