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Echo Romeo

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Everything posted by Echo Romeo

  1. o7 Eaten, I remember when you joined and I was stuck at CPL forever lmao, then you got CPL and Kindred promoted me you and (i think) Pace.
  2. -Support The Event is bad, and there have been so many CI and Foundation zombie events it's not even funny I have only seen you minge Has little experience on the server Edit: Oh he also advertised his ET app in OOC
  3. uh, who tf is Niro? Anyways, Hi WantedIdeas brother who was in Nu-7 before and was HSU and Command, do you know who Niro is? +Support
  4. idk if he has experience guys
  5. If The 610-2's do their job 610 can cause a nuke
  6. -Support You have been really toxic towards CI I really haven't had any good experiences with you Sorry but I just can't +Support your app when I don't have good experiences with you
  7. I had a heart attack when I saw you got banned +Support
  8. Your in game name: Echo Your Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:39606008 The player's in game name: Rustrap The player's steam ID: STEAM_0:1:586030311 Date and Time This Incident Occurred: 2/6/2021, around 9:09 PM CST, and 9:35 PM CST What did the player do: After talking about being banned, he talked about making making and playing on an alt account, than around 26 minutes later rejoined the TS channel and asked how to get permanently banned then claimed he would do it on an alt account. Evidence: What do you believe should happen to the player: A ban for Alt Account threats Any extra information: (I don't know if this counts) He was recently removed from CI (about 4 days ago)
  9. was a Pretty cool E4 and D4 ngl
  10. frick I just posted this and forgot I already plus supported this... my bad
  11. I remember back when you originally in DT, then you joined IF and I followed. I will miss you Alex, o7
  12. this is so sad alexa play despacito
  13. Name: Echo Rank: SM Call Sign: XB11 Discord#1234: EchoRomeo クールγͺ子ども#4545 Suggestions/Complaints/Concerns/Extra: N/A Do you wish to remain apart of Military?: Yes.
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