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Posts posted by Chip&Dail

  1. +Support
    A Highly experienced person in the Community with Years of experience(Together with me 😉 )
    A person that knows the community PERFECTLY, understands how it functions, and is Exceptional when it comes to working with people
    Exceptional when working or anything, be it training, document work, ideas or simply chatting with someone
    This person earned his respect and honor through his years of service, giving a good name to his rank and his name


    Additional Notes:

    Smaug is something who I personally served alongside for years on end, I have seen him grow to a level I have never expected.

    With the amount of effort that he puts in, I would be glad to serve alongside him as Assistant Chief.

    I have only utmost respect for him when it comes to both him on the server, and him personally.

    The ONLY thing that you will need to be sure to do, is learn and understand PD. 

    As much as you already know it, the community changes, and you being in TAC, will require you to turn on a different switch, which is PD.


  2. +Support 

    A very Respectful, Loved and Welcoming Person

    Someone who knows PD and their functionality Exceptionally well

    Great at handling trainings and meetings as Colonel, will be helpful if promoted to assistant chief

    As well rounded person to both be strict and understanding


    Additional Notes:

    Ducky is a highly respected and loved person of this community.

    Due to have a department head position in SWAT, it does limit the workload Ducky can Handle which does not give a great look into Assistance Chief


    Upon receiving this position, the extra work load from SWAT will be no more, and Ducky will have all their time and effort put towards PD

    This is exactly what Ducky knows how to handle Perfectly!


  3. + Support
    A very Friendly Part of the community, very welcoming
    Someone who is great with ideas, and influencing his departments in the best ways possible
    Highly Experienced with Leadership, Communication skills, and Commanding
    Overall a great fit for PG HC

    Extra Points I want to make
    If you do get Assistant Chief, Having this much possitions as you do will get in the way, you will need to focus on 1 thing only, which is PD and assisting you High Command
    I am sure you will do great!
    Something I would personally love to see from you is your ideas, and do not be scared to show them or talk about them
    The server needs people to open up their Ideas, and weclome and assist new players.

    • Like 1
  4. Sorry for much a late reply Brother. I Love serving along side you on the server! As I already told you, you left an enormous impact on the community in PoliceRP. I wish you well in future endeavors and hope to see you return, even stronger and mightier! I salute you, and will miss you LOADS! ❤️ 

  5. Well, this is truly a an impactful day not just fro S.W.A.T. but for the entire server. Az, you are by far one of the greatest people I have got to be friends with on GL, and I wish our legacy lasted more, then it did. We both know each others story very well, and I know the amount of input you gave for S.W.A.T. and for GL. I salute you Brother, and welcome you to the retired gang. Maybe, just Maybe one day we will all come back to show what we are capable of.

    I could keep talking about you infinitely, and would love to. Always waiting for you in DM’s. o7, Lots of love ❤️

    P.S: Still never Lose hope in you 

    • Thanks 1
  6. Hello Everyone! My name is ChipDail! I’ve been in this community for around 5 years, and cannot express how much Gaminglight gave me! 

    Im extremely proud to see this community grow and glad for the memories and friends I have made over the past years! It was surprising to me how a server in a game called Garry’s Mod could give me so much experience, emotions, friends and love! I appreciate every single person that I have met over the years! 

    Gaminglight is one of the longest and memorable stories in my life, but unfortunately every story has an end, and this is the end to my story. Over the last couple months thoughts about leaving got over me, and as much as I would love to stay, there are a multitude of issues why I am leaving, unfortunately today is the sad day when I will be leaving! The worst part about this, is leaving friends behind, as Garry’s Mod is mostly the only way we keep in touch! I want to say a HUGE thank you to the SMT team of Police RP, for putting up with me over the years, and thank you for being you! As Jimmy once said “ChipDail is a Great guy, Just don't make him angry”! Thank you Drippy for being my BIGGEST mentor on gaminglight, from being my Commander to Head Of Staff! I might show up every now and then, but I am not sure if I will fully come back. SWAT has been an entire life for me, growing up, and seeing myself and people around me change. It is really sad leaveing like this, and I hope I fill find the time to show up. ❤️ 

    Of course the Beloved Mentions (If I missed someone out Sorry, there is a TON on people I can mention)

    @Jimmy James Thanks a LOT for all the work you have put into the server, and putting up with me. You are always helpfull and understanding in any situation! ❤️ 

    @Drippy My Biggest Mentor, and Good Friend, A Trustworthy Person! I Can not express how much you have helped me in my growing in SWAT and the server. We went through a Lot together, and seeing you up on the top as HOS os INSANE to me! Will Miss you A LOT! ❤️

    @Mikey Mikey Mikey Mikey! You minecraft clips will always stay with me! 

