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Everything posted by Rito

  1. Rito

    Daniels' Resignation

    just keepin it real with u man
  2. Hey yall, this was pretty much needed at this point, I am just taking up a slot. I thought I could manage my time. But I've got way more stuff to do, may it be pursuing my studies, sports, work or spending time with the one I love. Compared to the years prior, my life is at its peak as of now, and I want to enjoy it to its fullest while I am still young. And that is a very important thing to do, you have to enjoy life to its fullest while you still are young, else you are gonna regret it when your old and unable to do as much as you could before. We only get to live once after all, so better make the most out of it. I've only been on the server for 2 months so I don't really have much people to quote and I can hardly remember talking with a lot of people here so no quote but yall are killing it fr, chaos is a hundred times better than it was a year before and I hope it gets even better by the next year, keep making chaos greater than before! Anyway, you might see me around on Nu-7 (probably not for long too) or on a CC and if you ever wanna chat or anything feel free to do so.
  3. +Support Man's killing it, truly worthy of being a command member
  4. Rito

    ZioRow CI app

    Pending... Please follow the 75+ word requirement, you don't need to make a whole essay on why we should accept you, just try to improvise a little, tell us what your goals are, what you're here for etc, just try to add some meat to the bone I would say. Also this is the archives, we put old stuff and already accepted/denied application requests in here, it's alright because I saw your post but next time, just make sure to post in the right section to avoid your application from being ignored. Also, make sure to download TeamSpeak 3 as you will need it in every branch you join, in case your a bit confused here's a detailed how to download guide: https://docs.google.com/document/d/16dmh4FQpzAb1EL0zJjSrzsCYKkpsrgaVJWnTHLo9Tf4/edit
  5. I did not consistently argue about it, I PMed Goat and we solved the issue together in a respectful way. I asked questions he replied, we did not insult, yell at each other or whatever. Also why would anyone want to cuff an AFK person? Cuffing afk players is not allowed... If you still wanna talk about this matter, feel free to PM me however I will not hold a conversation if all you want to do is argue.
  6. Your In-game Name: Daniels Your SteamID: STEAM_0:1:189118265 The admin's name in-game: Goat What warning did you receive: Auto clicker When did you receive this warning: 8/9/2022 Please give a description of the situation that led to the warning: I was AFKing with an auto clicker on and when I came back, I was stripped and in spawn. I oppened my warn menu to see that I have been warned for autoclicking Why do you think this warn was false: Well it is stated in the MOTD that using an auto clicker is against the rules yes, however it is stated "To gain an unfair advantage" all I used the auto clicker for was to chop wood, you can easily chop it to by typing +attack in the console and it will do the exact same thing, I did not gain any unfair advantage over any player. And yes I would've rather oppened up my console at that moment, but I was tight on time and it wouldn't open for some reason so I chose the easier option oblivious to the fact that this was breaking the rules because as I said earlier, I am not gaining an unfair advantage over anyone, I did not use this for combat or whatever, and it can be easily replicated by any player using the console. Evidence the warning was false: And if this warn appeal gets denied, then it would be lovely to specify the rules of third party programs in the MOTD, as to make it clear for players what is allowed and what not, from my point of view, a player who has only been a staff member for a few weeks a while ago, it is pretty unclear to me wether or not this was forbidden because I read the rule as, do not use an auto clicker for PvP or breaking out of cuffs etc. On the contrary, if this appeal does end up getting accepted, then I would love to know if I auto clickers are allowed for logging or not, that way I will know the next time I have a problem with the console that it is better to just not do anything. I also apologize if there are parts of my appeal that are pretty unclear or phrased weirdly, as english is not my main language, I do consider myself to be quite good at it but I am not perfect. I would like to add as well that if some of you are biased towards me due to my number of warns, all of them except the Auto clicker one are from a year ago, I have gone through many things in my life and I am a completely different person from then. If anything with this post is wrong, or breaks the format or anything, please let me know so I can edit it .
  7. +Support Either allow this weapon on D-Class or buff the contender/winchester, they got done dirty
  8. +Support this man has not yet failed any one into the art of roleplaying
  9. +Support scps aint brainless, plus it would actually add a challenge to rc them
  10. +Support Camo used to be a very good leader back in the days, he deserves his reserves!
