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Posts posted by Chip&Dail

  1. Catakillers - Ban Request

    Your In-game: ChipDail 


    Your SteamID: STEAM_0:0:9081632


    The player's name in-game: Catakiller KRB


    The player's steam ID (required): STEAM_0:1:53385625


    What did the player do: Threatening Staff and their Steam Account, Threatening to Crash the Server. Said he has Alt accounts. Also Racusn


    Evidence (REQUIRED):



    What do you believe should happen to the player: I believe he should get a Perman Ban and a Possible blacklist if he has alt accounts


    Any extra information: No

  2. Lore Name: ChipDail
    Rank: JR
    SCP: SCP-966

    Question / Idea: What will happen if you put human Blood into SCP-966
    Background Research: SCP-966 is a humanoid creature with gigatic claws and is know to be very Pale. Getting the Blood of SCP-966 would usually end up in a failiure. So the decisioin was to try and pump human blood into SCP-966 and see that happens.
    Hypothesis: My hypothesis was that is could affect the skin where the blood was injected, but on a small and short term scale. 

    Observations (What Happened During Test): During the Test I noticed that human blood had no effect on SCP-966, it only made him more aggresive as he was hurt. At the same time, we tried using sleeping gas in order to try and calm it down, which was also a fail.
    Evidence/Visual Stimuli: 


    Analysis / Conclusion (What Could Of Caused The Results): This test was new information for Containment units, we now know that sleeping gas will not affect SCP-966 what so ever.
    Was Your Hypothesis Correct?: No

    Extra Note: Even tho I am JR I did this test as Dr. Bright with Perms. 

  3. +Support 




    -Knows what he is doing 

    A Small Comment though. You need to Mature a Bit more in some instances.

    I general, Valentino is a Great part of PD and is always there to help. He deserves his promo, but with getting it should improve on some occasions.

  4. +Support 
    Mikey, You are a very Mature, Friendly and a great leader in PD. You are always there to help and you are very understanding.
    I would give your app a big +Support, You have HUGE experience with command and leadership and it will be very great to have a person like that as a PD Major

  5. Lore Name: ChipDail

    Rank: Junior Researcher

    SCP: SCP-500 and SCP-1025

    Question / Idea: I want to find out if SCP 500 can cure/heal the disease that SCP-1025 grants upon the D-Class personel. 

    Background Research:
    SCP-1025 grants diseases that the person read in the book. These diseases can be long term or short term so it all depends on what you read. 
    SCP-500 A pill, that heals you from any sickness, the period in which the pill heals all depens on the sickness and how harsh it is.

    Hypothesis: Depending on what the D-Class personel reads, will determine if SCP-500 will be able to heal him or not.

    Observations (What Happened During Test): 
    For this test I had to get 2 D-Class Personel, to make sure they test can susceed. The first D-Class Read multiple diseases and died. The second D-Class However read about asma, but as said the the D-Class Personel SCP-500 Cured it.

    EDIT: After Waiting D-Class showed no signs of  asma.

    Evidence/Visual Stimuli: I forgot to recond so here is a screen shot of me waiting to see if asma is still there

    Analysis / Conclusion (What Could Of Caused The Results): I only saw that SCP-500 can cure Asma caused by SCP-1025, yet it is still unknown what other diseases could it cure or not.

    Was Your Hypothesis Correct?: Yes

  6. 5 hours ago, Cammy said:

    + Support 
    - Active 

    - Mature 
    -  Knows What hes doing 
    - Great LT 

    Overall I believe Herrman Deserves Captain as he active mature knows what he's doing in most situation and just a great command member that deserves his next rank 

    Good Luck Herrman 


  7. ChipDail Major Application

    Rank You are Applying For: Major

    In-Game Name: ChipDail

    SteamID: STEAM_0:0:9081632

    Current Rank: Captain

    How long have you been in your current rank?: I got Accepted on the 26th September. I have been on Captain for 34 Days

    What timezone are you in?: MSK (Moscow Time Zone) 3 Hours ahead of GMT

    How many Warns do you have?: 16 Warns 

    Permission: I got Permission from Chief Adams 1K57 to Apply for Major

    Why should you be promoted (200 words Minimum): I have been a part of PD and the Server in general for a big amount of time. I consider myself a very balanced and dedicated part of PD, I see that a lot of my actions help others and those actions get spread very well. As a PD Low Command I do everything to teach, command and help as much as my abilities allow. I would say that I have great leadership skills and those skills can and will be applied everywhere they can, commanding does not mean always shouting and threatening, it is helping and working in a team, so people can look up to me and say "Yea, I want to be like him one day". I have great experience not only in PD but also in Tactical departments and other sub departments such as DOC, the experience from other departments can give me great ideas to realise at PD, those could be training, meetings, or just new ways of pursuits/patrols. As PD Low Command I also try to be as Active and my time allows and attends every possible meeting or training, helping everyone in need and spreading news no matter if they are good or bad. I always try and motivate every single person in PD, so even at the most boring times PD will shine bright and have as much fun on their job as they can (Not Breaking rules of course). As a major I will have even more time to spare on every person and have time to help more people be it in public meetings or in a private conversation. I know exactly how to deal with people and how to act depending on what they did and what rank they have, it could be good talks or bad talks, but I never will make a person want to leave because they made a mistake.

    You agree that disobeying any rules set by High Command will result in an immediate demotion (Yes/No): Yes

  8. ChipDail's Support Application

    In-Game Name: ChipDail

    Steam Name: [GL] Chip&Dail

    SteamID: STEAM_0:0:9081632

    Are you a Staff Member Within Gaminglight? Yes, I am a Senior Moderator of PoliceRP

    How often are you on TeamSpeak? I am on teamspeak everyday, I am also getting TS on my phone which means I can be on more often. (Approximately 5 hours when School days 8 hours and more when holidays) 

    Why would you want to join our Support team (Word Count 150+)?

    I am a very well known(On PoliceRP) and an active member of GamingLight, I love helping people and doing it quick and easy. At times teamspeak could be difficult for newcomers and even people who have been using it for a while, and this is where I want to come in as a Support member and help people. I really do not like seeing people sit for a long time in the support waiting room just to get the smallest help possible, especially if it is late in the day. I have the courage to help all in need as it will increase the player counts of the server, and will show how much gaminglight cares about their players and tries it's best to work at the best standards. I want to help simply because I was one of those people who first joined and I remember when I had to go through getting the tags and waiting for support and I want to change that for the better, I want the maximum waiting time of a person in support to be no more than 60 seconds. 

    How do you think you could affect support staff in a positive way?

    I am generally a pretty kind and helping person, I like bringing joy and interest into a conversation yet keeping it professional when working. I do not like shouting at people for doing something wrong, I would rather talk to them and teach them what not to do. At the same time I am generally pretty patient which could help certain Support situations. I live in a time zone 3 hours ahead of GMT so I could be on at time which is very late for most Support members. 

    How would you greet someone that has a problem in one of our support channels?

    I would start by greeting then and introducing myself. Moving on I would talk to them and ask them how I could help them. An example of how I would greet someone:

    "Hello, My name is ChipDail I will be your TeamSpeak Support member today. What could I help you with?" 

    Have you read our rules and do you promise to uphold all those rules to the best of your ability?

    Read and Understood all teamspeak rules and Promise to uphold, follow, and imply all the rules to my best ability  


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