What is your ingame name?:
What is your SteamID:
What is your rank on the Naval Roster?:
What specialty are you applying for?:
What Naval HC (Admiral +) gave you permission to apply?:
What can you do to improve the branch you will be responsible for?
As an Aviation Officer, I have a few ways I would try to improve SF. First and foremost, hosting tryouts and ensuring tryouts are being hosted. I Can help host Simulations for SF, keeping them entertained and enjoying being within the Regiment, while also gaining the trust of SF Members. Also with my Past Experiences with being High Command, from being past command in STs, Shock, Havoc & Inquisitorious I would be able to give the right advice to help anyone who has any issues or would like to host a training or Simulation but needs help.
Why should you be trusted with this position?:
I am Past High Command & Past Command, I Have helped many command members in Inquisitorius training them and teaching them how to become a good Command members. I Would Hope I would be trusted by SF Command, such as Korea, Manjini & Steeley, knowing them from past Experiences from doing Training or SIM's, or just regularly talking to them.
Why do you want this rank?:
I Would Like to become the rank of Aviation Officer since I've been Gunnery, Medical & the Old Engineering Officer, with these past Experiences I would like try AO, as SF seems like a very fun regiment and I Would be glad to help them, by doing training, Simulations & Tryouts.
Do you understand that if you receive a strike you will be stripped of this rank?:
What is your purpose within your assigned branch?:
Aviation's Officer job is to be in charge of SF battalion since they defend the airspace of our ISD. Aviation also remains on top of who enters and leaves the ship. Also making sure Officer and NCOs are holding tryouts, training, as well as me & the other AO's.