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Everything posted by ZJ

  1. Your in game name: SEC DHFTO CPT ZJ Your Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:39508321 The player's in game name: Dempsy The player's steam ID (required): STEAM_0:0:218729614 Date and Time This Incident Occurred: What did the player do: Changing his name to ranks higher than he actually has to CMD members of a branch he is not in. Harassing members of CMD trying to do their job. Body blocking, several other things idk if are against the rules or not.... Evidence (required): https://medal.tv/clips/41098230/d1337iDM7H4c https://medal.tv/clips/41098260/d1337WIbLbcn https://medal.tv/clips/41098512/d1337n1UrRBM What do you believe should happen to the player: A restriction to his CC or a warn/ban Any extra information: Kieran took a sit on this, it was bad enough that Nobel (OR1) called one for me actually, they told me to make a player report. I didn't really want to do it but honestly people asked him to stop harassing me and he wouldn't stop. Seems like he will really care if he gets banned.... https://medal.tv/clips/41098870/d1337N2oLtvE
  2. +support, ive heard he can press left click
  3. Changing my support to - I will have to agree with squash I haven't seen them in quite awhile now
  4. -support, sorry I just haven't seen you at all
  5. +/- support, MMF and ACM are not similar in anyway, you are very active tho and I have seen you do well in combat plus you didn't do the bonus!
  6. Name: ZJ Rank: CPT, DHFTO SteamID(Ex: STEAM_0:1:174348602): STEAM_0:1:39508321 Current Sub-Branches your in: Sniper, Jugg, Wardens Initiate, Riot Control Why should you retain your rank (Command ONLY | 150+ words): I have wanted nothing more then to help Gensec succeed on the server. I have already shown leadership skills as a CMD and DHFTO. Like anything I will do my best and give 100% to Command and security as a whole. I care about security, I try and treat them like family. I believe we are a family and work as one to keep the facility safe. I feel I would make a Command as I take it seriously when I am on the job. I also help people and tell people that if they have any questions they can ask me any time of day. I am always available to anyone via discord or in game whenever they need me. Another reason I like being Command is I do my best to look for new NCO's to train for JFTO and even training new recruits whenever there is few or many trainers already doing so. If I am doing something else, I drop it to make sure we have new NCO's trained. I make sure and promote people when they are doing a great job to recognize their triumphs and game play. When I see the need and am on another job I will switch over on a moment’s notice even when I am playing an SCP or something else. Security is my main branch and the most important one to me. I do not like taking LOA's since it means there will be times I will not be on. I feel it is very important to be active. I am a proud member of GENSEC. I promise to keep going strong in security till the very end of the server as we know it. I try and attend every meeting. Yes I know this is copy pasta, but what else can I say? Any Notes, Questions, or Concerns?: None
  7. +support, heard rumors about him telling people Mind has a CI medallion in his pocket that he kisses
  8. ZJ