  11. Whaaaat, I've mad a sit about this yesterday and the moderator said it wasn't a rule and he even confirmed it with an admin afterwards Yeah, apparently the mines were there for a good 30 minutes, staff didn't issue a warning for meta gaming and told me to make a suggestion about it.. I'm pretty sure you can't have a good reason for explosives infront of gate A for 30 minutes. But apparently this has already been made a rule so I guess this suggestion is already completed.
  12. What are you suggesting? - To forbid people from placing downs slams, mines, or any other kind of traps at the entrance of each Gate for no valid reason, an example of this would be to make sure that future CI raid parties sets off the trap while you do not know in RP that CI will be raiding. How would this change better the server? - Honestly it's just a kinda cheap thing to do, you have to wait 15 minutes between each raid as CI and then when you finally enter you get killed immediately by a trap that could have been placed hours ago. Even for D-Class, finally making it to surface and being killed by a trap, it's just a really cheap thing to do, honestly there are no actual like good reason to it, it just kinda sucks to die to those. So this would pretty much just make playing on jobs against the foundation more enjoyable. Are there any disadvantages of making this change to the server? If so, explain. - Well I guess, that it would make jobs who relies on setting up ambushes and traps less needed. But again, they have multiple other areas and actual uses anywhere else. Who would this change mostly benefit? - Sarkics, CI, D-Class, even MTF when they try to get to surface. It could avoid a lot of Crossfire. Please link any workshop content, screenshots, or anything that you think may be helpful to those who view this suggestion - N/A I also wanted to add that, in the 2 years I've played the server, this is a first to me, so it's not really an urgent issue, but I still wanted to talk about this matter because I really think it's just a cheap thing to do as I've said before. I can imagine multiple arguments if things like that would occur often. By the way, I have asked and confirmed with an admin that this is not considered Metagaming, so before any of you guys ask me to just make a report, this is not considered metagaming.
  13. +Support Bro went through the effort of making a completely new design of 106 and explicated it very clearly and made it very easy to understand, this hard work shouldn't go unnoticed, especially when the results are amazing!
  14. Your Discord ID name (EX: Igneous#3706): Rito#4378 Your Discord ID code (EX: 204661777512923136): 653075018439458846 Which discord server were you banned on? SCP:RP What was the reason for your ban (if you know it)? I don't know, it's been a while and I just decided to claim my reserves, when I tried to accept an invite to join the discord, it wouldn't let me so someone talked with a JMT and told me that I got right click banned. Why do you deserve to be unbanned? Because, I plan to be serious and have a good time on the server while making sure others do as well, I don't know why I got banned, if it was a misclick or on purpose but one thing that I know for sure is that whatever I did that got me banned won't happen again. If there is something wrong with my post, please let me know.
  15. -Support They already naked bruh
  16. +Support E-11 is going to be playable for once lol
  17. +Support I've joined E-11 June 22 last year, and during all those times, roleplaying as E-11 during "Minge hours" the same thing I've noticed is that whenever there is low security or Nu7 numbers. It is nearly if not impossible to prevent SCP breaches or CI from raiding D-Block. Sometimes, you can't grab a D-Class to feed an SCP because there's not any Nu-7 on or it's some lower ranking security that just ignores your call for a D-Class, and then when CI raids, and gets to D-Block, they can last for hours in there without dying. I've seen that happen many times, Ci raiding and low MTF count. And when there's finally people getting on E-11, they can't do anything about the CI in D-Block and keep dying over and over to the point they just get bored out and switch jobs.
  18. Rito

    What about him?

    yeah this man tried to brainwash me by killing me with his damn rocket launcher every time he got on and at some point I even just felt alseep and I saw him with his rocket launcher IN my god damn dreams
  19. Edit your post and use this format if you want your appeal to be reviewed Steam Name:  SteamID: Ingame Name: Ban Length: Admin that Banned you: Reason for Ban: Dispute:
  20. I agree with Dempsy on that one, I believe you lack the maturity (coming from me) for the senior admin position as you used to often run your mouth without thinking back when I was still on the server, I remember my last interaction with you, the day I resigned, I calmly joined the E-11 command emergency meeting and without even having said anything, you told me "Daniels, shut the fuck up". And this is only one of the many things that happened. You also announced that you had Covid-19 and said yourself that your activity was going to be down for a bit, so this really wasn't the right time to apply. -Support
  21. Pretty sure that's him, it just shows that he moved multiple times while shooting him.
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