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Posts posted by Chip&Dail

  1. ChipDail's Event Team Application

    In-Game Name: ChipDail

    Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:9081632

    ULX Rank (Donator Rank/Staff Rank): Diamond/Admin

    How many hours do you have on the server?: I have 5 Weeks or 840 hours

    What is your general knowledge on the rules?: Exceptional

    How many warns do you have? (No more than 15): 14 https://ibb.co/25QDkFp

    Why do you want to join event team? (150 words+): I have been part of the policeRP Staff team for a while now, and notice how I am always free during the early times. A lot of the event team members try to host early events and occasionally need help, and I want to help them with becoming part of the event team. Adding to that I consider myself a fairly creative person when it comes to events, I like to host RP events with a small backstory. I really want to join the event team and realise all of my events and make the server even more fun. I also want to try and attract more EU players with the hosting of early events. I also have had a huge experience as an event manager in my past and have a huge luggage of events that I can host, I just generally like hosting events and it seems something that makes everyone one else happy. I think that joining the event team was also motivated because of how many of my friends are joining it and max saying "Join Event Team" every staff meeting 😉

    Describe an event you could create (Be specific):

    My Event idea is a RP event and the outcome of the event will impact if my further events will be with the same RP character. 
    BackStory: A crazy Scientist by the name of Dr Vladimir Ruskiman(Could change) is making a dangerous gas somewhere in the suburban area of Rockford. He has assigned himself from 4 to 6 bodyguards to protect and fight back any resistance that has come to stop Dr Vladimir. A Special Force team was called into rockford in order to fight back the crazy scientist and has a group of 5-7 people. Now it is all up to the Special Force team to stop Dr Vladimir, if not... who knows what will happen. 

    Event Consists of 2 Teams:
    Team 1: Crazy Scientist Team 
    1 Heavily armed Scientist- Armed with shotguns (100HP 255 Armour)
    4-6(Depending on the amount of people) Bodyguards Armed with shotguns and AR's (100HP 150 Armour) 

    Team 2: Special Force Team
    5-6(Depending on the amount of people) Special Force RifleMan, Armed with AR's and Shields (Maybe 1 shotgun) (100 HP 150 Armour)
    1 Juggernaut- Armed with shotguns and shields (Maybe Smoke/Flash Grenades) (100HP 255 Armour)  

    Event Procedure:
    This is similar to a TDM. A Suburbs house will be used for this event, teams will both split up and get ready. Team 1 is the Defending team, Team 2 is the attacking team. There will be 2 rounds with a rotate to make everything fair. Team 1 can build small barricades (3-5 Props Maximum, no prop blocking, fading doors etc) and their main objective is the safety of the scientist, no matter how many bodyguards get killed, if the scientist stays alive team 1 wins. Team 2 the pushing team, their main objective is the killing or the surrendering of the scientist. Both Teams must think tactically as they have 1 objective, but completely different fates. If the scientist dies/surrenders twice, his storyline is long gone, but if he dies/surrenders only once his story line will continue in different events. 

    Comment: All Weapon and HP will be balanced out depending of future updates or weapon changes. 

    If accepted, what time(s) are you available to hold events? (Must be in EST timezone)

    Monday - Friday: 11AM u to 4 PM EST (On Friday specifically its from 2/3 PM EST up to 6/7 PM EST)

    Saturday: Anytime Up to 7/8 PM EST
    Sunday: Could vary, typically 2/3 PM EST up to 4/5 PM EST
    Comment: This is all Non Holiday Time.

    Have you read the Event Team Guidelines?

  2. Huge +Support

    I am not going to make a list of good qualitites, because they are all good. Will is one of the most dedicated Gaminglight members. He constantly plays and has fun with people, but at the same time NEVER rejects to help someone. He always helps anyone with any question, he perfectly deals with any hard/confusing situation be it on duty as staff or on duty as PD. Will has been Senior Admin for a VERY long time, and has the experience and knowledge to become a SuperAdmin. 
    In General Will is just a great person that you can always rely on.
    Love Chip ❤️ 

    • Gaminglight Love 1
  3. +/- Support

    -You are Well Known
    -Always try and help when possible
    -A Friendly person who wont even hurt a fly

    -Your Activity has been Lacking Recently
    -Occasionally You have issues with maturity


    In General, Raze is a great person and a great part of the Gaminglight Community. This is just my opinion based on what I have seen. I am going to stay neurtal just because of the -support. 

  4. ChipDail Senior Admin Application

    What is your in-game name?: ChipDail

    What is your steam name?: [GL] ChipDail

    What is your steam ID?: STEAM_0:0:9081632

    Do you have any other experience with staffing?: (If yes, explain)

    Yes, I had experience on being a Manager on a Russian DarkRP Project and had experience in being an Event Manager or a Starwars RP server. (Can Give Names If Needed)

    What date did you start playing on the community? (roughly)

    I Started Playing on GamingLight Back in 2017 so I can not say what date. 

    What date did you make your forums account?

    My Forums Account Has also been made around 2017, but unfortunately something corrupted with it as the login has changed, so this one is pretty new.