    @Techy Its been a LONG journey together! We started SWAT Together, but I am the first one to go, "Its Blinky Time!!" Is what I hear 24/7 from you! I trust you will look after SWAT as best of your abilities, and maybe do better than me 😉 . When are we going to play VR? and You owe me 50 Pounds!

    @Soul Its been awesome serving with you Soul! You are a Very cool dude to talk to, and we always had fun on the server! Good Luck in SWAT!

    @Trumpo You are an Awesome friends, and I am extremtly glad we have met! Good luck in SWAT, and Do Well! I am very proud to see you rise this far! Love you Brother ❤️ 

    @Azrael_ Radio Man 2021/2022! Both a very serious and very mingy person, you always know the right path, and you are 2 or even 3 steps ahead! Good Luck, and Don't stop!

    @Myan I know you for a VERY long time, and the amount of effort you have put towards the server as a whole, is highly respectable! I know I can always rely on you, and you will always be open to help and a mutual conversation

    @Ecott Mr Ecott Man! Thank you SO much for the help you gave me, even when starting in DOC! I am sorry for the consistant late messages, but they where worth it. We need to get ARK working someday

    @SolomonSolominge! Suprisingly not as big of a minge compared to Techy and Ice. 

    @Will Big Man! Coffee Man! Picture Man! You name it, too many nicknames. A Great Friend, and you helped me a BUNCH from the first day we met. Of Course building the town in Minecraft! Will Miss you loads!

    @Saint :)Mr Sixx! We have served for a HUGE amount of time side by side, both on PRP and SCPRP. There are loads of stories We could talk about! Highly Respect you, and always look up to you! I hope we meet again some day E-11 Commander Sir! ❤️ I will miss you A LOT! 

    @Kman Kman Brother! Unfortunatley you left the server a lot earlier, and I have missed you ever since. We have gone through a lot together, from crying nights, to laughing nights! You are someone I can really trust and relate to! Hope we will meet soon!

    @Lime King Floopa For EVER! You are one of the funniest and friendly people I have met! I appreciate the help we give each other, and the warm welcome you gave me into FBI! 

    @Behappy Happy Happy happy! You know everything I will say about you, so instead of writing 15 essays, I will say I MISS YOU TOO MUCH! I hope we will spend more time together!

    @SmaugI am extremley Proud of you! You have outdone yourself, and Its great to see how much you have risen. Keep up the good work!

    @Travis Sandman Mr Deputy Warden! Always in my heart! We always got Snap and DMs to chat! You are the first to find out the urgent news!

    @ICE Mr Minge! It felt wierd ever since you self SWAT and GL, it felt different without you, and I wish to get together someday! Miss you loads! 

    Honorable Meantions: @Mathew @Eternity@AmethystRibbon@YDKids @King @Balloon @Tactical@BruceyBoyo @Phil@Chief_@Kitty @Freeze @Nimo
    Love You All! ❤️❤️❤️ 
    SWAT For The Win!!!

    • Sad 1
    • Gaminglight Love 4
  7. +Support

    -Highly Experienced
    -Knows what he is doing
    MJ, will get his job done, when needed and is a experienced command member

    -Activity Lacking
    -Do not see you take initiative as command
    MJ, You need to show yourself more as a command member, rather than a robot who just follows orders. Make sure people know they can trust you as command, listen to you, but also be respectfull. 

  8. +Support
    -Extremley Helpfull

    -Always Gets his Job Done Right!
    I Highly Respect Trumpo, and know he will do a great job, and a PD Colonel

    -Activity Lacking
    Trumpo, you are a INSANE Command member, however, your command activity could be much better, as PD need to see command precense on a daily!


  9. What you want to see? - Personaly I would love to see something like Weed or Meth cooking be returned to the server! I have spoken with multiple people on the server, and a lot agreed it would be cool. As the main example I will give an example of Zero's Addons. 

