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Everything posted by DeletedUser12345

  1. If you don't want people to minus support the whole thing separate them into different Suggestions to make it easier for people to leave valid opinions.
  2. -Support No more combatant SCPs. Only Stationary objects or something.
  3. smh Tarkov wiped and LOA is instantly posted.
  4. Stated Perfectly (Is Fit for ET but, just got unblacklisted and needs some time)
  5. Name: Sprink Warden Name (If Applicable): Octavian SteamID (If Resigning): STEAM_0:1:433844802 Rank: COL What needs to be updated (Rank, FTO, Wardens, Strikes, Activity, Promotion date, or notes): Activity What is the new entry needed?: Put On LOA From 12/9/21 - 12/25/21
  6. +Support almost every other SCPRP server has these types of SWEPS so I’m sure it can be done.
  7. bruh you were a SGT when I got WO and your mic was shit.
  8. +/- Support Now here me out here I am fine with 912 being removed as a level based SCP but, what if Security could make it a sub branch? Make it a one slot job hand selected like 7101, we could give it a new SWEP possibly around the same HP, but actually give it fare SOP rules. What does everyone think?
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