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Posts posted by Chip&Dail

  1. Rank You are Applying For: Captain


    In-Game Name: ChipDail

    SteamID: STEAM_0:0:9081632

    Current Rank: Lieutenant

    How long have you been in your current rank?: Around 1.5/2 Months

    What timezone are you in?: Russian(Moscow) 2 Hours Ahead of EST

    How many Warns do you have?: 14

    Why should you be promoted (150 words Minimum): I consider myself a very dedicated person in PD and I always try my best to put all possible and BEST effort into PD and always making sure it's performance is as great as possible. As a PD LT I always overlook everyone on PD and always take everything that happens into consideration, I always try to help people in all situations possible. BUT at the same time staying a calm and chill person. I am not that type of command who only knows how to shout and cant get a message ahead otherwise, this still means I can be strict in some occasions, but I try to teach people how to solve situations easily and in best interests for themselves. A lot of the community including PD know me and trust me, in my opinion it is as important when being a command when people are not scared or worried to talk to you about anything, and I always listen and answer as best as I can. I want to make sure that everyone in PD is taught correctly, but at the same time have fun being in PD which is extremely important. 

    You agree that disobeying any rules set by High Command will result in an immediate demotion (Yes/No): Yes!

  2. Name: ChipDail

    Rank: SGT and SNR CO

    How Active do you consider yourself to be? (1-10): 5

    How active do you believe others view you to be? (1-10): 6

    If you answered below 6 to either of the above questions, is there a reason for this? Do you still want your position in state?

    I still really want to stay as state, I just could not be as active the past times because of my constant LOA’s. 

  3. HUGE +Support

    Very Friendly Helpful and hard working person. He is always there to do meeting always there to look after everyone and the one who works A LOT. At the same time is very kind and helpful person no matter what! 



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  4. Translation: Go Fuck yourself, Fucking Idiot, Fucked your fucking gay family, Bitch, FUCK!! *Russian Slamming his table* Boom Boom Boom!



  5. Event Name: Get away Trucks
    Event Details / Rules: This event is similar to GTAV Missions. there would be wound 5 to 10 trucks going around city and depending on the amount of cops 2 to 5 of them would have illeagle substances in them such as weed, class 3/4 weaponary, or illeagle supplies. The goal for the Gov is to find the trucks with the illeagle substances before they get to a base. The Gov Can not Randomly traffic stop and have to give info to each other at all times. If the truck sucseeds to escape, Tac and FBI will have to find the hideout of the truck and try to raid it.

    Is the Event mainly for (Gov, Crim or both!) Mainly for Gov and a bit of Crim

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