    Current rank on server (This is a ULX rank ONLY! Not a RP Rank)? 


    How many warns do you have on the server (Show proof with a screenshot)?

    I have 14 Warns, which were all given to me a while back. https://ibb.co/25QDkFp (If the Link does not work, I can post it differently)

    Have you donated?


    What rank are you applying for?

    Senior Admin

    Are you staff on another community (BE HONEST)?


    Have you read the staff guidelines at? You will be tested on it:

    Yes, Multiple Times.


    MSK (3 Hours Ahead of GMT and 8 hours ahead of EST)

    Permission (Senior Moderator+ need this): 

    I got Permission from Matthew, Eternity,  Jimmy James, Max Holland, Jayden, Mikey
    (P.S: All Admins Got Permission to apply For Senior Admin Regardless of Time)

    Why do you believe that you deserve the rank? (150 Word Minimum)

    I am a widely known member of the gaminglight community, I am a truly cheerful, kind, and a calm person. I consider that I do my best on staff during sits, and I consider that I am a helpful member to the newcomers and also to fellow staff team. I am always there to help and give advice, I love to teach and show new staff members how to handle certain situations and also give them a warm welcome so they feel like they joined one big family. I consider myself a tough working person and this really helps me deal with a lot of situations. As an Admin I respond as soon as possible and handle everything efficiently and with no problems.

    I believe that I deserve the rank of Senior Admin because of the work ethic that I put into staff,  both into sits and mentoring other staff. I find it as my main priority to mentor staff so that they don't get into hard and stressful situations, and I believe that I do that perfectly. I consider that Staff team a big family where everyone can rely on each other. I believe I deserve Senior Admin because of the experience I have which will help me and the staff team even more. 

    I believe that I deserve Senior Admin because of the trust I have from people in the gaminglight community, and this also helps because I am very well know throught the community, I consider the key factor is a Staff Member are: Dedication, Situational, Non-Biased, Calm and Friendly and I have all those factors.

    How would you handle someone that is Mass RDMing and when you bring him/her to an admin sit all they do is curse at you?

    If I would get a sit with a Mass RDMing person I would first TP them to a sit and try speak to them, I would try calming them down and finding out whats going on. If the insulting does not stop I would then proceed to Gag the person for cursing and mention that they are gagged. After that I would try to talk to them again to find out why they are doing that (A lot of the times people tend to explain in text chat) If the person calms down I will give them another chance to speak (Ungaging them).

    If the person continues to curse I would gag them again and proceed with warning. If they did disrespect me I will issues them a Staff Disrespect warning with a MRDM warn. As the person did MRDM I would notify them that they are going to recieve a 5 day ban for what they did and tell them to not do something similar again. I would wish them a good day. 

    17. These questions are only for people applying for Admin/Senior Admin/Super Admin:

     -What would you do if you think a player is an alt account?

    I would proceed to immediately contact SMT so they can handle with their ban

    -What would you do if a player is threating to chargeback? 

    I will first try talking to them and asking what the issue is and why they want to charge back. If the person still is threatening to charge back then I will inform them that they will receive a permanent ban of all GamingLight Servers if they do so. Then I will contact a JMT Member for the Ban to be issued (With Evidence)

    -A family is mass minging and causing issues, how would you stop the family from minging?

    If a Family is mass minging, I would first proceed to !bring the family Higher Ups to me, after that I will try and speak to the Higher Ups in that sir to figure out why they are doing this and if they could stop. If the Higher Ups take it with understanding I will let the continue RP. Further On I would spectate the family to be sure who exactly is doing minging and if it does not stop, I would have to !bring the whole family to me and issue them warnings for the !motd rule they had broken. Then I would speak to the family heads again and if finds out they are the ones encouraging it they will also be warned and told to either disband the family or find another approach to RP. Failure to do so, will result in a NCWS warn and if it still continues Jail/Ban will have to be issued. 

    -How would you deal with a situation you don't know what to/don't know the answer to? (Don't answer with "I know everything!")

    If I ever get into a situation which I do not know how to handle, I would first proceed to ask in admin chat for some help. If I get an answer there I will continue the sit with the information I got and learned from. If I still do not get an answer in the Admin Chat I will ask a JMT member to assist me, but if the reply from JMT takes a while I will do 3 things. I will first send the person to the TeamSpeak support Channel if the question is regarding something from donations/tags etc. Then I would tell the person that I will let them continue RP and when I get an answer I will contact them on Discord (With getting their Discord Tag) Or on the server if they are still online. Then I would say that if my response takes a long time I would advise to make another admin sit for the similar request. 


    • Like 1
  5. +Support


    Super Friendly
    Super Helpfull and calm

    In general "Mr PD Camera Man" Is Ready going to be a great captain. He Is always there to helpout, and awlays there to cheer you up if you are in a bad mood. He knows how to handle a handfull of situations and does in professionally. 

