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Everything posted by DeletedUser12345

  1. What do you want me to say Hoovy said it all. I messaged him because I was upset. If you didn't know he was the one who told me to pretty much kill myself. I regret saying that but, of course he screenshotted it so I couldn't take back my words.
  2. Love you bb will be missed also lets play phasmaphobia tonight
  3. Ape, I will never forget the fond memory's in Security that you made me have. Not only do I remember that one time where you were screaming "GET OUT OF WAY" while killing Security during a nuke (Turns out it was a false nuke) but, there is so many more that shaped Security to this day. I appreciate when you gave me CPL, SGT, and SFT. Thanks Ape for everything you have done for me and the rest of Security.
  4. Name: Sprink Warden Name (If applicable): Octavian Rank: LTCOL/EWD/HFTO Date (MM/DD): 9/2 Date you will return (MM/DD): 9/19 Previous LOA (If applicable): 1-2 Months ago Reason (can be private): School has been a lot recently and I have not had time to hop on.
  5. Name: Neddie Rex Rank: SM SteamID(Ex: STEAM_0:1:174348602): STEAM_0:0:104732513 Current Sub-Branches your in: Riot, Sniper, FTO Why should you retain your rank (Command ONLY | 150+ words): Any Notes, Questions, or Concerns?: null
  6. Name: Sprink Rank: LTCOL SteamID(Ex: STEAM_0:1:174348602): STEAM_0:1:433844802 Current Sub-Branches your in: FTO , Jugg, Sniper, Riot control, and Wardens. Why should you retain your rank (Command ONLY | 150+ words): I should retain my rank as LTCOL because I am extremely dedicated to Gensec, I am decently active, and I fulfill my duties to the best ability that I can every day. I would like to stay in Gensec so I can continue to make more friends, command d-block, and let others have fun. Not only do I only pick people to be promoted who I believe would make good command one day but, I don't need/want them to be completely serious like a drill SGT because at the end of the day this is a game. My position as a Senior Command member proves that I am trusted by HCMD and other Command members to assist in managing Security. Finally, not only does my HFTO position show my leadership skills and responsibility but, I also enjoy being one and I love the program as a whole. Not only do I like my position I love Security as a whole and it is my main branch and always will be. Any Notes, Questions, or Concerns?: Mind is loyal to CI, Jack S does meth, and Sixx is hiding D Class in his office. Besides that, nothing else.
  7. -Support You just got the d-class mobster and if you want a sniper just join a custom class.
  8. I personally would even advise branch punishment against the ACM. To my knowledge you can’t make people pay for healing. Like cmon that’s your job.
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