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Everything posted by Jaeger.

  1. + Support + Active + Dedicated + Great Person + Trust Worthy + Lots of Experience + Good Application - Welsh Would make a great Command Member
  2. + Support + RG Always needed another Sub-branch other than Shadow Guard + Gives people more of a reason to join RG
  3. + Support + Great Guy + Performs well + Trustworthy + Active
  4. + Support + Has done a lot within the Community + Great Staff member + Has A lot of Experience
  5. You Red, Joslin and Name where some best command and will be in Royal Guard Command, RIP Royal Guard time let it die again @ZabuzaYou better apply for Vice Sov stop that happening. Red you were one my close friends in RG from that command team and that keep it like that, If you ever want play some games hit me up!
  6. +Support + With the screenshot I provided, I contacted Rice several times that there was an individual Alt Accounting, I told him 4 times and he only stopped ignoring me when I did it in Admin chat, and not in PMs + Rice has leaked MULTIPLE things that he should not of. He leaked both SMT and HC information, he did leak to me that Gold Roger was getting VCMDR, I reported this quickly to Bop and Nimo. + Rice Would constantly Spawn in Entity's to harm other players he did this as a SA proving that he never learnt and continued to abuse his powers and shown by these Clips. + Rice would abuse his powers multiple times, a lot on me as well, it made me not want to be on the server when he was on. Though I had a few reason as to why I resigned, one of the main reasons for my resignation is that someone like him is in the position of SMT.
  7. - Support - I Just banned you for ALTing since you decided come on an ALT
  8. - Support - Mass Minge - DNT from Two regiments - Got banned not to long ago
  9. Bro Speaking facts - Support - With the Mikey Situation you can clearly see it is a Joke - Mikey was Removed due to Cher incompetence, Mass Inactivity and Failure to perform his job and was Removed by Hotshot himself during the time I Was Grand Inquisitor. This has nothing due with Sawick and Luci - Seems like your Which Hunting ngl Funny facts that is true
  10. This isn't really a thing for the forums I Suggest contacting an Admiral or Your Current Naval High Command Overseer
  11. - Support - You are Unable to appeal warns from that long ago - You just got warned for False Demoting what was vailed - Now 23 Warns of today as you got warned for ARDM Too - That's your fault for not learning off you're old warns You can not appeal warns that have passed around 3 months+
  12. - Support - Was Literally just mass minging last time on the server. ( 1 hour ago) - Advertainment another community last time he was in the server.
  13. - Support - Never stated what you did wrong - It legit you just saying sorry
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