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Everything posted by Pills

  1. Pills

    Tost's Warn

    -Support No evidence
  2. +Support for this ^ +Support for eveything besides teleporting through ceilings as he cannot jump (He is called "The Old Man" for a reason) or make a portal to walk through on air He did not suggestion to TP through open space unless you mean the ceiling thing.
  3. Pills

    SCP 323 - Denied

    +Support to make it more like the lore and so people like this Idea more. Why not give it like a "Permanent Thermal Vision" due to its ability to see so well and give it a much more powerful zombie claws as 323 is very strong in the lore.
  4. +/-Support +Support for nerfing amount of health healed -Support for everything else
  5. -Support I don't feel like this is fair and will cause more metagame then good.
  6. -Support Don't really see a need for a change and where would they go in the F4 menu anyways? Edit: How would they know what the command is?
  7. -Support I like how the cloaking units are right now
  8. -Support Being command/senior enlisted in 3 branches wouldn't be easy, you would need to spend tons of time on the server.
  9. -Support You should try talking to HCMD/SA before posting something like this. I also just do not like the change
  10. +Support if the swep can be implemented, I say go for it
  11. +Support We will need to change some places and change the lighting but looks good!
  12. You don't need to know the SCP stuff which is like half of it and some of the stuff in it may not apply to you. Like you don't need to know the rules about when MTF raid CI base if you only play research. Even if you do need to know all of that, you can just recall it later/check the rules before you do it.
  13. +/- Support +Support for Banned/Blacklisted member part I mean they literally can't play so it isn't fair to those who are on the CC -Support for resigned/people the left Resigned people still come back sometimes and play their CC which would be unfair to them.
  14. There is this and I couldn't find the other one (I remember the other report on this) and I am pretty sure the conclusion was that is that it could not be fixed.
  15. +Support All of the evidence is right there!! -Support
  16. You say "shouldn't" but they do because there are no rules against listed in the MOTD, how are new players supposed to know this? +Support
  17. +Support admin said that the rule was not broken
  18. +Support I feel like there will be scenarios where this creates issues but if you have a clipping software ready, there is no downsides.
  19. What are you suggesting? - 1. In the "General Rules" section it goes 1, 2, 3, and on until 8 then it repeats starting at 1, 2, 3 again. 2. In the "General Rules" section (The second time rule 8 occurs) rule 16 states I am suggesting to add another part to this rule saying "Check your binds in console and make sure your binds do not violate this rule. You can do so by typing 'key_listboundkeys'" How would this change better the server? - Help members pin point the exact rule number. Would help new players check their binds and not get banned for a "misinput" Are there any disadvantages of making this change to the server? If so, explain. - Who would this change mostly benefit? - New players Please link any workshop content, screenshots, or anything that you think may be helpful to those who view this suggestion - There is two suggestions but I figured that the first one was a bit small so I combined them into one post.
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