    Why should we add it? - I know that PoliceRP wants to focus more on crimes outside basing, such as bank, general stores etc. However, sometimes you want to base and make money, but money printing is just too boring, you just sit there and wait. Meth or weed addons require you to do something to make that money, and then sell the product to npc's around the map.

    What are the advantages of having this? - Making limited jobs specifically to do this will ensure there is not too much basing, and only a specific amount of people will be doing this, to ensure there is still major crime happening. Another advantage is that it will encourage more base buidling, and more RP raids from government. 

    Who is it mainly for? - Criminals/Possible new jobs, to make money, even if its a little amount, it would be fun when basing.

    Links to any content - https://www.gmodstore.com/market/view/zero-s-grow-op-weed-script 

    P.S: I know Zero's addons are not the best for big servers like GL, as they could be buggy. These are just the primary examples, and they are the most popular. I just want to try suggest this, if there is a chance. 

  10. On 5/20/2022 at 7:09 PM, Lime King said:

    FBI docs > SCP Docs

    SCP Name: Lime K1ng
    Class: Floppa
    Procedure: Try and Pet, If it dosent work, RUN FOR YOUR LIFE!

    • Laughing 1
  11. -Support
    This was a Planned Bust operation against you. Behappy did the advert, and then gave me eveything back. He helped me contact SWAT. Behappy can confirm it was a planned operation against you, and he was aware I called SWAT. 
    Techy told me he did not mean to start shooting, and there was a lot of shouting in teamspeak, and he admittes he should not have shot. 
    I am sorry for going AFK as I had some connectivity issues, and my PC Restarted itself. 

  12. 11 hours ago, Names said:

    For anyone above mentioning that tunning with a 20 pound shield at the same speed of others being realistic it isnt. A 20 pound flat surface is cumbersome and un aerodynamic and causes drag which is not negligible. Running with a large shield would also be unprobable in the real world due to humans using our arms to balance ourselves against the inertia cauaed by running and jumping. (Think of when you jump how you use your arms to push yourself upwards.)

    Finally in response to chipdail. No real police dont run into ANY situation they go through it slowly and only under favorable conditions and circumstances. Ideally at night with obscured vision and at a slow pace to prevent injury. Running in is not a police tactic and never has been one. Attached below is a link to a video demonstrating how shields are used.


    Not Going to Start Causing Arguments but will state this! Yes, Police take it Slowly BUT, weapons dont take 30 bullets to kill a person, and Maze bases and fading doors are NOT a real thing. You are trying to remove something from tac, then how about we make crim 2 shot to kill instead of 30. You ignored  EVERYTHING in my statement, except for the part with shield pushing. Look at the situation as a whole, not as something you want to change, because you are angry that Gov are doing a better job. 
    We Train for tactical breaching, and have better precision, which is why we do better. If we Restricted Maze bases, and make crim die realistically "2 shot them" then I will Totally Agree to remove shiel pushing. As of right now it is a suggestion to nerf tac, to benefit you, because you cannot kill tac. 

  13. -Support 
    You are talking about "Realism", Then lets make Crim take 2/3 shots to kill like as you mentioned "In Real Life" and Balance it out a bit. Lets give Gov more OP Equipment for Base Rading, as they would have "In Real Life" to Add "Realism"

    Shield Pushing is a tacitic Adapted SPECIFICALLY to this game for tac, in order for it to even be possible to raid bases, as "Maze Bases" and ETC are NOT a thing "In Real Life" 
    You want to add "Realism" to a GAME, which is already as close to reality as possible. Funilly Enough, shild pushing is a tactic IRL. 

    Please understand, you are trying to do this to "Nerf" Gov Jobs, when gov and crim are already balanced out a LOT, but SMT consistently. Its MUCH harder to raid a base then to defend, which is why we have a armor and weapon advantage as stated above (And not always now) 

    Shield Pushing and Rushin should ALWAYS be allowed and it was always a tactic used by gov!

    • Gaminglight Love 1
  14. +Support

    Yes this is a SMT report, however, it does not look intentional, or like mingery. Amethyst has a very clean warn reputation, and giving a verbal warning would be more than enough. Even though it probably looked differently on Mikeys screen, the video proves it was an accident. 

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