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Everything posted by DeletedUser12345

  1. Name: Sprink Warden Name (If applicable): Nero Rank: LTCOL Date (MM/DD): 3/26 Date you will return (MM/DD): 4/2 Previous LOA (If applicable): Idk like a month or two ago. Reason (can be private): My LOA is for a lot of different things. First of all I am spending time with a lot of my close friends. Next of course I just started a new quarter in school so I need to study and work hard.
  2. Can we have a link to this mod? Maybe you should have followed the format.
  3. I do not believe that is possible with the new Keycard system
  4. Dude it’s really sad to see you go but, everyone has there time. Thanks for being such a great Nu7 commander and DoTF. Also bring I wish you were allowed to bring Wardens on raids cuz that was fun af.
  5. Name: Sprink Rank: LTCOL SteamID(Ex: STEAM_0:1:174348602): STEAM_0:1:433844802 Current Sub-Branches your in: FTO , Jugg, Sniper, Riot control, and Wardens. Why should you retain your rank (Command ONLY | 150+ words): I believe I should retain my rank for an influx of reasons such has I am active on the server, I help keep all of Security in order and in check, and I keep the FTO branch alive and in good shape. Not only does my HFTO position show my leadership skills and responsibility but, I also enjoy being one and I love the program as a whole. I also make sure to help out other command members with all sorts of things such as PT's, off-meetings, and just general everyday questions. Yes, I might not be the perfect model command member but, I try my best to do my duties and lead Security as a whole to a better place. Not only do I like my position I love Security as a whole and it is my main branch and always will be. I have been here in Security for over a year now and I would not like to stop now. Any Notes, Questions, or Concerns?: Mind is loyal to CI, Jack S does meth, and Sixx is hiding D Class in his office. Besides that, nothing else.
  6. Have fun with daylight savings nerd. No sleep for you.
  7. So this whole branch was a joke?
  8. Not exactly. We were supposed to be friendly until the Wardens said we weren't real Security In front of all the other security in the intersection so it was our goal to kill them. Yes, I know I should not have flown away and phys gunned Noah away but, when Warmercarp was talking to me in admin chat I thought Warmer took the sit and then closed it after he was done. In my mindset I thought Noah was just trying to come over to me and try to do something in the middle of me explaining the 2nd part of the event to everyone. I honestly misunderstood what was happening while trying to think about my event and trying to get everyone situated that I didn't understand.
  9. Alright my side of the story. So to explain why I had an event that was supposedly "RDM'ing" GenSec. The event I was doing was a GOI raid which when I started it and tp'd everyone it was only Condition Orange so I was allowed to start it. Now for the event I only wanted to kill the Wardens first then kill the Security but, It didn't go exactly to plan. Either way though none of that is against the ET SOP. Second of all the part with the staff sit. At first I thought Warmercarp took the sit as he talked to me in staff chat and explained there was a Security PT to which I forgot about. So when I got tp'd I was still in the middle of talking to my event participants and explaining what happened and I had no one to take over it so, I flew over to them to say just wait and be calm for a minute. Then when that was done Me and Noah went over to the sit and I said that this was clearly not RDM as it was a GOI event. Jameshi then said well I do not think you should have done it. In the end yes I know I should not have flown away but, the reason I did was because this sit was clearly false. I told everyone multiple times and told Jameshi that this was a GOI event and had been planned hours before. Finally to sum it all up this sit was completely false in the first place. Its not RDM to kill you in a GOI raid. The even was a GOI raid. Second none of us even went into d-block and so it was perfectly fine to kill everyone there.
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