    Good Luck, Love ChipDail ❤️ 

    • Heart-Eyes 1
  6. I agree that he got out of it instantly. I warned him because he had multiple problems for the exact same issue before. If the warns do get appeald I fully understand why. The Reason I warned him is he only jumped out the police car when he was getting shot at. He then proceeded to fearRP from 2 Armed Government officials. After that he sat is his friends car and proceeded to drive away, still fearRPing. By server rules nothing states that u dont have to advert carjack even if you are in the same family. 

    About your  Comment on "Player Targeting" I have not issue with you in RP, I only do what is told in the staff handbook and you getting warned does not mean I am targeting you in any shape of form. 

    In my overall view of the situation the warn should have been (FearRP | Faliure to Advert Carjack), but he still did atempt to steal a government vehicle, and this is not the first time I have witnessed him do it. 

    That fact that you said "Lets say I was typing the carjack, I would have been dead before I finished, yet I would not have gotten warned for that." this does not excuse you to not typing it, by server rule you must and I quote "You must /advert carjack"

    As I said in that moment it did not look to me that you were doing a mistake, you ran from 2 Armed officers and proceeded to steal 2 vehicles, and when you got into the police car, even if you thought it was a civillian car you still did not type /advert Carjack

    This is all I am going to say. I am not going to argue in this disscusion so now it is not up to me.
    Love all ChipDail ❤️ 

    • Gaminglight Love 1
  7. Alright, Just Was the Warn appeal. I was doing RP with a Hostage as UMC and DD are in war. He was not complying with orders and the I fell down the raveene, and once I came back he decided to call 911 Even though he was cuffed and everything was stripped. After that I proceeded to tell him to not do that as it is FailRP. Moving on Police released him even though he did break FailRP and he switched jobs to not walk to spawn even though I wanted to cuff him again to continue the situatuation. As he broke FailRP again after being told not to, he got  warned. (Sorry For my Spelling) 

    This Is all I am going to Say. I am not here to agrue in this disscusion. Now it is not up to me to decide.
    Love all ChipDail ❤️ 

  8. ChipDail Colonel Application


    Rank You are Applying For: Colonel

    In-Game Name: ChipDail

    SteamID: STEAM_0:0:9081632

    Current Rank: Major

    How long have you been in your current rank?: Since November 5th So Around 5/6 Weeks

    What timezone are you in?: MSK (3 Hours Ahead or GMT and 8 Hours Ahead Of EST)

    How many Warns do you have?: 14 Warns

    Permission: Dep. Commissioner Adams

    Why should you be promoted (200 words Minimum): Hello PD! I am applying to Colonel for many reasons, and here they are. Firstly I consider myself an active PD Command Member, but mostly in GMT times, I consider this important as some people can only play on those times and it will make it easier for me to spot those people. Secondly I hold positions in multiple other departments, which will make it easier for me to bring new ideas to PD, and generally be able to see how everyone is doing no matter if I am on the PD job itself. I have a lot of experience with different types of commanding, from tactical situations, to pursuit tactics, and to calm normal PT. I consider it an extremely important skill to be able to command in several different ways, as some people understand differently depending on who they are or what they are dealing with. I consider myself a very well known and friendly part of not only PD but the community in general, and I know how to vary fun and serious pursuits. As COL I will be able to be more active during early times, which means you will see more COL on. Generally I am a very open person and I love helping people in almost any question they have, from how to sit down in a meeting, up to infinite, and even if I do not know an answer I will find it for you and help you as soon as possible. When I first Joined PD command I was a bit shy and lost, but now I understand how big of a family PD is, and how constantly it fills up. I love to see people grow and have loads of people come to me and ask for advice and help, and it always helps. Adding to that, I always help people when they have real life problems, as even though we are in a game people always need some sort of help, and to this minute I have people asking me for help which always help. 

    As PD Colonel I am Sure that I will be able to help as much as I do now, and will learn even more. To this day like all of you I also learn and getting Colonel will give me even more experience and more knowledge in PD.
    Love all ChipDail ❤️

    You agree that disobeying any rules set by High Command will result in an immediate demotion (Yes/No): Yes

    • Gaminglight Love 1
  9. +Support

    -Knows What he Is Doing 

    -Knows how to be serious and calm depending on situations

    -Great RP Role Model

    Even thought I gave a +Support, I would personally want to see you Show more command initiative as a Sergeant Major! Adding to that I would love to see you on a bit more (Not at Night), this could vary depending on time zone. 

    • Like 1
  10. +Support


    -Friendly and Kind

    -Knows what he is doing

    I know Herrman for a while now, and I know that he is capable of upholding the position of Major.  He knows how to both take is seriously and have fun with other people in PD! A Really great person to hand around with and chat about anything. Good Luck

  11. +Support



    -Knows what he is doing

    -Has a lot of command experience

    -Always there to help 

    The fact that Cammy has only 4 weeks is not a major factor that should setback his promotion to Colonel. He knows what to do and how to do it correctly. Adding to that he lives in GMT Time zone which occasionally makes it hard for him to play at peak times. Good Luck Cammy ❤️ /me Kisses Cammy on Cheek 


    • Heart-Eyes 1
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