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Magical Goose Knight

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  1. After reading the comments, I'd like to reply to a few things specifically, make a few things clear. - This is not, an official staff report, as I stated before, I have no ill intent or will towards any of the staff members or members involved, merely just a polite request that next time, don't be so abrupt and rude on situations, and as I explained before, help the player to understand what they did wrong, to improve on future behaviour. -Nowhere have I stated that I wanted any punishment to befall upon parties involved, only for an explanation, as perspective is a lot of things nowadays. -I was only toxic after being met with the toxicity of half the party involved, which was a lot of people, which was rather unfair. -I did what I always do, make a joke before playing properly, which has never receieved any ill attention before. Yes, I revealed E4, by pure accident, as I said, I have half-amnesia due to head trauma, that is on me, but at the same time I couldn't remember stuff like that. My intention wasn't to minge, or annoy or upset anyone, it was purely for the sake of comedy and trying to make people laugh as there's nothing wrong with a little positivity nowadays and yeah, i really handled the situation wrong and that's on me, I'm not asking for sympathy or empathy or any of that touchyfeely stuff, but only for you to understand my point of view and how it came across, I was hotheaded and didn't think clearly, which given the circumstances can be excused, but I doubt anyone would take that on board. As I stated, no ill will, or intention, just to ask for situations to be dealt with a kind manner, instead of abrupt and unnecessary rudeness. Which as I stated, I only gave back what was being given to me. My whole prognosis was for the sit to have been dealt with in a better manner, and handled better than it was, as both parties got quite heated. I do deserve the ban, yes you're right, and that's not what I'm challenging. My main focus here was the way the situation was handled and thats why it got as heated as it did. There was no hate meant in any of this, just purely for situations to be dealt with better. I'll take the job ban/punishment gladly as that was on me, but as I said, the situation could have been dealt with better and things could have not gone this far. Thank you for your time and patience. Have a wonderful evening.
  2. Your In-game: Kermit the Mug Your SteamID: STEAM_0:1:107312198 The admin's name in-game: Bacon and Zeus The admin's steam name (If you know it): Don't have it, sorry :c What did the admin do: I was in game and I logged onto ci heavy and made a joke on open comms and ci comms, like i do every single time i do and I've never had an issue and always made people laugh. When I logged on today I made 2 jokes like I normally do and got instantly demoted for no reason. When I tried to make a sit to ask why I was demoted so I can learn on what I did wrong so I can improve on behaviour to avoid future misunderstandings and situations. When an admin responded to the sit, it was Bacon. He tped to me, said "you deserved to be demoted", and didn't explain anything, why it happened or what i did wrong, then tped away after saying that, when I tried again to make a report to learn what I did wrong, it was instantly closed. From my perspective, it feels like admin abuse since I haven't been told what I've done or anything. The admins are saying I was micspamming when I was on the job for less than 2 minutes which I have proof of, but the admins were saying that I'd been on the job for 10 minutes micspamming down radio, when I tried to ask admins what I did wrong, they left my report open for 5 minutes before Mary took the sit, and assisted me and actually told me what I did wrong. When I tried asking Bacon about it, he ignored me when I simply wanted to know what I did wrong so I can better my behaviour and improve to avoid further situations like this from happening. Evidence of the abusive action(s) (REQUIRED): http://prntscr.com/v2h2u8 http://prntscr.com/v2h3qu http://prntscr.com/v2h440 What do you believe should happen to the admin: I don't want punishment being applied at all, but the way it was dealt with was very harshly, and when I asked for reasons why so I can improve my behaviour, I was getting flamed by other admins in chat, ignored in sits, ignored my admins and would like to suggest maybe taking the time to help the player instead of criticise. All I want really is an apology for the way the situation was handled, and for people to be considerate of others, that's all and dust it under the rug. Again, I don't want any punishment and wish no ill intent. Any extra information: I admit I was in the wrong in the part of accidentally revealing E4, it's the way it was dealt with that felt abrupt and harsh and the aftermath of it which felt very onesided and rude, as I was simplying asking what I did wrong, only to get told "you deserved it" and had an admin teleport away with that. Again, I apologise on my behalf, but I'd like to explain why I didn't realise sooner. I have half-amnesia at the moment from a recent head trauma which put me in a small coma for 3 days, so my processing isn't the best and it's not like I can replace it with an i7 chip either. I forgot all of the rules and that's on me as I should have given myself a refresh but didn't think to do so, that's on me and I apologise for that, I just wanted to come on the server and play, had I'd known it'd involve a situation like this I would have just stayed off. Thank you for taking the time to read this, Remember to look after yourself!
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