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Jack (utility one)

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Everything posted by Jack (utility one)

  1. -support I would wait a few weeks to give it a try. I honestly like the rules making turning a corner actually kinda worth a risk, making people actually GROUP up. If it doesn't work out then it can always be reversed.
  2. He used the wrong steamID that paid. Should be fixed!
  3. ye ye that lookin noice. Also does this officially make me a weeb ooorrrrr....
  4. -support No defense made as well not to mention you have had many chances to not break the rules on SCP's, you have lost all of them and then some.
  5. ok so keypads DO NOT WORK on the door type to the bunks. It REQUIRES a map edit. There is one coming sooner or later so just be patient.
  6. +support Idk if any other stealth op was on if so then meh. Also would like to see boozles side as well, until then gotta go with the evidence.
  7. check now, if it still isn't correct then I'll fix it!
  8. In game name: Jack Your Steam64 ID: 76561198165753695 SteamID that paid: STEAM_0:0:496437054 Name of Deathcard: The Jacks Imgur link to deathcard image: https://imgur.com/wVozx77 Proof of purchase-
  9. this sound more like a warn appeal not a report
  10. -support It's literally impossible to make it where a specific gun/weapon can go through the riot shield. Making this a rule would just be a nightmare to staff, only able to punish people with video evidence. Not to mention people pay real money for it but I do understand how it can be frustrating but you gotta just deal with it.
  11. BRUH HE KICKED ME OUT AND IT WASN'T EVEN ME Also mike you were the one who promoted me to Senior Technician back in the day and you didn't mention that, how dare you
  12. get better you minge Seriously hope you feel better my man. Good luck!
  13. you were a good lad and a grate CI member. Even on the other side I felt how important you were for CI and how you enjoyed it. Hopefully you come back and we can duel it out some more lol.
  14. From all the jacks I bid you farewell. Hopefully you'll get all the gamer girls
  15. +support Although they'll be able to crack it faster, the tower doesn't really do much for D-class.
  16. It was a glitch. The falcon and the riot shield were unable to be held by D-class. Then the D-class Brute was added and those 2 items were now able to be held by D-class and D-class CC's. It's been noted and has been placed on a bug report and is currently being fixed. The warn is valid for breaking rule #10
  17. it's not that he's staff it's you can't defend why this warn should be removed. Take the points people say and make a defense. If you can't then the warn should stay put unless SMT decide otherways.
  18. -support This is a known glitch has been noted by I believe every single SMT member. It has been stated in-game, in discord, as well as forum post. Not the mention it literally says in the description of the riot shield it says "*SCP, Class D, and various other jobs may not have access to this SWEP*" Also I mite add it doesn't need to be stated in the MOTD as it is a known GLITCH. rule 10. Do not intentionally exploit any glitches, nor use third-party programs to gain an unfair advantage. This is a warnable offence.
  19. +support Why not, this looks pretty good.
  20. ACCEPTED! Medical Command has accepted your application. Speak to a HCMD member for your whitelist and the ACM SOP!
  21. DENIED! Medical Command has sadly denied your application. You may reapply in 1 week!
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