    Marys' Goodbye

    Best of luck, you were a great ET!
  9. I will be as aggressive as possible, see you soon.
  10. Your in game name: ZJ Your Steam ID:STEAM_0:1:39508321 The player's in game name: SCP173 The player's steam ID (required): STEAM_0:1:147793584 Date and Time This Incident Occurred: 1/1/2021 3AM CST What did the player do: Lost a roll with 2 people looking at him as 173 then after I confronted and cuffed him broke out of cuffs and proceeded to RDM me again after being contained. Evidence (required): https://medal.tv/clips/40317409/d1337njthDn5 https://medal.tv/clips/40317271/d1337tuT26e6 What do you believe should happen to the player: Warn at least, X3 RDM Any extra information: Not really
  11. Dedicated to anything he is in, EZ support
  12. +support, but..... that warden HP tho?
  13. fixed XD, ty for the support
  14. 1. Steam Name?: ZJ 2. Steam ID?: STEAM_0:1:39508321 3. Roster Name?: ZJ 4. Current Rank?: CPT 5. When were you promoted?: Dec. 12th 6. How long have you been a member of GENSEC (roughly)?: Nearing 4 months 7. Do you promise to uphold all rules instated by GamingLight and by the many Security guidelines?: 100% I will uphold all rules. I will not only hold them up but try and stay updated. As soon as something is changed and make sure those new rules and regulations are given to new and old members of security so that they are updated on those rules as well. 8. Do you promise to uphold your duties as a command member in leadership, mentoring, problem-solving, etc.?: To the best of my ability on a daily basis. 9. Do you promise that you will listen and respect your lower / higher rankings?: I will and always have tried to listen and uphold rules. I try and respect all members of all branches regardless of rank. I try and uphold those rules as well when others break them, explaining or reporting them when necessary. 10. Why do you want to become a senior command member? (150 WORDS+): I have wanted nothing more then to help Gensec succeed on the server. I have already shown leadership skills as a CMD and DHFTO. Like anything I will do my best and give 100% to Senior Command and security as a whole. I care about security, I try and treat them like family. I believe we are a family and work as one to keep the facility safe. I feel I would make a great Senior Command as I take it seriously when I am on the job. I also help people and tell people that if they have any questions they can ask me any time of day. I am always available to anyone via discord or in game whenever they need me. Another reason I want to be Senior Command is I do my best to look for new NCO's to train for JFTO and even training new recruits whenever there is few or many trainers already doing so. If I am doing something else, I drop it to make sure we have new NCO's trained. I make sure and promote people when they are doing a great job to recognize their triumphs and game play. When I see the need and am on another job I will switch over on a moment’s notice even when I am playing an SCP or something else. Security is my main branch and the most important one to me. I do not like taking LOA's since it means there will be times I will not be on. I feel it is very important to be active. I am a proud member of GENSEC. I promise to keep going strong in security till the very end of the server as we know it. I try and attend every meeting. 11. What would you do if a Security Officer was constantly leaving D Block?: I always give an enlisted a chance to explain themselves and then explain to them why they should not leave. If it is a consistent thing I would add them to a watch list. If it persists after the fact I would remove them and have them retrained. 12. What would you do if an NCO kept on leaving d-block with terrible reasons?: Again, I would most definitely give them a chance to explain themselves fully. At that point I would explain to them the reasons why we need them there, that they are the cornerstone of d-block. If it is a consistent thing I would add them to a watch list. If it persists after the fact I would demote or strike them depending on the situation. 13. What do you do if an E-11 private comes into d block and attempts to take command of all of the security?: I would explain to them that they cannot do that while a commanding officer is present and report their behavior to their low command for possible further discipline. 14. Explain the process of promoting a corporal to sergeant in your own words: 1. Give them the NCO guild, generally I give this to them as CPL as well 2. Be sure they know how to make binds for gmod 3. Explain they can now call protocols on a defcon 3 4. Ensure they have a forums account 5. Make them aware they can tryout for wardens 6. Explain the process of giving enlisted to researchers 7. Ensure they are aware they can leave d-block and allow enlisted to do so, but not to abuse this power 8. Explain to them they can now train other Gensec, explain to them this makes their jobs easier if they train, make them aware that personally I look for trainers to promote further. Make them aware it is in no way required for NCO's but they will need to be one in order to be command. 9. Have them request tags on the discord 10. Let them know that they can suggest enlisted be promoted 11. Explain they now have a 3-day cooldown for promotions unlike before 12. Be sure they have been trained for riot-control, if sub-branch promos are lowered also ask them if they want to be a sniper
  15. -SUPPORT, you've been removed/demoted from every branch I am surprised you haven't been perm banned honestly. Clean up your act and I would be more then happy to support this.
  16. ZJ

    ZJ's Warn appeal

    Your In-game Name: ZJ Your SteamID: STEAM_0:1:39508321 The admin's name in-game: Starstep What warning did you receive: Going over the blue line as Apprentice. FailRP When did you receive this warning: October 5th Please give a description of the situation that led to the warning: I was super new to the sever got to level 15 and was super excited to start cleaning the facility, ran over the blue line maybe a tiny bit because I wanted to clean bodies off the floor and thought I was helping out. Since in the description it said I could roam freely I thought at the time it would be okay. Why do you think this warn was false: I don't totally think it was false, I just think that since I was new to the server could have been my 2nd day, I don't think I should have been warned for that. Seems like people usually get a verbal for this type of thing. I was just trying to honestly be helpful and not mingy in anyway. I got told by the security member that cuffed me after I went over that I would stop before he called the sit as well. Evidence the warning is false: This was the initial reason I thought it was okay to cross the line to begin with.
  17. This report fails to mention that Garlic already determined this not to be a "teaming" case. I heard the gunshots and was not in the area at the time. When I approached to see what was happening I was damaged by the MTF's gunfire. After I was damaged by several shots I killed the source of the gunshots as 939. I would have not charged at the MTF if had not been shot at several times. In my opinion since the MTF began to damage another SCP they have entered combat with that SCP as well.
  18. except they don't, leading to constant staff sits. Also this is about the intersection not d-block itself.
  19. What are you suggesting? - That during a partial lockdown of d-block passive "safe" SCP's not be allowed to clog up the intersection. How would this change better the server? - It would allow more movement and ability for security to group up outside d-block without having SCP's in their way while they try and retake it. Are there any disadvantages of making this change to the server? If so, explain. - SCP's might have to walk around during a partial through medbay. Who would this change mostly benefit? - Security and the foundation in general. Foundation are already not allowed in d-block during a partial, especially researchers know not to even try and come to d-block during a partial. It is dangerous for them to be in the area to begin with. I don't mind the ones already allowed in d-block being in there during a partial, just not in the intersection since it is a small area and the stand off point for security once we have lost it.
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