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Echo Romeo

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Everything posted by Echo Romeo

  1. damn bro really calling me out here huh nah jk it sucks to see you resign, thanks for being so cool
  2. I could ask you the same question...
  3. As much as I hate to do this my time has come. It has been 10 months since I joined SCP-RP, and 1 year since I joined GL. My time here was great, although it had it's downs I still pushed through. Recently, my internet went out and I wasn't able to get on Gmod, Discord, or really anything. I spent time with my family and just generally had fun even without internet and I realized how much I was missing out on, and decided I needed a break from Garry's Mod. I will most likely come back, but I need time, seeing as next school year I am taking on a lot of new responsibilities. It's been fun y'all. Mentions: Zero: You were cool, and I was sad to see you go Alexx: I have known you for a long time now, I remember when we got on SCP-RP, it was my first time actually playing and you helped me out Ash: Trained me for Nu-7 when Forgotti wouldn't "Because it was late for him" (like what a nerd am I right?) Forgoti: Didn't train me for Nu-7 MattO: I remember my first MTF Meeting you got CMDR, and I didn't understand what was happening lol Kindred: You believed in me even when I didn't believe in myself, it sucks you went and got yourself blacklisted Bacon: Promoted me to Private, I remember getting dragged into Nu-7 Command Office and shitting my pants then being told I was promoted Zeus: I only talked to you a handful of times, you seemed pretty cool (then got yourself perma banned) Grank: Erm, got himself banned from the discord (mega cringe) Raven: Chill ex-Military man Woods: Even though I originally disliked you, I overcame that and eventually we became friends (to my knowledge lol) Kyrinian: Same with Woods, but you got yourself banned so um... J0LT: Trained me for CI (originally) also chill (refused stone moment)(also Huey is cooler than Riley) Snowwx: Although I didn't talk to you that much, you are pretty chill FrenchJm: Fun to talk to, wish you didn't resign Niro: Pretty cringe ngl Elu: Bullied me so much omg Rainbow: Originally, when you told me "Yeah so I am giving you a low command rating" I was like umm wtf? Then when I saw the results I was like ohhhhhh, you are chill and I will miss you. Bread: Been with Nu-7 for a long time ngl WantedIdeas: More like UnwantedIdeas HAHA TROLLED nah jk, you were chill Peanuts: Lowkey cringe ngl ALEX 1: Minge Lars: I remember when you were a RCT Ages: Forced me to have my pfp as a furry Dan Warburton: I remember when I randomly ran into you on Police-RP, and we just sat at the bank. FunkMasterJack: My man is honestly kinda Funky Ignis: PD->LT-COL chad Warren Talos: I remember when you joined CI, before that you just got on Donator classes from what I remember Lil Jon: Chill person Saint/Lil Sixx: Sucks that you resigned hope: Didn't really get to know you, played Valorant with you once (or maybe it was twice idk tbh) and yeah Mark Clancy: I swear you follow me onto every server I play on god bro Igneous: Cool dude, actually believed my voice sounds like the 19 dollar fortnite card dude Coltable: Irish man, got SMT before you could get O5 Toaster: What a nerd M8VP: Not bad at Valorant Fizzy: CPT Fizzy enuz: Decontamination 100% (or whatever that bind is) And so many more, thank you for making my experience one to remember, and not one I should forget.
  4. -/+ +Chill dude +Good command -Currently Guardian Apps aren't open -I would suggest applying for Analyst tbh seeing as you are RnD Command +Awesome RnD Dude +Lowkey kinda cracked at Chess ngl
  5. What about Officer though, why is it 200 225 instead of just 225 200 or 225 175 still
  6. the M16 isn't really that good that doesn't make sense... I think both HSU jobs should be just 250 225 like other SF Is that even on the workshop? It doesn't show up for me I personally really enjoy both classes and think they should stay Other than that I guess +Support, I just feel like some of this stuff severely damages Nu-7
  7. That is pretty well known as a CI/ET model, so it would be confused a lot, and it would also make the amount of Models ET can use even smaller, seeing as it is a major model used by ET. I feel like the MP7 is a bit too overpowered. It can gun down an SF with half a mag which is really OP. from my experience with it the model is pretty glitchy, but it might be different on the server Other than those things +Support (Also RIP Blackburn model lol)
  8. although like I said on the other app Guardian is Completely Full
  9. Although unfortunately A-1 Guardian is full
  10. +/- COL in Security Experience Does have a history of being toxic (including towards MTF) I don't really see you that much -MTF A1 Guardian 'Romeo-7'
  11. before that I still barely saw him
  12. +/- Great at PvP Chill dude Good Command Member App is a wee bit short I feel like the "Good Soldier who follows orders" part seems kind of like a joke -MTF A1 Guardian 'Romeo-7'
  13. -/+ Can hold his own in PvP CI Military 1LT, ex Nu-7 Honestly recently I haven't seen you, idk if it's because I don't get on much due to my LOA, but I didn't see you before Application is *rather* short, compared to some other applicants (also you wouldn't ever be told to stay somewhere, we follow our VIP everywhere) -MTF A1 Guardian 'Romeo-7'
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